Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1095

Jing Rui is stiff all over. Then he quickly pushes aside Jing Zhi, who is holding him. He says calmly, "ah Zhi is stimulated today. Don't think much about it."

Shu Yin looked innocent and opened a pair of big clear eyes and asked, "why should I think more? Isn't it normal to have a hug between brothers? "

She pretends not to know, but Jing Rui knows that Shu Yin is not so simple as she shows!

There are many men in love in Virus Research Institute!

Her so-called adoptive father is homosexual, so he is not interested in Shu Yin at all.

Shu Yin gives Jing Rui a look of "you are really impure", puts a large cup of warm water on the head of Jing Zhi's bed, and then Shi Shi ran goes away.

"I won't disturb you. Go on!"



Jingzhisheng is afraid that Jingrui will leave. When he hears him calling Shuyin, he immediately shouts at him and drags his clothes to keep him from going.

Jing Rui restrained the impulse to throw Jing Zhi out and said with a cold face, "you want to be beaten, don't you?"

"Then hit me! It's better to be beaten by you than to be beaten by others... "

"Who let you make your own decisions? Can the police catch you with your skill? Smashed the bar, you have no money to spend? Or do you think I'm omnipotent and can handle everything? "

Jingzhi murmured in a low voice: "you are omnipotent. I haven't seen anything unfair about you..."

His childish appearance and gauze covered miserable situation make Jing Rui unable to punish him hard at all.

After all, he did not go after Shu Yin, but stayed in the room with Jing Zhi.

"All right, let go. I'm not going."

Jingzhi doesn't listen. He lies on the bed and still grabs Jing Rui's clothes.

The expensive handmade suit has been deeply wrinkled by him.

"I'm not going to North America, I'm just following you! Brother, don't drive me away

"The killer camp has been handed over to you. You should be in North America. If something goes wrong, it will be too late."

"My mother is over there. It's the same whether I go or not. She's much better than me!"

"You have nothing to do here!"

"Nothing, as long as I can follow you."

Jingrui sighs gently. Jingzhi is still as willing to follow him as he was when he was a child, and he doesn't even want to go back home.

In fact, he didn't want to drive Jingzhi back to North America. He wanted to keep Jingzhi with him.

Jing Rui patted his brother's back and said faintly, "OK, then follow me."

But he can't let Jingzhi idle in the future. He should also improve himself. At least, he should deal with others more, learn to deal with people at least, and let him contact more girls.

In his life, he can't just fall into the hands of Zheng yuluo.

With the door of Jingzhi's room open, Shuyin can hear the two brothers talking in the living room.

She was a little envious of them.

She does not have brothers and sisters, can not understand their kind of flesh and blood kinship, but every contact with them, she will be moved by them once.

At first, when she came into contact with Jingzhi, she saw the word "brother" in Jingzhi's palm.

People in the research institute all know that Jing Zhi has lost his memory. Before his memory disappears completely, he writes these two words over and over again.

Not with a pen, of course, but with a needle and dipped in blue ink.

Because only in this way can these two characters be engraved into the palm of your hand like a tattoo.

Shu Yin has been thinking before, what kind of brother is worth Jingzhi to remember!

Until one day, she cooperates with Jing Rui, and gradually learns what he has done for Jingzhi.

She finally understood that such a brother is worth remembering!

In the future, if she is integrated into Jing Rui's life, he will guard her and protect him as he does to Jingzhi?

Rare good man, she met!

Shuyin smiles and goes to the kitchen to prepare dinner with the new chef.

Both Jing Zhi and Jing Rui eat a lot. I'm afraid we have to double the meal tonight.

In the room, Jing Zhi finally releases Jing Rui's clothes, climbs to the head of the bed, picks up the water that Shuyin brings to him and gulps it.

Men are not naturally as careful as women. Although Jing Rui loves his brother very much, he only cares about getting angry when he comes home. He doesn't expect to pour water for Jingzhi.

Only Shu Yin noticed that Jing Zhi's lips were dry and white, so she brought him warm water with a little salt in it.

After drinking the water, Jingzhi felt much more comfortable. He turned over, curled up on the bed and whispered, "brother, the shade of the small tree is good, and your eyes are very good."

Jing Rui gave him a cold look: "what do you say? You mustn't make any of her ideas

But he did not forget that Jing Zhi said Shuyin was his girlfriend's business!No kidding!

Jingzhi's face was full of pity: "Alas, you beat me! I was also interested in Shu Yin, but also want to observe and observe again, as a result, she has become your people! You are a brother, shouldn't you let me

"It's impossible!"

Everything else can be allowed, but women can't.

Jing Rui refused without any politeness.

Of course, he actually knew that Jingzhi was just talking. If he liked Shu Yin, he would make himself like this for Zheng yuluo!

Shuyin and Zheng yuluo are totally two kinds of girls. Jingzhi can't like Zheng yuluo's style, but also like Shuyin's style.

"I think she's better and better now. She is usually cold and indifferent. She doesn't like to talk to people. When she refuses others, she is very straightforward. Unlike some women, she is always confused with men. At the critical time, Shuyin was good to me. She not only helped me heal my wound, but also was afraid that I was thirsty. She poured me water. It's not like some women who just complain

Jingrui knows that "some women" he said refers to Zheng yuluo.

He was angry and funny. He thought that Jing Zhi still stayed at the age of ten, like a child who had not grown up. He felt that his sugar was not as sweet as others' sugar, and he wanted to steal others' sugar.

"Don't injustice good people. Yinyin went to find Zheng yuluo, who was just a friend of Zheng yuluo. They had nothing. Don't trouble Lou Ziyi. The Lou family is the support family of the Jing family. After Lou Ziyi was beaten by you, the Lou family specially sent a family heir to my father to show his loyalty. This matter has come to an end, and Lou Ziyi will never have contact with Zheng yuluo again. "

In major events, Jing Zhi always listens to his brother.

The person he hated was not Lou Ziyi, but Zheng yuluo.

Because even if there was no Lou Ziyi, there would be Zhang Ziyi and Li Ziyi. He thought it was Zheng Yu who attracted the bees and attracted the butterflies.

"I'm out of my breath to beat that louziyi to death. Since the Lou family is a small one of ours, I don't care about it! If you want to fight in the future, fight Zheng yuluo! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!