Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1096

Jingrui doesn't want to talk about Zheng yuluo with Jingzhi. Every time she appears, Jingzhi basically doesn't do any good. It's almost a curse!

One of them will die if they go through all this trouble.

"You've ruined the bar. Now, no one knows how much the wine you've smashed is worth. If you open your mouth, you'll have to pay more than three million yuan."

"I've seen it for a long time. The monitoring in the bar is broken, and there are no other witnesses except the waiter. I don't admit it. What can they do with me?"

Such a lawsuit, if in North America, as long as there is no conclusive evidence, Jing Zhi bites to death and does not admit it, really does not need to bear any responsibility.

But now it's in China. If you don't use the relationship, Jing Zhi won't win.

"Don't try your best. You can pay as much as you can if you smash someone's bar."

Jingrui is not short of money. He just wants to make his younger brother have a long memory. He can't do everything in a disorderly way.

"It's up to you to be in charge of the bar, the police station and Zheng Jing. You should do it one by one. I won't interfere. It's up to you to deal with it! "

In Jingrui's heart, his brother is also very excellent.

My brother shouldn't live under his wings all the time. He has grown up. One day, he needs to fly by himself.

He is capable, but he lacks experience in dealing with things.

In the past, when something happened in North America, the research institute would take care of him. He didn't need to worry about it.

So he is still acting like a child willful, regardless of the consequences.

This matter, should give Jing Zhi to practice.

Jingzhi was obviously a little shocked: "brother, you don't care about me?"

Jing Rui is cold at once, and his brother really depends on him!

"What do you mean I don't care? It's your own business. You're an adult. You've made a mess of yourself. Isn't that normal? I will be two years older than you

"But I'm not as clever as you! You used to say that I was a fool. Of course you handled this kind of mess! It's a lot of work for those who can do it. You can fix the bar and the police station. I'm in charge of chasing girls

Jing Rui was suddenly upset by him!

He should have gone out with Shu Yin, who just established a love relationship, this afternoon!

As a result, it was destroyed by Jing Zhi!

He didn't say anything, but Jingzhi even wanted to go to pick up girls?!

If it wasn't for his brother, Jing Rui would have beaten him, even his mother couldn't recognize him!

Seeing that his brother's eyes seemed to burst into fire, Jing Zhi shrunk and said pitifully, "brother, you're not going to hit me, are you? You see, I don't have a good place all over my body. Where do you start! It's better not to fight. You can save it and fight again when I'm ready

He always has a way to please Jingrui when he is about to run away and let Jingrui's anger dissipate.

Now that he can pretend to be poor, he is in a better mood.

Jing Rui is relieved. On the way back, the desolation on Jing Zhi's face makes people feel uncomfortable.

Or like gags Jingzhi attract people like.

"I can provide you with helpers, lawyers, claims professionals, bodyguards, etc. But the dominant power of the matter is in your hands, and my people lend it to you. If you fight against Zheng Jing yourself, I can help you resist the pressure from my father. "

Jingrui knows that Zheng Jing and jingyichen have a good relationship. Maybe he has already discussed this matter with jingyichen, but he wants to protect Jingzhi and confront jingyichen once.

He was thinking about jingyichen, and jingyichen called.

Jing Rui puts the phone through, turns on the hands-free, and lets Jingzhi listen together.

"Dad, what's up?"

"Well, ah Zhi."

Jingyichen's low and short voice came from the mobile phone.

"Ah Zhi is right next to you?"

Jingzhi thought it was very magical. He said to his mobile phone with a smile: "uncle, how do you know I'm with my brother? You are a Banxian

Jingyichen gently smile: "what kind of you two, I don't know? I don't think it's going to matter if you're so mean. "

As soon as Jingzhi's eyes turned, he immediately howled: "Ouch! It's killing me. My chest and back are all injured, and one leg is lame! I can't sleep tonight, either lying down or lying down. It seems that we can only learn from the Red Crowned Crane and sleep standing on one leg

Jing Rui also followed: "Dad, ah Zhi is really hurt seriously. If you want to help director Zheng to express his feelings, you'd better avoid it! It took me so many years to get him back. I didn't want him to come back and be beaten! "

Anyway, it's father and son, so there's no need to turn around.

Jingrui knows that his father supports him in everything he does. As long as he makes a statement, his father will not intervene.

The reason why he said so cold, in fact, is to listen to the people next to jingyichen.Beside jingyichen, there is a little embarrassed Zheng Jing.

The father and son have high IQ. Jingyichen guesses that Jingrui is with Jingzhi, and Jingrui also guesses that he is with jingyichen.

"Well, dad knows."

Jingyichen helped Zheng Jing to this extent, which is enough.

If two children have to make trouble, let's go!

His relationship with Zheng Jing is one thing, his nephew is beaten black and blue is another.

Jing Yichen put away his mobile phone, turned off the PA, and said faintly: "son, your mother missed you, let you go home for dinner. What's more, your sister has made trouble at school again. You should go to school tomorrow and apologize to the teacher. If the school needs compensation, you can just look at it. "

Jing Rui directly ignores Jing Yichen's first sentence, because he called Guan Ning only last night. His mother's focus is not on him, but on her future daughter-in-law!

As soon as he heard that Jingxi was in trouble again, he was going crazy!

I've only been studying for a day, but I'm in trouble again!

"Dad, I have a lot of things to do tomorrow. You'd better go to school to solve my sister's problems! In any case, you are familiar with the teachers and parents of the school, so you will be more sincere when you go there! "

"Oh, I'm going on a business trip tomorrow. I'm not in a city, so your sister needs your care."

Father and son pushed back and forth, neither of them was willing to go to school to lose face.

Because of the little witch at home, their hair is almost white!

"Dad, can we give Xi Xi away! Let her go on like this, all our money has been donated to the cause of education! "

"I'm afraid I can't. If you give your sister away, your mother will give me away immediately. Son, don't you want to change your father?"

With a smile, Jingrui calmly said, "well As long as I can send Xi Xi away, I can bear to change my father! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!