Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 109

Shangguan Ning didn't expect that Tang Yun came every day.

This is the busiest building of Jingsheng group. It is the core of Jingsheng group. Everyone is working hard here. Tang Yun stands there and attracts a lot of attention. Moreover, she can imagine that the employees of Jingsheng group are talking in private these days.

This will seriously interfere with the work of employees, such as Mi Xiaoxiao, such a gossip woman.

She patted Mi Xiaoxiao's hand, showing a faint smile: "well, hurry back to your office to work, she is not robbing your husband, you are in no hurry."

"Don't I worry about you? Are you divorced or not? Did not leave to leave quickly, took the president, saves by so lets the person laugh off big tooth woman disgusting. "

Shangguan Ning didn't have time to argue with her. After a few words with her, he went to the guidance platform.

Instead of talking to Tang Yun, she said directly to Anna, "how come visitors don't come to the reception room. What's it like to stand here?"

Anna is a little stunned. On weekdays, shangguanning is very kind-hearted, but today she is very serious and dignified.

As soon as she turned her mind, she immediately understood the meaning of shangguanning and knew that she wanted Tang Yun to leave the guide Station.

She also can't stand Tang Yun for a long time. She is more diligent than her to stand here to greet the employees of the company every day!

Anna, with her helpless expression, whispered in a voice that Tang Yun could hear: "Shangguan assistant, this Miss Tang refuses to enter the reception room and has to wait here. It's useless for us to persuade her."

Shangguan Ning then turned to Tang Yun and said faintly: "Miss Tang, if you wait for someone else, please wait in our reception room. Jingsheng has always been very polite to treat VIP guests. We will not let people stand at the door, otherwise it will be easy to misunderstand that this is for sales promotion."

Tang Yun's face was flushed by her words, but there were so many employees around Jingsheng. She could not be angered by her words and lose her manners! Well, she's not that gullible.

"Shangguan assistant, I am the fiancee of your president. He asked me to come today. Is that how you talk to me? Be careful that I let my husband deduct your salary

Tang Yun's temperament and appearance are very good, at the moment she deliberately disguised, a bit embarrassed and a little cute, do not know people really may be cheated by her.

Shangguan Ning hears the word "husband", but she is not very upset.

Jing Yichen is her husband. The word "husband" can only be called by her. Tang Yun is uncomfortable when she shouts.

Her heart jingyichen gnashing teeth scolded a hundred times, he provoked peach blossom, also want her to clean up for him, really unreasonable!

Shangguan Ning felt bad, and she would not let Tang Yun feel well.

"I'm very sorry, Miss Tang. I haven't received any instructions from the president, so you can leave."

As she said that, she turned to Anna and said, "call the people from the security department to send Miss Tang away. There is no shortage of salesmen here."

The security department soon came to four tall men, and then, regardless of whether Tang Yun is the fiancee of the president, he directly dragged people forward.

Tang Yun was almost fainted by Shangguan's simple and rude anger!

How could this person be so incompetent that she would be driven out by a few people at random!

But she came every day for several days and finally caught shangguanning. She can't just be driven out!

Seeing that the big security guard was about to touch her, she said quickly, "I want to talk to you, let them go!"

Shangguan Ning waved his hand to stop the security guard's action.

Originally did not want to pay attention to her, but around many people are watching, it is obvious that Tang Yun's arrival seriously interferes with the normal work of the company.

This is jingyichen's family property. She doesn't want to be destroyed by Tang Yun. She nods lightly and then turns around and walks away.

Tang Yun glared at the four big men, then reached out and stroked her long hair. She followed shangguanning with elegant posture.

Entering the reception room, Shangguan Ning poured himself a glass of water, but he didn't pour it to Tang Yun. He just said lightly: "Miss Tang has something to say. Don't waste each other's time."

Before Tang Yun came, she had imagined all kinds of scenes when she met with shangguanning, but she didn't expect that her reaction was so insipid that people felt that she was insignificant in shangguanning's eyes and could not constitute any threat at all.

She was angry with Shangguan Ning's attitude to vomit blood, but she deliberately put on a winning posture, sat down on the sofa and said in a provocative way: "you have been hiding from me a few days ago. It seems that you know me! However, I don't know you. Brother Yichen has never mentioned you in front of me. I'm really sorry. "

"He didn't mention me. How do you know me?" Shangguan asked without expression.

“……” Tang Yun was a little tongue tied for a moment, but she didn't care about the loopholes in her speech. She said with a smile: "do you know why he treats me so well? In the past ten years, he has been looking for me all the time, because I refuse to get close to any woman and say that he has no feelings for me. Do you believe itObviously, her words were so lethal that Shangguan Ning's face turned pale at once, and her calm and calm face gradually disappeared.

Tang Yun saw her reaction in her eyes, and a proud smile appeared on her face.

"If we both fall into the water at the same time, who will he save first? Well, no doubt, he will save me first

Tang Yun said, seems to be very satisfied with the scene, giggle up.

Shangguan Ning did not know why she had such self-confidence. Although she did not believe it, her hand tightly held the cup, which showed that her heart was not calm.

She never asked Jing Yichen why she was so special to Tang Yun.

Because he once said, before the matter is too complex, later he will slowly tell her in detail.

She was waiting for him to tell her everything.

But both of them are usually too busy and have many things to do. This matter has been stranded until now.

"I knew him when I was 16 years old. At that time, he was the prince charming in the eyes of all girls, but he did not give lip service to others, but he was different to me!"

"He has a lot of little habits, and I know all about them."

"Do you know why he always carries a white handkerchief with him?"

When Shangguan Ning heard her words, she suddenly raised her head. Her eyes were cold. Instead of that gentle temperament, she was a little cold.

She remembers jingyichen's habit of taking a handkerchief with her very clearly. He still has this habit now. She used to be very curious about his habit. Because most people, especially men, don't take a handkerchief with them, which makes people feel strange.

In fact, among them, is it related to Tang Yun? , the fastest update of the webnovel!