Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1097

Jingyi Chen gas stare: "since you are so cruel, your sister will give it to you! You should have a sense of responsibility when you are a brother. You are responsible for Xi Xi's schooling, love and marriage! "

"I did this. What are you doing?"

"I took your mother around the world."

Father and son's painting style has become too fast, Jing Zhi and Zheng Jing have been stunned.

After hanging up the phone, Jingzhi is still looking at Jingrui with a strange eye. Jingrui asks inexplicably, "what's the matter?"

"Brother, I always thought you and uncle were serious people."

Jing Rui is not happy: "Why are we not serious people?"

"How can you slander Xiao Xi Xi like this! She's so beautiful, lovely and sensible... "

"Well, she'll leave it to you after that! Tomorrow you are responsible for going to the school to pick her up and compensate the school. "

"No, no, no, no, let's forget it! You see, I'm still hurt. It's not convenient to go out! It's easy to disgrace you. I'd better stay at home! "

"It doesn't matter. I'm not afraid that you'll disgrace me. Just go and relax."

He is afraid of losing face in school!

It's better for Jingzhi to do such a disgraceful thing. Anyway, he is thick skinned and doesn't even care about entering the police station. Let Jingzhi bear the gruesome eyes of teachers and parents in the school!

Jing Rui says and goes straight away, leaving Jing Zhi alone stunned there.

Is he going to be with the little witch in the future?

While fighting with police comrades and taking care of children?

Whether Jingzhi is willing or not, the next day he is still packing up a model to go to Lijing District, ready to send Jingxi to school.

Jing Zhi goes up to the 27th floor and knocks on the door.

The person who came to open the door was shangguanning. When she saw Jing Zhi, she was obviously stunned: "ah Zhi? What are you doing here! Come on in, come in

As Jing Zhi walked in, he said with a smile, "Auntie, my brother asked me to send Xi Xi to school."

Jingxi came out of his room with his schoolbag on his back: "second brother, you must have been cheated by my brother! He doesn't want to send me to school, and then he will fool you to go! "

When Jingzhi saw Jingxi's strange little face, he felt his scalp numb.

He was a little weepy, he was not deceived, but forced!

Does Jingxi feel that he is so retarded that he doesn't know that she is always in trouble?

Shangguan Ning pulled her daughter aside to prevent her from making trouble.

"Ah Zhi, can you do it? Didn't you get hurt yesterday? I think you still have a lot of bruises and scars on your face. What about your body? Your brother is really. He told you to send Xi Xi off when he knew you were hurt

Shangguan Ning said, he took Jingzhi's hand and rolled up his sleeve. Seeing that his arm was also scarred, he felt heartbroken.

"You silly child, you won't report the name of Jing family when others beat you! As long as you are surnamed Jing, which city a dares to move you? "

With jingyichen for a long time, Shangguan Ning was also bullied by him.

"Why are these people so heavy handed! Talk to your brother and let him clean up those who bully you

Jingzhi is in full bloom. This is his family!

In order to express his official's joy, he should hold his head down.

Of course, no matter how hard he tried, he didn't kiss.

Because of a big hand, he grabbed his ear hard.

"Stinky boy, this is my daughter-in-law, you stay away from me!"

Jing Zhitong bares his teeth, but he just holds Shangguan and refuses to let go.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw jingyichen's cold face. He wanted to kill him with his eyes.

"My aunt loves me so much. I kiss her. That's just to show my aunt's intimacy! Uncle, you are too stingy

"She doesn't need you to be close. Get out of here! What did you say yesterday that you were hurt badly? You should sleep standing up. How can you be alive today? It seems that I have to tell Zheng Jing that you lied about your injury! "

Jing Zhi curls his mouth and reluctantly releases shangguanning.

Uncle is so unlovable!

If you don't agree, you'll have to report to the director of public security!

He can only hold up little Jingxi, and then demonstrate the same in Jingxi's small face "Bo Bo" two kisses.

If you don't let me kiss your wife, I'll kiss your daughter!

Jingyichen is not happy at all!

Her daughter doesn't want to let Jing Zhiqin, let alone let him hold it!

Jingxi himself also protested: "second brother, you can't kiss me, I am a big girl, looking for a boyfriend!"

Jingzhi is speechless. How old is this girl? Is she going to find a boyfriend?

He pinched Jingxi's small face and seriously said, "it will take you at least ten years to find a boyfriend. Now, we are going to school."

Jingzhi greets Shangguan Ning and ignores jingyichen and goes out with Jingxi.When he got into the car, Jing Xicai asked, "second brother, where is my sister Shu yin? I won't go to school today. I want to play with sister Shuyin! "

"No! You have to go to school! "

Jing Zhi refused. He didn't go to school very much. In the past seven or eight years, he was either experimenting or killing people. He didn't have a stable life.

He hoped that Jingxi could go to school and get in touch with classmates and teachers just like ordinary children. When she grows up, she will not leave regrets.

Anyway, she had him and Jing Rui to protect her. She didn't need to fight at all. She would be a little princess.

Jingxi thought that Jingzhi would be a little easier to talk about, but like Jingrui, he wanted to send her to school.

I'm really worried. Why don't these two brothers understand? Primary school is no longer attractive to her, but university should be more interesting!

"The teacher talks about the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division all day long, what weeding day is in the afternoon, and what ABC's, when I have these things in my mother's stomach, I can do it! I'm going to learn genetic engineering and virus pathology from sister Shu Yin! "

Jingzhi was so happy!

Little girl bragging more and more level!

"No, your sister Shuyin is busy in love. Maybe she will become your sister-in-law in a few days. You can't make trouble!"

Jingxi's eyes brightened: "really? Great

Since she is busy in love, she can't disturb her.

Go to school, Jing Zhi is shocked directly!

Because the school to greet him and Jing Xi is too big!

An old man like a headmaster stood at the front, with several rows of teachers in neat rows behind him, and then there were dense pupils, and behind them there were many silent parents.

Jingzhi didn't dare to get off the bus directly. He asked the indifferent Jingxi in the co driver's seat: "sister, what's the matter with you? Why do they look like they're going to have a memorial service? "

Jingxi fiddled with a string of shell case wind chimes that he made, blinked his eyes and said, "no, I just did a little virus test yesterday. There is no dead man!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!