Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1107

Zheng yuluo didn't know Jingzhi was following her. She got out of the taxi, bought clothes, and took a taxi home again.

By the time we got home, it was almost eleven o'clock.

What she told her parents today was to find friends to play with. Her mother was more simple and believed her.

Dad obviously didn't believe it until now.

"Falling down, I can't come back so late. It's not safe outside."

"Zheng yuluo said stiffly:" is occasionally once or twice, I will pay attention to. "

In fact, she is very guilty. She always feels like she is having an affair with Jing Zhi.

She lowered her head, did not dare to look at Zheng Jing, carrying her small bag to go upstairs.

Zheng Jing stopped her.

"Luoluo, where have you been today?"

Zheng yuluo was flustered and said, "I didn't go anywhere, just I'm out for a walk

"With whom?"

"One Friends. "

"Which friend?"

Zheng yuluo suddenly stopped talking. Yes, which friend?

Where does she have any friends!

Her friends stayed on friendship before she was nine years old. Later, she suffered from severe depression, and her school was interrupted for a long time.

When she entered the school again, she changed her character and didn't like to talk to anyone.

Now, she had Lou Ziyi, a friend a few days ago, and now she doesn't even have him.

Zheng Jing sighed deeply, looked at her daughter's back, and stabbed her lie: "did you go to find Jingzhi today?"

Zheng yuluo suddenly turned his head and said in a hurry: "Dad, I went to discuss things with him. I don't want him to make a big fuss and affect your work. But he was beaten very hard indeed. Don't hurt him again! Those who hit him must be severely punished! They don't deserve to be policemen

"I didn't want to hurt him. I'm sure that none of those who started to beat people would be spared. I'll do what I want, and if I'm going to be punished, it's nothing. "

In fact, Zheng Jing has always felt that he is wrong with Jing Zhi. Moreover, he, the director of the police department, is also responsible for the problems in the police department.

"It's my business. Don't worry about anything. Just leave it to Dad. In the future, you still have less contact with Jing Zhi, and you can't get too close to him. The virus in his body is very serious and there is no way to control it. In case you are infected, how can I live with your mother

When Zheng Jing said these words, he was a little harsh.

Because he knows this daughter too well, Zheng yuluo looks much weaker than Zheng Yuwei. Compared with Zheng Yuwei, who is a little boyish, she seems to be a good girl.

However, in fact, Zheng Yuwei is more able to listen to other people's persuasion, but Zheng yuluo's character is somewhat stubborn. What she recognizes is useless for others to say.

For this, Zheng Jing and Zheng Lun don't know how to worry.

Otherwise, their husband and wife would never agree that Zheng Yu would not go to school at a young age and go abroad alone to find Jing Zhi.

Zheng yuluo lowered his head again and said in a low voice: "Dad, it's OK. I'm with him today, and I'm not infected. Isn't it through blood? As long as I don't touch his blood. "

Zheng Jing said sternly, "Luoluo, you must be obedient! Can dad still hurt you? Who can guarantee that he will never get hurt? And he has experienced too much blood. Unlike you, you are from two worlds

Zheng yuluo did not agree with his father's words in his heart, but she did not continue to refute.

She used to be afraid of Jingzhi, but now she is not.

Maybe he is bloody, but he has imperceptible tenderness and care to her.

Isn't she responsible for his blood?

What qualifications does she have to dislike him?

Who stipulates that people from two worlds can't be together?

His world is bloody, her world is sunny, intertwined together, isn't it right?

She got him back and never thought of letting him go again.

"Dad, you've been working hard all day. Go and have a rest. I told Jing Zhi today that he should not make a big deal of it. Don't worry about it! "

Zheng yuluo knew that her father loved her. She felt that she was a little unfilial and worried him all the time.

She has nothing to help but try to avoid the conflict between her father and Jing Zhi.

Zheng Jing listened to his daughter's words, but tightly frowned: "you have a good relationship with him?"

"No No

Zheng yuluo is a little nervous. She is white and confused.

"Luoluo, are you hiding something from dad? Last time we met, he still wanted to revenge on you. Why is he willing to ignore it now? What did you do today? Why don't you wear the clothes you went out of the house? "

There is a father who has been a criminal police officer. It is a very terrible thing. He only needs to guess things through your casual eyes and words!"That dress was soiled by me, so I went to buy another one."

Zheng yuluo's voice was timid, "Dad, don't get me wrong, I I'm here today. "

Zheng Jing didn't understand her daughter's words at first. When she saw Zheng yuluo's face turning red, she realized that her daughter was in a special period today.

He was also a little embarrassed that he thought his daughter was wrong.

"Oh, so Go back to your room and have a rest! If you don't feel comfortable, don't go out and have a good rest at home tomorrow. "

Zheng yuluo was relieved and went upstairs.

She was also forced to say that kind of thing, otherwise she would be asked by Zheng Jing again, and she would not know what she would say.

If dad knew that she and Jingzhi had happened all that should not have happened, Dad would be very angry.

She had just returned to her room when her mobile phone rang in her bag.

Zheng yuluo was originally guilty. When he heard the mobile phone ring, he was immediately shocked.

She quickly took out her mobile phone, but saw that it showed a strange number.

She hesitated for a while, see the mobile phone perseverance has been ringing, or press answer.

Before she spoke, there came Jingzhi's lazy voice.

"Zheng yuluo, a stranger called you, you so casually answered?"

Hearing his voice, Zheng yuluo was afraid and sweet.

She was afraid that her father would know that she was talking to Jingzhi on the phone, but she was extremely eager to hear Jingzhi's voice.

She whispered, "if I don't answer, how do I know if it's you?"

"What if not? Don't you talk to a strange man in the middle of the night behind my back

"But what if it is? If I don't, I may miss you

Jingzhi's lips rose slightly. When did this girl speak so well?

"It's been a long time to answer the phone! Next time I call, you have to answer in three seconds! "

Zheng yuluo couldn't laugh or cry. He was the one who disliked her to answer the phone, and he was the one who refused to answer too slowly!

He is a contradiction. His dual character is a little serious! , the fastest update of the webnovel!