Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1098

Jingzhi shivered, almost stepped on the gas pedal to run out of the campus!

Virus test?!

Jingzhi looks at a large area of teachers and students outside the window. The whole person is as cold as falling into the ice hole!

The little witch should not take the whole school to do the experiment, right?

What virus?

Shu Yin is cautious by nature, and takes care of Gu Jingxi. She certainly won't give Jingxi virus.

Does Jingxi pour out a new virus himself?

What a kiss!

He finally knew why jingyichen and Jingrui refused to send Jingxi to school!

Jingzhi kills people without any psychological obstacles. However, none of the teachers and students in front of him can move. He has to speak in a good voice and may have to apologize. For him, the psychological barrier is not so big!

It's better to stay in the police station if he knows!

With such a sister, the pressure is great!

Jingzhi is a little thirsty. He swallows his saliva and touches a huge check that Jingrui gave him last night. Finally, he takes Jingxi out of the car and walks towards the headmaster.

The headmaster saw a strange face and didn't know who Jingzhi was from Jingxi, but he let him hold hands and knew that he must be close.

He came forward to hold Jing Zhi's hand and said in tears: "are you the parent of Jingxi? Our whole school teachers and students, at last you look forward to ah! Please help my teachers and children. I kowtow to you

The old headmaster said that he would kneel down and bluff Jingzhi!

Why doesn't the old man play according to the routine!

The little witch is in trouble. Shouldn't the headmaster question the parents?

Why do you have to kneel and kowtow?

Jingzhi is very good at dealing with bad people, but he is a bit in a hurry when he treats good people.

He held the old headmaster firmly and didn't let him kneel down! You are so old, I can't afford such a big gift! "

Jing Zhi seriously suspects that his sister has driven the headmaster crazy. Otherwise, the old man is the head of a school. How can he not even care about his dignity and kneel down to him in front of all the teachers and students and parents!

Jingzhi didn't feel so nervous when he killed for the first time!

He exuded sweat on his forehead, and quickly said: "don't worry, headmaster. I'm Jingxi's second brother. If there's a problem, I'll solve it. My sister is too young to be sensible. Please give a good education to your school!"

The headmaster wanted to say that their school could not educate at all, but the Jing family made it clear that there was no plan to transfer schools. What he said was useless.

Solving problems is the most important thing!

Anyway, the attitude of the Jing family has always been very good. The new second brother of Jingxi doesn't seem to be unreasonable.

"Second brother, please show me. All the teachers and students in our school are poisoned! Classmate Jingxi It's too big. The parents are here today. I'm too stressed to breathe! "

Regardless of his age when he could be king Zhi's grandfather, the old headmaster called out "second brother" and almost choked him to death by his spit!

The old headmaster waved to the teacher behind him, and then several teachers took a few students to the front. With a sad face, they rolled up their sleeves and showed their arms.

Jingzhi looks at it, and he almost doesn't faint!

On the arms of the teachers and students, there are black lines full of terror, which can be seen from the inside out. It's like a martial arts movie in which there is no remedy for being poisoned!

If you look closely, you can see that these faces also have thin black lines, but not as obvious as on the arms.

Jing Zhi stayed in the Research Institute for such a long time. Although he was not as proficient in virus as Shu Yin, he also recognized what kind of virus it was.

The virus is not lethal and does not affect health, but it has a painful effect: hair loss!

Jing Zhi took a look at the large number of students and teachers, and immediately understood why the headmaster would rather not face his face and kneel down for him.

If this virus is not solved in time, hair will be completely lost in the next week!

When the hair is gone, the black line will disappear, and then the hair will grow slowly.

You can imagine that in the future, the school will come in and out of a large number of bald!

So many light bulbs, the school can save electricity!

The bareheaded teacher was lecturing on the platform, and there was a classroom with a small bald head under him. It was so sour that I couldn't think of it!

Jingzhi's ear power is excellent. He has heard the parents behind him crying in a low voice. It seems that his children can't live long!

It is estimated that many people do not know that this virus is not fatal. Seeing the terrible black line on the child, they must think that the child is going to die!

Jingzhi is a little stiff all over. With a smile worse than crying, he blurted his throat and assured everyone: "it's OK. We don't have to be afraid. The virus is not fatal. We'll invite experts to treat them and make sure that it will disappear in two days."The virus can't survive in humans for too long. At most half a month, these black lines will disappear.

But this is easy to cause panic, parents are not virus experts, or early to solve the good!

The old headmaster felt that Jingzhi's voice was like the sounds of nature. Some of his thin hands were shaking all the time, and he was full of hope and asked, "second brother, can this poison be solved? My teachers and children are really OK? "

Jing Zhi said with a firm face: "don't worry about the headmaster. You can make sure everything is OK! You let the children go back to the classroom, I'll contact the experts to detoxify them immediately! The king family will also compensate for the mental trauma caused to the children! "

Before I came, my brother said that I should lose money!

Anyway, it's all his brother's money. Jingzhi doesn't care.

It's so easy to pacify the headmaster and the teacher. When the children return to the classroom, the parents are all arranged by the school into the reception rooms. Jing Zhi takes Jing Xi back to the car and calls his brother for help.

This virus, he knows but can't solve, only Shuyin can!

"Brother, let my sister-in-law come to the rescue! My sister has made a big accident. It's really cloudy here. I can't carry my younger brother! "

Originally, I still called "little tree shade". Today, when I want to use Shuyin, I will call "sister-in-law" directly!

After Shu Yin knew about it, she quickly explained to Jing Rui: "I never taught Xi Xi to refine this virus!"

In case Jing Rui misunderstands her, it will be troublesome for her to take Jingxi askew!

Jingrui smiles helplessly: "it's OK. She's smart. It doesn't matter to you. A simple virus doesn't need to be taught. She can basically extract it by looking at more information. My father also said the day before yesterday that Xi Xi Xi got a lot of bottles and jars at home. It is estimated that he is tossing this

Just don't blame her. Shu Yin is relieved. , the fastest update of the webnovel!