Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1106

Hearing her cry, Jingzhi was in a good mood.

He hugged Zheng Yu and said in a low voice, "OK, don't cry. It's ugly! My nose and tears are all on me. You'll have to take a bath for me

However, Zheng yuluo couldn't stop crying at all. The guilt she had accumulated for eight years broke out all at once at this moment. She wanted to cry to death.

Why didn't she like him when she was a child?

If you like him, maybe he can avoid that kind of disaster!

She likes it too late!

Zheng yuluo cried for half an hour. It was as if she had been robbed of her most beloved thing. She wanted to cry with her.

He patted Zheng yuluo on the back and coaxed her: "if you continue to cry, my brother's hotel will be flooded by you! Okay, I'm fine, aren't I? It's all over! "

Zheng yuluo's two eyes have swollen into peaches. She sobbed and said, "Jingzhi, will I take care of you later?"

Jingzhi wiped her tears, but felt very warm in her heart.

His pain was not in vain, and his beating was worth it.

"You said it yourself. If you can't go back on it, I might want to kill people. I kill people so much that I don't know. Do you want to try it? "

Before doing it, Zheng yuluo would be scared by him.

But now that she knows what kind of person Jingzhi is and that he is not really bad to her, she feels that Jingzhi is just bluffing her.

She said in a voice with a strong nasal voice: "I will not go back, as long as you want."

Jing zhiting was very happy. He got up and ordered a sumptuous dinner. Then he went to the bathroom to take a bath. He didn't ask Zheng yuluo to help him. He almost took a bath with singing.

He looked at Zheng yuluo's underwear hanging in the bathroom and thought of her beautiful body.

Somewhere, there are signs of waking up again. Jingzhi has no choice but to scold himself.

What a shame!

See Zheng yuluo's underpants actually have reaction!

It's not that he hasn't seen a woman before. He's seen everything, black, white, yellow, tall, short, fat and thin. How can he lose his mind when he sees Zheng yuluo?

If the elder brother knew that he was mixed up with Zheng yuluo again, he would not scold him!

Jingzhi laughs foolishly and thinks that it's better to keep it from his brother in advance. He has grown up and can make his own decisions and solve his own problems.

The efficiency of the hotel restaurant is very high. After a while, all the things ordered by Jingzhi are delivered.

He specially asked for ice, so that Zheng Yu could apply his eyes.

Zheng yuluo was originally double eyelids, now they are swollen into a single eyelid!

For the first time, Jingzhi didn't satisfy his appetite first. He just took his eyes off the food, wrapped it with a towel and held Zheng yuluo in his arms.

Zheng yuluo was originally a sensitive girl. She felt the change of Jing Zhi at the first time.

She never thought that one day, Jingzhi would spoil her so much and would pack ice for her to detumescence.

She was moved to tears, but just as her eyes were red, she was scolded by Jingzhi.

"Still crying? If you cry again, you will be blind! I don't care about you. Go home with two peaches

It is said that women are made of water, but Zheng yuluo also loves to cry too much?

The lacrimal gland is so developed, he is really the first time to see!

No wonder it's called "rain falling"!

Her parents had the foresight to name her daughter. They knew that when she grew up, she would lose gold beans every day!

Zheng yuluo didn't dare to cry again. If she went home with swollen eyes, her parents would ask.

She's not good at lying, and dad's a cop, and that's sure to show up.

Fortunately, the ice still works. After more than ten minutes, the situation has improved a lot.

"OK, go to eat, can't apply any more, the ice is too cold, you are in the physiological period, not good for your health."

Zheng yuluo involuntarily showed a sweet smile, he also knew that he cared about her physiological period can not catch cold.

It turned out that he was so careful that she didn't know it before.

Her own clothes were damaged by Jingzhi, so she could only get out of bed with a shirt of Jingzhi.

Seeing her walking around the suite in her own clothes, Jing Zhi has an indescribable feeling. She only feels that the gloom of the past few days has been swept away, and everything is pleasant to see.

Two people sat in the dining room to eat together. Zheng Yu had a small amount of food and was full after eating for a while.

With her chin in her hands, she watched Jingzhi eat.

Jingzhi is very hungry. He eats fast and his actions are not elegant. But he has a good temperament and a very handsome face. His eating appearance is also full of charm.

He glanced at Zheng yuluo. Seeing that she didn't eat, he was dissatisfied and said, "how can you eat so much? No wonder it's so thin. It doesn't feel good! Have some more and fatten up. I'll eat youZheng yuluo felt that he was a little bit of a pig, and could not help but feel a little embarrassed.

But she still obediently picked up chopsticks and ate slowly. Jingzhi ate so delicious that she also had an appetite.

And she knew that she was really thin, even thinner recently.

If you eat more, would you Chest enlargement?

I don't know if she ate too little before, her figure was too thin, and she was far from plump.

She's only 17 years old. She's starting to make up for it now. Should it be time?

Jing Zhi sees Zheng yuluo secretly aiming at his chest. He seems to know what she is thinking. He says calmly: "I like big breasts. You can start to make up for them now. You can have secondary development!"

Zheng yuluo a little angry, men seem to like big chest!

She looked down at her chest again. She drove a pig's hoof into the dish and chewed it fiercely.

She didn't eat much meat. She usually only ate vegetarian food. Now she can't care so much.

The sauced pig's feet made in the hotel are delicious, fragrant but not greasy, tender and delicious. After a while, Zheng yuluo ate it with relish.

Jingzhi and Zheng yuluo lived together for a period of time. In fact, he knew that Zheng yuluo was a vegetarian. Just now he was just teasing her. Zheng yuluo's development is quite good, and he is not the kind of person who pursues big breasts.

I didn't expect Zheng yuluo to mind so much that he would eat pig's feet!

Jingzhi didn't stop her. She'd better be fatter.

After dinner, it is more than ten o'clock in the evening.

Jingzhi wants to leave Zheng Yu in the hotel, but she doesn't agree. She wants to go home.

What's more, she refused to let Jing Zhi send her, so she just took a taxi.

Although Jingzhi agreed, he was not at ease. He drove not far away from the taxi until he saw Zheng Yu go to a shop to buy clothes and change them. He just had no choice but to smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!