Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1099

"Then you take me to the hospital. I need a lot of materials to prepare the medicine. This virus has weak vitality and is easy to solve."

Shu Yin didn't even care to change her clothes, so she went out with her bag on her back.

The virus is not fatal, but now the children must have begun to lose their hair, can not delay.

In order to show solemnity, after Shu Yin prepared the medicine, Jing Rui not only took Shuyin to school, but also directly dispatched 100 doctors and nurses from Mu's hospital. All of them did not go by bus, but parachuted to primary school by helicopter.

Shu Yin, wearing a white coat, walked in front of him and looked cool to talk to the headmaster.

She didn't mean to be cold, but to outsiders, and she always was.

The rest of the doctors and nurses followed her in an orderly manner. No one was talking at random. The momentum was not so powerful.

The headmaster originally suspected that Shu Yin could be a virus expert at such a young age, but when she saw her team and heard her professional explanation, all doubts were immediately dispelled.

When he had tried it himself, he saw the black line on his arm disappear miraculously, and finally he cried with joy: "Dr. Shu, you are a great Savior! On behalf of all the teachers and students in our school, I would like to express my most sincere thanks to you! I will ask the school to send you a banner

The old headmaster said and bowed to Shuyin.

Shuyin was shocked and quickly helped him: "this is what I should do!"

It's Jingxi who made trouble, but the old headmaster still wants to send her a banner. Shu Yin feels a bit sorry for him, because after all, Jingxi learned virus refining from her.

The virus was solved smoothly. After an hour, the black lines on the skin of all teachers and students disappeared.

Teachers cry, parents also hold their own children cry, finally do not have to die!

Jingxi didn't understand why they were so scared. She took up her sleeve and ran to the headmaster. She said innocently, "Grandpa, I'm poisoned. I didn't cry. Why did you cry? They all cry bitterly, but they can't die at all

Headmaster touched a tear, a look at Jingxi white delicate small arm is also a large black line, scared legs are soft!

He quickly pulled Jingxi to Shuyin, and his teeth chattered: "doctor Shu, there is another one here! Give her an injection

Shu Yin took Jing Xi's hand: "OK, she gave it to me."

When the headmaster left, Shu Yin slapped Jingxi's little ass with two slaps, and said seriously, "Xi Xi, how can you even keep yourself? Don't do this again! Sit down and I'll give you an injection. "

Shu Yin doesn't hurt at all. Jingxi doesn't care.

Jing Zhi slapped him twice before, but it hurt!

She sat obediently and let Shu Yin give herself an injection.

"It's terrible to be uneducated. It's just a little virus. At most, I lose my hair. How can I cry like this? I want to cry with you!"

Shu Yin shakes her head helplessly. The little girl is sure to make trouble, and she doesn't feel that she is in trouble.

Although she is young, she has good constitution and excellent resistance.

Shu Yin guessed that shangguanning should have taken top-level nutriments when he was pregnant with Jingxi, which improved Jingxi's constitution.

Jingxi himself said before that she never caught a cold.

So the same virus, the rest of the children's black line are relatively heavy, but Jing Xi's is relatively light, and there is no face at all, so Jing Zhi never found out that Jingxi has a problem.

Jing Zhi's head is as big as a fight to pacify her parents. When she comes to Jingxi, she happens to see the black line on her arm that is slowly disappearing.

He was so angry that he could not give Jingxi two slaps: "you are stupid! Even if you take someone else's experiment, how can you even be a test object? "

Jingxi didn't take it seriously. She got up and stood on the small chair and went to pull Jingzhi's sleeve: "eh, second brother, how can you be ok?"

Jingzhi was a little confused: "ah? What can I do for you

"When you kiss me this morning, I also put some virus on you. Why don't you have black line on your arm?"

There is no black line on Jingzhi's arm, but he is full of black lines now!

The original little girl quietly he also pit!

He was still strange, how could Jing Xi be so good today and didn't stretch out his magic claws to him.

It turned out that she had already stretched, but this time she was lucky and didn't hit the mark!

Jingzhi is not afraid of Jingxi playing with virus. Anyway, the virus in his body is the most in the world. He is not afraid of anything!

"Hum, xiaoxixi, you've finally kicked the iron plate! Your second brother, I'm invincible. Don't talk about you. Even Shuyin can't help me! "

Jingxi knows that there is a virus in Jingzhi's body, as well as in Jingrui's body. Her mother also told her not to touch the blood of her two brothers, so as not to cause infection.

But she didn't expect that the virus was so high-end!

"Second brother, second brother, I want this virus too! I want to be invincibleShu Yin's face changed greatly: "no, Xi Xi!"

No one knows more about the toxicity of the virus than she does. A child needs only one night to cause a complete disorder of the body function. There is no remedy at all!

Jingzhi didn't have such a strong reaction as Shuyin. He patted his sister's head and said with a smile, "don't think about it. No one can bear this virus. You can't steal my blood while I'm asleep!"

Jingxi was unconvinced: "but my brother does, why can he bear it? You lied to me

Shu Yin looked at Jingxi in shock: "this is impossible!"

In order to test human fusion with that virus, the research institute has to kill a large number of experimenters and a large number of animals used to test every year.

In the past seven years, none of the tens of thousands of subjects has been successful!

Shu Yin was deeply influenced by this idea, so she didn't believe Jing Xi's words.

"The virus in your brother's body should be other kinds, which is definitely different from that of your second brother."

Jingzhi covered Jingxi's mouth and refused to let her speak again. He said to Shuyin with a smile: "children don't understand. They talk nonsense! Of course, my brother's is different from mine

Jingxi's "wuwuwu" cry, want to tell Shu Yin that their brothers are the same, but she can't speak.

Originally Shu Yin did not believe it, but Jing Zhi's behavior was a little abnormal. He subconsciously covered Jingxi's mouth to stop her from talking.

According to the explanation of psychology, this is the performance of his heart deficiency.

In other words, what Jingxi said is likely to be true!

Shuyin clear eyes, are all incredible!

She would like to immediately stay in the helicopter to call Jing Rui drag over, draw some blood for laboratory tests!

Thousands of people in the research institute have been studying the problem for seven years day and night. Has it been conquered by the Jing family? , the fastest update of the webnovel!