Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1101

Jing Rui almost thinks that he has heard wrong!

He was born in a rich family, but also outstanding genius, almost omnipotent, proud from childhood to big!

I didn't expect that one day I would be kicked by a woman!

His heart and liver were in pain, gnashing his teeth: "you tell me again?"

"You have heard it."

Shu Yin is clear and light, with a smile on his face all the time, but there is no smile in his eyes.

From top to bottom, from inside to outside, she exudes a kind of shallow sadness.

But this kind of sadness is not because she broke up with him, but because of some other reason that Jing Rui doesn't know.

Jingrui has never been so bent in his life!

He claims to be a genius and always feels that everything in the world is under his control. However, since Shu Yin appeared in his life, his control has failed!

He is good at everything else except falling in love.

Now, his girlfriend wants to break up with him, but the reason is that he has no clue at all!

Jing Rui hates the word "break up" now!

Who invented the word?

It's hard to hear it!

Ignoring Shu Yin's cold eyes, Jing Rui takes a step forward, grabs her wrist and pinches it hard. He asks, "if I let you make trouble, do you really make trouble? When have you been so obedient? "

Pain comes from the wrist, but Shuyin doesn't struggle.

She just looks at Jing Rui quietly, as if to see his heart.

She sighed gently in her heart, so handsome!

Even when angry, they are so handsome and full of charm.

After I've been attracted to him in my life, I can't be attracted to other men in the future.

"Will we be friends again?"

"No way!"

Jing Rui directly and indifferently rejected it!

What a friend!

He will be her man, the only man!

"So cruel?"

"Who are you and me

Shu Yin faint smile: "each other."

She said, just want to get rid of Jing Rui's hand. Jing Rui's eyes are cold: "don't go!"

"Let go. My wrist hurts."

"Cut off this hand if you can! Cut mine, or your own

Of course, Shu Yin can't cut his own hand, nor is he willing to chop Jingrui.

She slowly forward, the whole person close to Jing Rui's body, and then slightly lowered his head and bit on his shoulder.

She slowly forced, teeth bit by bit into his muscles.

Jing Rui understood her meaning instantly!

She's fighting him!

The contest is to bite his skin, touch his blood, or he takes care of her safety, release her hand, let her go!

Because he had told her countless times not to bite his skin, his blood contains a deadly virus.

He can't afford it!

So before Shuyin added more force, he immediately released Shuyin's wrist.

Shuyin loosened her teeth, turned around and left step by step.

He is not willing to let her touch his blood, he cares about her.

However, it also shows that there is something wrong with his blood.

In addition to Jing Zhi's body that kind of strong virus, Shu Yin has not seen the blood that is dead!

This secret, as she never knew it!

Once said, it will inevitably lead to bloody.

Most of the research institutes have been separated for their own interests.

Behind the Institute are several of the most powerful developed countries. Once there is a higher interest, the Institute is likely to restructure in a short period of time.

The secret will stop with her.

Jing Rui looks at Shu Yin gradually away from himself. His heart gets colder and emptier.

She didn't quarrel with him, nor was she willful. She really decided to leave him!

She not only has amazing appearance, but also has strong faith and enough courage. She is strong and resolute, and she will never rely on him.

Jingrui's fist is not enough, not enough!

They did not even have a misunderstanding between them, she left him, feeling fragile to thin than paper!

His initial goal was to achieve Shuyin, even if he knew about Shucheng mountain, he would not be willing to leave him!

Now she doesn't know about it and is leaving.

No, wait. Does she know?

Jing Rui's eyes float to Jing Zhi sitting in the car not far away. Only Jing Zhi knows about this!

Did he slip a word?

Jing Zhi and Jing Xi, sitting in the car, don't know that they have made a big accident again. They forget Shu Yin in a moment, and they are scrambling for snacks.In Jingxi's small bag, there is no book, all are food.

Jingzhi seems to have discovered the new world, regardless of his 10-year-old than Jingxi, grabs bubble gum with an eight year old child.

Wait for him to grab the orange flavor of bubble gum, blow out a big white bubble, just found brother Sen cold eyes.

The big bubble "puff" suddenly burst, and covered Jingzhi's face.

But he didn't care to clean the bubble gum, because he found that Shuyin was gone!

Just now, I was still in love with my brother?

What about the people?

Several helicopters have been under the command of the cold wind, with the medical staff to leave the school, so large playground, only left Jing Rui standing there alone.

Even the cold wind that never leaves Jingrui doesn't know where to go.

Did Shu Yin follow the helicopter?

Jing Zhi's eyes are full of doubts. He opens the door and waves to Jingrui: "brother, come here! We can go home. The school is off today! "

Jingrui walked over and sat in the back of the car and asked coldly, "what did you say to Shuyin?"

"Ah? I didn't say anything

Jingzhi is a little guilty. He takes a peek at his brother from the mirror. Seeing that his face is extremely poor, he becomes more guilty.

"That I just took Xi Xi Xi away from her. She won't be angry because of this? "

Jing Rui frowned: "why do you want to take Xi Xi away from her?"

He suddenly remembered that when he saw Shu Yin just now, she was the only one standing there alone. Jingzhi and Jingxi were in the car!

It's just that he didn't care about this small detail. It turns out that Jingzhi did it on purpose!

It doesn't seem that shuchengshan has leaked out.

Jing Rui breathes a sigh of relief, but turns more angry!

Since it's not about Shucheng mountain, why did Shu Yin leave him?

What's wrong with Jingzhi?!

Jingxi is the first time to see his brother angry, she can't let the second brother carry the black pot for himself.

She murmured with some guilt: "brother, I accidentally said that you and second brother have the same kind of virus, I thought sister Shu Yin knew it!"

Jing Rui didn't plan to keep Shu Yin from telling him about this for a long time. Jingxi said nothing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!