Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1108

"How do you know my mobile number?"

Zheng yuluo clothes also did not change, directly into the bed, lip corner with a smile with Jingzhi call.

"I can know anything I want to know! Just a number, this kind of low-level thing can hardly live in me? I am now in possession of huge resources. If I want to know who's information, that is, the skill of drinking water, someone will send it to me! "

I can control the world's arrogant tone, funny Zheng Yu fell suddenly laughing.

"I know, you're good," she said in adoration

Jingzhi is a little proud and a little guilty.

Although he is really strong, he can't win by himself.

But Zheng yuluo's mobile phone number is not really found out by himself. His brother found it earlier, and he secretly wrote it down.

Although he can use the killer organization's intelligence network, but in order to get Zheng yuluo's mobile phone number, it is a bit overkill.

Zheng yuluo doesn't know that Jingzhi got her mobile phone number from Jingrui, and she doesn't care how Jingzhi knows it.

Anyway, Jing zhiken tried to find her mobile phone number, which shows that he cares about her.

She was holding her cell phone and lying in bed chatting with him.

"Where are you? How can I hear you have a car

Jingzhi light way: "in your house downstairs, my car blocked the way, behind the car honked to let me out of the way."

Zheng yuluo was so surprised that he sat up: "are you on my side?"

"Why are you sitting up? Lie down

Zheng yuluo's tone was more and more surprised: "can you see me?"

Regardless of Jing Zhi's order, she got up and ran barefoot to the window. As soon as she looked down, she saw a black car parked at the back door of the villa.

"When did you come? Why don't I know at all? "

Zheng yuluo is a little flustered, afraid that his father will find Jingzhi.

However, more is the surprise and shock Jingzhi brings to her.

She suddenly realized that maybe Jing Zhi cared more about her than she thought.

Even though he has never been in love, Zheng yuluo also knows that this kind of behavior of Jing Zhi can only be done by a boy in love.

She went to junior high school and high school in China. Although she studied in University, she also studied in North America for a period of time.

Many of her female classmates are like this when they are pursued by boys.

No matter how late, the boys will wait under the girls' dormitory building.

Jingzhi sits in the car and sees the slender figure on the second floor window. Finally, he can't help it. He quickly turns over the wall and runs a few steps. After that, he quickly enters Zheng yuluo's room from the window.

The whole process is only one minute fast!

Zheng yuluo was shocked!

This, this, this Why did you come in?

It's not the same as in the movie!

There are always male characters in the movie. They will be waiting outside all the time!

Jingzhi looks at Zheng yuluo's sluggish action of calling. He takes her cell phone directly, hangs up the phone, and presses her to the wall.

"I'll see if you've just been separated from me and you've been fooling around with other men. I'm glad not. If I do, I'll kill people. So, for the sake of other people's safety, you'd better keep a distance of more than 10 meters from all male and female species

Jingzhi doesn't hide his possessive desire. His slender fingers glide over Zheng Yu's ruddy lips, and his throat knot moves. He wants to bite her.

Zheng yuluo finally regained consciousness, but her first reaction was not happy, but extremely panic.

If dad saw her, she would die!

Jingzhi will also be scolded by his father!

Zheng yuluo flustered Jing Zhi to the window: "you go quickly, dad saw trouble! He he he He won't let me fall in love! "

Jingzhi stood there motionless, still against the wall Zheng Yu.

"Who said we were in love?" he asked in a low voice? You want to be my girlfriend

Zheng Yu's face turned red. As soon as she was worried, she accidentally exposed her true feelings in her heart. However, she couldn't care so much at the moment. She couldn't push Jing Zhi, so she could only plead with him:

"can I go to see you in the daytime tomorrow? If dad finds out you're here, he'll be angry. What if he gets angry at you? He's usually very talkative, but when he's angry, he's scary

And Zheng Jing has made it clear that she should stay away from Jingzhi.

If Zheng Jing knew that she was keeping a close relationship with Jingzhi, he would go all out to find Jingzhi in his anger!

Jingzhi hugged Zheng yuluo, smelling the fragrance of her soft hair and her earlobe, he asked vaguely, "do you love me?"

Zheng yuluo's ears are very sensitive, she is soft.

She hugged Jingzhi's waist with a red face and gave a gentle "um" sound.Jingzhi let go of her ears, raised her chin, aimed at her pink lips, and kissed her.

Zheng yuluo's heart is full of him. Where can he refuse?

She even instinctively responded to him, stretching out her tongue and pestering him.

Jingzhi had excellent self-control, but Zheng yuluo was so enthusiastic that he couldn't control himself and wanted to swallow her.

For a long time, he just let go of Zheng yuluo, gasping and scolding: "Zheng yuluo, you will come to the moon later. Don't seduce me! Or I don't mind fighting with blood! "

Zheng yuluo has been completely soft in Jingzhi's arms. Her hair is not only disordered, but also her clothes.

"You seduced me first, you can't depend on me," she said

It's hard to define who seduces whom. Two people are burning firewood. They can't control their hearts when they meet each other.

Jingzhi doesn't argue with Zheng yuluo any more. He puts his chin on Zheng yuluo's neck socket and closes his eyes.

Her back is smooth and delicate, and it feels like silk. Her waist is very thin and soft.

The creator is too eccentric to make her almost perfect.

Young girls, fresh as delicate flowers, seem to pinch at will, can drop out the flower juice.

Jingzhi has some pity on her. She can't help but lighten her movements, for fear of hurting her.

He has a special body, all aspects have been mature, and Zheng yuluo, it seems that she has not fully developed, she is still growing.

For the first time, Jingzhi felt that he seemed to ask her for it too early.

He just hated her and tortured her deliberately because he could not kill her.

But now I find that tormenting her is no different from tormenting herself!

He looked serious: "Zheng yuluo, you are mine! From today on, you are only allowed to like me , the fastest update of the webnovel!