Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1103

Zheng yuluo was ready to be rejected by Jingzhi for a long time. She was not discouraged: "shall we go to the car to talk? There are so many people here, and your car is in the way of others. "

She knows Jing Zhi's car and has been taking a taxi with him today.

When Jingzhi and Jingrui were together, Zheng yuluo didn't dare to find him.

Although she is a little afraid of Jingzhi, she is totally afraid of Jingrui.

Jing Rui is really cold to her, but she has warmth in her coldness.

However, this silk warmth, Zheng yuluo doubt is his own illusion.

Because she was despised by Jing Zhi.

"You want to get in my car? Zheng yuluo, you'd better go home and make your spring and autumn dream! Do you think I'll play with a woman just like that idiot Lou Ziyi? You don't deserve it

"It was Lou Ziyi's birthday. I went to help him celebrate his birthday. Many people went there. It was very late. He happened to be on his way home, so he took me back."

Zheng yuluo explained the situation in detail as much as possible, hoping that Jing Zhi would not misunderstand her relationship with Lou Ziyi.

However, her explanation is weak.

Jing Zhicai doesn't believe that it's not greasy to go home alone in the middle of the night!

Why doesn't Lou Ziyi give someone else a present, just one for Zheng yuluo?

Why is it not someone else's, but Lou Ziyi's?

By the way?

Stop by!

He has already checked Lou Ziyi. The Lou family and the Zheng family are completely in two directions. If this can be on the way, pigs can go to heaven!

The more dark she got into the car, the more we could not explain it, the more we thought about it

Jing Zhi's irritability and anger have gradually subsided at the moment.

He took a casual look at Zheng yuluo, who was dressed very beautifully, and his mouth was in a sarcastic arc.

"What are you doing in the car? Seduce me? Take off your clothes and let me do it? "

What he said was too explicit. Zheng yuluo's beautiful face immediately turned red: "don't talk nonsense!"

"I'm talking nonsense? How many times did you look in the mirror before you went out? You used to make up? Wipe so thick powder, mouth also make so red, still hot hair, trace eyebrow. Dressed up like this, you will come out to seduce men. If you don't seduce me, you will seduce others. "

Before, Zheng yuluo never made up.

Because she never wanted to please him.

Now that you want to use him, dress up carefully and let yourself shine.

Even if the "mind" skill has been deserted for eight years, as long as she wants to use it, she still has it at her fingertips!

Jingzhi suddenly wants to see how far Zheng yuluo can use his mind!

He got on the car, but the rear door was opened. Obviously, he agreed to let Zheng Yu fall into the car to talk.

Zheng yuluo couldn't react.

She didn't know why Jing Zhi suddenly changed his mind. He was still criticizing her, and he was still angry.

She's made up. Doesn't he like it?

Who else could she seduce besides him?

Jingzhi talks as usual, the body of thorn has no skin, but Zheng yuluo has been used to it.

He used to speak worse than this, but it turns out that he is just a bad speaker. When he is in bed, even if he suffers from pain, he will not let her suffer for his own enjoyment.

Zheng Yu got into the car, followed Jingzhi all the way, and soon stopped on a remote road.

The silence in the carriage is incomparable, some suppress, let Zheng yuluo a little breathless.

"Jingzhi, can you not make a big fuss about the police station?"

Jingzhi picks eyebrows. He thought that Zheng yuluo should start with their old love and play emotional cards first!

Did not expect to come straight to the theme, this is not in line with the scheming female routine!

He coldly refused: "no! I will certainly make a big noise, and make the most of it

"Can't it be settled in private?"

Zheng yuluo's tone was a little imploring. She was afraid that things would affect her father's reputation and work, and even lose the post of director.

Jingzhi's heart was cold, even her tone was cool: "Zheng yuluo, when I was in the hospital that day, you were very hard-blooded? Isn't it a business tone? I've done you good, and now you're asking for my privacy? "

That day's meeting, it was really bad.

"You misunderstood me. My father and I have no business intention. He has always felt sorry for you. But he was very angry when you said that I was put in prison, so he was so tough. He is just a father who loves his daughter. He has no intention to quarrel with you

"Oh, so your father and daughter are deeply in love, and it's me who is sabotaging. Well, tell me what you want to do in private. "

"I Can I give you money? "

"I'm not short of money. However, if you want to compensate, it depends on your sincerity. How much do you want to pay? "Zheng yuluo uneasy way: "I have a total of 270000, you see OK?"

Jingzhi sneered: "270000? Are you sure you're not kidding?! If I make a big fuss and hire a lawyer to fight a lawsuit, I can get at least ten times the compensation! It turns out that in your heart, I've been beaten to death and imprisoned in an iron cage for a whole night. It's worth so much money

Jing Zhi's anger almost burned his chest!

He turned around and looked at Zheng yuluo, who was sitting in the back row. He roared: "if I was killed by them, you would pay 270000 at most!"

"No, no, no, Jingzhi, don't get me wrong! I don't have any money. I borrowed all these money together. It may not be much for you, but for me, it's a lot of money! I don't work now, I don't have any income! "

Jingzhi still feels ridiculous!

He's worth 270000!

If the elder brother knew, can angry kill Zheng Yu to fall?

Once my brother spent tens of millions to dredge up the relationship in the Research Institute, buying up one researcher after another, just to make them less prick a needle hole in his body! Just to get him an orange!

Is it because my brother is richer than Zheng yuluo?


My brother didn't have any money at that time. Before he inherited the ten million yuan assets of the Jing family, they could not be used!

In order to make him feel better, he has been trying his best to accept the task - killing is the fastest way to make money!

Brother's hands are stained with blood, but it's all for him!

If it wasn't for him, my brother should live a good life in a city!

"Zheng yuluo, go away, and don't let me see you again. Next time I see you, I'll kill you. "

"I'm not going!"

Zheng yuluo's face turned pale, but he refused to get off the bus.

She looked at Jingzhi stubbornly and cried, "if you can make you happy by killing me, you can kill me! Anyway, I'm not as good as dead every day. I think you can't see you every day. If I die, I don't have to suffer from this kind of torture any more! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!