Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1102

However, Shu Yin should be shocked, should be incredible, and even ask him to prove it. How could she break up with him!

Jing Rui is very clear that Shu Yin will never break up with him because of the virus in his body!

Virus to others, perhaps very terrible, the average girl may not accept.

But Shuyin is not the same. For her, the virus is just a common thing. She has no aversion at all. She will only work hard to find the virus that is beneficial to the human body and restrain those harmful viruses.

"Besides this, what else?"

At that time, I had to repeat the scene.

"You didn't admit the virus in me?"

"Yes, I'm afraid she's not good for you! People in the research institute are all lunatics. Although Shu Yin seems quite normal, as long as a virus is involved, she may not be able to control her desire to study. "

"So you took hee away from her?"

"I'm afraid that Xi Xi Xi will slip up, so I took her to play in the car. Oh, by the way, Xixi himself has been attacked by the virus, Shu Yin has given her an injection, and now it's OK. "

Jing Rui now understands why Shu Yin left him.

She should feel that she has never been integrated into the three of them. They all know a common secret, and she was immediately rejected after she found out the secret.

Even he himself is hiding this secret, perhaps it is this distrust that makes Shu Yin cold.

But this secret, compared with the shuchengshan incident, is nothing!

Jing Rui closed his eyes and said faintly, "ah Zhi, drive, first send Xi Xi home, and then you will deal with your mess."

"What about you, brother?"

"I'll go and get my woman back!"

Jingzhi and Jingxi suddenly stare at each other. They finally know that they are in trouble!

Jing Zhi asked tentatively, "where has Shu Yin gone?"

"I don't know. The cold wind is following her."

No wonder the cold wind is gone!

"Nothing! It's not normal for girls to play in TV? You coax her, and she will soon be well! "

"No, she broke up with me."

Jingzhi is stupid!

"Oh, brother, I'll take Xi Xi Xi to explain to her! She may have misunderstood it! "

If only it was a misunderstanding!

Unfortunately not.

They were very close to each other, but today's incident directly exposed their estrangement.

Jing Rui can understand Shu Yin's concerns and self-protection, but Jing Zhi can't.

Seeing his brother's cold face and not talking, he said angrily, "some of my usual problems! If she doesn't obey, she will be obedient! Forget it, we don't want her! Brother, I'll find you a prettier one

Jing Rui stares at him: "shut up and drive!"

Jing Zhi drives, but he doesn't shut up.

"Brother, you see, we are brothers indeed! Lovelorn are all lovelorn together. How about going to the bar for a drink tonight? Get drunk! When I wake up, I forget all my unhappiness. Maybe I can have a good one night stand

Jingrui said mercilessly: "you and I are just cousins, and your father and my father are not a mother! Who said I was lovelorn? My girlfriend is just upset. Your girlfriend really doesn't want you

Jingzhi snorts coldly and doesn't want to talk to Jingrui at all!

The mouth is so poisonous that it's not cute at all!

No wonder Shuyin wants to break up with him!

It's better for Xi Xi, though Magic, but know to give him delicious food!

"Hee, I just vomited my bubble gum, you give me another piece!"

Jingxi obediently peels a bubble gum and puts it into Jingzhi's mouth.

Jing Zhimei takes a bite!

And then He felt like he was smoking at once!

What kind of bubble gum is this? It's a concentrated hot pepper powder! It's probably peppered with noodles and mustard!

It's numb, spicy and choking!

Jingzhi's tears burst out: "cough, cough Sister, I don't take you to pit my brother like this

The little girl was reasonable: "if you rob me of bubble gum, you'll take my sister-in-law away! You compensate my sister-in-law! Can't we just tell our sister-in-law the truth? It's you who won't let me say it. Boo hoo, it's all about you, it's all about you! "

Jingxi said at the end, directly burst into tears!

The drama turns so fast that Jingrui and Jingzhi don't react at all!

Jingzhi is also full of tears, but he is spicy. Although the hot pepper bubble gum has been spit out, but his tongue is numb!

Stinky girl, it's clearly that she said something wrong, but also blame him!The bear is not cute at all!

Hum, brother and sister are not cute!

When Jingzhi saw her sister off and her brother off, when she returned to the villa, her guilt still rose.

He knew that he was too mean.

Think about it carefully. Shu Yin is different from those crazy people in the Research Institute.

Although she was also interested in his virus, she never took the initiative to draw his blood.

On the contrary, when she was in the graduate school, she had always protected him from drawing blood countless times.

Jing Zhi doesn't care about the bar and the police station. He gets on the bus again and goes out to find Shu Yin to apologize.

Unfortunately, he didn't know where Shu Yin was. He called to ask about the cold wind. The cold wind refused to tell him. He had to drive aimlessly in the street.

A thin figure came out of the road and stopped in front of his car.

When Jingzhi slammed on the brake, he nearly knocked him off!

Fortunately, he didn't drive very fast today. Fortunately, he was very responsive. Fortunately, his brother gave him a car with excellent performance!

Otherwise, the person in front of the car will never be spared!

Jing Zhi untied his seat belt and got off the bus in a fit of anger and yelled at him:

"Zheng yuluo, are you sick! I'll have to burn paper for you! My car is worth millions. If a drop of blood is splashed and a screw is damaged, can you afford to pay for it? "

Zheng yuluo himself knows that his behavior is very dangerous.

Jing Zhi thinks that he drives very slowly today, compared with before. In fact, he always drives the same way as flying. If he stopped a little slower just now, Zheng yuluo felt that he would say goodbye to the world.

However, if not, Jingzhi would not stop to take care of her.

Zheng yuluo looked at his angry appearance, but he was not angry.

He got angry, at least to prove that he still cared about her.

If he is like Jing Rui, indifferent to her, it will make people despair.

"Jingzhi, I want to talk to you about something."

Jingzhi refused rudely: "I have nothing to talk to you about! Go away , the fastest update of the webnovel!