Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 110

In fact, Tang Yun doesn't know that jingyichen still has the habit of taking a handkerchief with her. But as soon as she sees the expression of Guan Ning, she knows that jingyichen's habit has not changed.

The corners of her lips were raised.

"This habit of his was formed because of me! At that time, I liked painting, but I always put the paint on my face. Of course, at the beginning, I was not careful. Later, I got it on purpose. Then, ah, he would take out a veil to wipe my face! Oh, think of the past, what a beautiful day

Shangguan Ning desperately told himself, do not be angry, angry you lose, she said is not necessarily the truth, do not believe her.

But the heart can not stop colder and colder.

"Oh, I taught him to draw! Ha ha, he used to draw very bad pictures. Bears can be painted into pigs. There are a lot of his paintings that don't look like bears! But now he is very good at drawing. He likes to sketch me the most. He can make me look like the real thing

Every sentence of Tang Yun is stuck in shangguanning's heart. It's only a moment's effort, and it's already bloody.

She resisted the pain in her heart and calmly told herself that it was the past, it was the past, don't care

However, Tang Yun's next sentence broke her calm shell.

"He doesn't play tennis now, does he? Do you know why? Look at your expression don't know, alas, you are really clever, unexpectedly don't know anything, still think oneself happy marry him, I really overestimate you! I thought you were a strong opponent, but I didn't expect to be cheated by him, just like those silly women before Yichen brother. He didn't care about you at all. You are not my opponent at all. "

Tang Yun's chin was almost lifted to the sky, but she had to put on a look of sigh and regret. It looked very ridiculous.

However, shangguanning didn't think she was ridiculous. She now felt that the funny person was herself.

Tang Yun seemed to want to beat her down once, and said in a slow manner: "brother Yichen plays tennis because of me, and I don't play tennis because of me. Since I disappeared, he has never played tennis again. Well, he is perfect in other places, but it's not good to be too fond of old love. I said to live in the United States, but he didn't agree. He even tried to knock me out and take me back to China just to take care of me anytime, anywhere. "

If Shangguan Ning's reason still exists at the moment, if her heart is not filled with pain, she can hear the loopholes in Tang Yun's words.

Since she has been missing for so long, how can she know that jingyichen has stopped playing tennis since she disappeared?

After her disappearance, she knew almost everything about jingyichen, which was obviously abnormal.

Unfortunately, Shangguan Ning did not find any abnormality in her words.

She is now full of Jing Yichen, and she is eager to see him by her side and tell her that it is not true.

The cup in her hand, I don't know when it fell on the gray carpet, and the water in it spilled on her high-heeled shoes, and she didn't feel it at all.

"Another thing, you don't know. Brother Yichen's people are always mine, and his life is mine. Whatever I ask him to do, he will do anything. Even if I let him die, he will be willing to do it. If you don't believe it, you can call him now

Tang Yun finished this sentence, see Shangguan Ning a dejected look, heart greatly out of breath!

Hum, I Tang Yun's man, no one wants to take away! No one is qualified to marry jingyichen except her!

Shangguanning doesn't know when Tang Yun left. She doesn't even know how to get home.

After the heart ache, it is a numbness, so that the whole person is very tired.

She sat in front of the large French windows in jingyichen's study for a long time. The breeze came in from the window and disordered her short hair.

However, Shangguan Ning himself is a little strange, she did not even a drop of tears.

I don't know whether her heart has become stronger and stronger, or there is a bit of pride and self-confidence in her heart that she will not bow down. She believes that jingyichen has feelings for her and that she will not miss someone this time.

The next day, shangguanning couldn't get up.

She struggled to get up and called Lu Qin to tell him that she was going to ask for leave again today.

Lu Qin said nothing, just let her have a good rest, then hung up the phone.

Shangguan Ning felt very sorry for this strict and serious master. He taught her and cultivated her patiently and meticulously without reservation. However, she was in trouble again and again.

If I had known that, she would not have blown the cold wind for such a long time last night.

She found out the medicine box at home, took a few pills at random, and fell asleep again.

The servants didn't know she was ill, so they didn't dare to disturb her when she was sleeping in her bedroom. They just prepared the food so that she could eat it at any time after she got up.

Jingyichen came back from a business trip in the middle of the night. She thought shangguanning was just asleep and didn't think much about it.When he gently got into the bed to hold people in his arms, he immediately found something wrong with her.

Shangguan Ning was very hot all over and his cheeks were flushed. It was obvious that he had a fever.

She was still wearing the professional dress she had worn at work yesterday, and she didn't even change her pajamas. If it wasn't serious, she would have changed her clothes before going to bed.

Jing Yichen held her in her arms and patted her face gently, calling her: "ah Ning, you wake up, it's me, you wake up!"

Shangguan Ning was dazzled by him. He barely opened his eyes and saw that it was him. He pushed him: "you go away, don't touch me!"

High fever makes her brain become confused, but the pain in her heart is still there. She has not forgotten Tang Yun's words that day.

She has no strength all over her body now. Where can she push jingyichen.

Jing Yichen didn't know why she didn't see her for a few days. She hated herself. But he was so sick that no one knew. If he came back two days later

I can't even think about the consequences.

Despite her weak struggle, he picked her up, went downstairs, stuffed her into the car, and rushed to the hospital as fast as he could.

Fortunately, Mu's hospital is not far from Lijing district. After more than ten minutes, jingyichen appears in the hospital with shangguanning.

Mu Qing happens to be on the night shift tonight. Seeing shangguanning in a coma again and being carried in by jingyichen, he almost thinks that he has lost his sight.

Fortunately, his professional habit is to run to the emergency room immediately when he sees a patient. Therefore, before jingyichen shouts "save people", he quickly enters the role of a doctor. , the fastest update of the webnovel!