Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1104

Monthly affairs?!

Zheng yuluo immediately came out of Jing Zhihuai and said with wide eyes, "I don't have any!"

"No? Why do you smell bloody? Are you hurt? "

Jingzhi said, and went to take off Zheng yuluo's clothes.

Zheng Yu falls in a hurry, hands embrace chest, do not let him take off.

At the same time, she also noticed a slight pain in her abdomen and a slight heat flow from her body.

Zheng yuluo's face instantly turned into red apple, she really came to the moon!

Is this man a dog nose?!

She didn't know anything about herself!

It's time to count the time. It's just that she's exhausted these two days and completely forgot about the month.

What a shame!

Even in front of his face to the moon!

Zheng Yu wants to find a crack to drill in.

Jing Zhi knew by looking at Zheng yuluo's expression that he was right.

But it seems that Zheng yuluo doesn't know.

He stretched out his finger and flicked it on Zheng yuluo's forehead: "idiot! You can't even remember your physiological period. Are you a pig brain


Zheng Yu cried out in pain and reached out to cover her forehead. Jing Zhi's hands were too heavy. She felt that her skull would be broken!

He had great strength since he was young, and when he grew up, his strength was multiplied. As long as he exerted a little force, she would like to shed tears in pain.

What's so strange about her mouth that she can't remember her physiological period? A lot of girls can't remember.

What's more, her monthly affairs have always been uncertain. Sometimes she comes back one or two days in advance and sometimes a day or two later.

However, since her relationship with Jing Zhi, her monthly affairs have gradually become accurate.

She didn't know whether it was because of the changes in her body hormones or because of Jing Zhi's special body. Anyway, her body seemed to be better than before.

Zheng yuluo lowered his head and did not dare to lift his face. He whispered, "you, you You help me to buy that It's not convenient for me to go down. "

She was worried that her clothes were stained with blood, so it would be disgraceful to get out of the car to buy it.

She can only brave enough to instruct Jing Zhi.

Jingzhi asked, "that one?"

Zheng yuluo's voice was as low as a mosquito: "it is Girls' toiletries. "


Zheng yuluo, ashamed and angry, raised his hand and thumped on his chest.

Is condom a female hygiene product?

Well If we insist on division, it seems that we can barely calculate it.

Jingzhi smiles maliciously. Hearing her flustered low voice, she said faintly: "I can't imagine that you are so eager. Your body is like this, and you still want it. You want, I'll satisfy you! Anyway, I haven't found the right woman recently. I'll make do with you first. "

This person really can put a hat on others, clearly she did not mean that, said as if she was how hungry and thirsty!

"I asked you to buy me tampons. Who told you to buy them That's it

"You look bashful and dissatisfied, and ask me to buy that. I know which one is it? Don't normal people think it's a condom! "

Normal people don't think it's a condom, OK?!

Forget it, he was not a normal person, Zheng yuluo didn't care about him.

As the heat flow increased, she was a little worried: "I'm not feeling well. Please help me buy it quickly!"

"I'm a big man. What's it like to go shopping for that kind of thing? In case someone misunderstands me as a pervert, I will be in trouble. If I don't tell you my own face, I will implicate my brother. I won't go! "

"Then you drive me home."

"It's expensive to ask me to be a driver! It's estimated that you can't afford to go broke with your fortune of 270000! "

Zheng Yu bit his teeth and said, "well, that's it! Don't blame me for your blood! "

She is still sitting on Jing Zhi's lap now. If both of them keep doing this, he will surely suffer.

Jingzhi immediately wanted to take Zheng yuluo down from his legs, but Zheng hugged his neck and refused to move.

"Zheng yuluo, you are more and more brave now, dare to count on me? Believe it or not, you will pay for yourself! "

Believe it. Why not?

She's already paid for herself!

What can I pay for now?

"You forced me, and I don't want to. If you help me, I'll let go. "

Jingzhi thought for a moment and nodded, "OK, I'll buy it for you. You can sit aside."

Zheng yuluo believes it. After sitting aside, she sees that Jingzhi doesn't mean to get off the bus at all. She realizes that she has been cheated!

"You lied to me?"

"I'm just saying that. You are so simple that you believe me so easily."

Zheng yuluo is a little angry. She uses both hands and feet. She immediately climbs on Jingzhi and is bound to put her buttocks on Jingzhi's legs."You belong to a monkey? Climb me like a tree

"Are you going to buy it or not?"

The smell of blood in the air has gradually increased. Although ordinary people can't smell it at all, Jing Zhi has a keen sense of smell. He thinks that Zheng Yu has already shed a lot of blood by now.

Women are really troublesome and really vulnerable.

It's unimaginable for Jing Zhi, who cherishes blood like life, to bleed every month.

He would be angry for days when he was taken a little blood.

He put his hands on Zheng Yu's slender and soft waist, and finally said, "I'll buy it for you. You can sit well. This car is not mine. Don't make it dirty."

He only worries about whether Jingrui's car is dirty, but he doesn't worry about his clothes being soiled by Zheng yuluo.

In other words, he did not dislike her.

Zheng yuluo became a little soft in her heart. She held Jingzhi's neck and was close to him. She said in a soft voice, "you can't cheat me any more."

Jing Rui looked at her tender appearance like water and nodded: "OK, I won't cheat you."

Zheng yuluo released him and sat down beside him again.

Jingzhi didn't cheat her this time. He went back to the driver's seat, drove to find a convenience store, and then went in to buy things.

However, when Jing Zhi went in, he was silly.

He has never been in contact with women's sanitary products. The wide range of sanitary napkins on the shelf makes him a little dizzy!

He didn't care, he carried a lot of them to check out.

The cashier is a little girl with a ponytail. She looks like she is at most 20 years old. She is shocked to see that Jing Zhi has almost swept all the sanitary napkins on the shelf.

"Are you sure you want so much, sir?"

Jingzhi was a little embarrassed. When she asked her, she immediately glared and said in a cold voice, "why don't you sell it?"

"Sell, sell!"

At first, the cashier thought that the man who came in shopping was handsome and crazy, but when he bought so many sanitary napkins, his heart suddenly cooled.

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