Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1094

Against her father?

A nameless fire in Jingzhi's heart rushed up at once!

He has a good attitude!

If someone else was changed, he would be too lazy to say a word at all. He would pull Zheng Jing from the position of the director of public security!

He is always shameless in Zheng Yu's heart!

Last time I tried to protect a little white face, but this time I tried to protect her father. Anyway, it was all his fault. Others were right and all were good!

Jing Zhi stares at Zheng yuluo with cold eyes, as if to see through her.

Her beautiful face was full of precaution and prudence, and she didn't want to see him at all!

Jingzhi's heart, like his eyes, gradually cooled down.

He got down from the operating table with some difficulty, and just moved a little step forward, he saw that the father and daughter both took a big step back nervously.

Their expression is so familiar!

Yes, it used to be!

They dodged him as if they were avoiding the plague!

However, just now, his brother didn't even wear a mask, so he came in directly to guard him. He was heartbroken and didn't care about his virus.

Although there is a virus in his brother's body, if he is infected again, there is still a huge risk.

He was not afraid, because his brother cared more about his brother's safety.

Jingzhi opens his mouth and laughs sarcastically.

He knew that for a long time, didn't he?

All his excitement was quenched, and his pain reminded him that he was a joke.

"Since you give up your privacy, I will ask the best lawyer to settle this matter through legal procedures."

Jingzhi's face was full of calm and calm, which was not in line with his age. All the cynicism and the absurd and arrogant were collected by him.

There was no more personal emotion in his voice, as if he were talking to two strangers.

He had injuries, was unable to move, and walked very slowly.

However, every step he took, he was very firm.

Looking at his back, Zheng yuluo felt that he was stepping out of his life step by step!

Why is it like this every time we meet?

Why can't they all talk?

When Jing Zhi's figure disappeared in the emergency room, Zheng yuluo fell into Zheng Jing's arms and said, "Dad, what should I do? Have I got you into trouble? "

Zheng Jing hugged her daughter with heartache and comforted her: "it's nothing to do with you this time. It's a matter of the police station. They beat Jing Zhi, and they really broke the law. He was not hurt lightly. He should be angry. Don't worry about it. Go home first. I can handle these things with me! "

Before Zheng yuluo, he worshipped his father very much. He also felt that he was extremely powerful and was his most solid backing.

But after meeting Jingzhi, she found that her father was not omnipotent. At least in Jingzhi's case, he was powerless.

It is Jing Rui who spent a lot of effort and time to save him.

Today's matter, Zheng yuluo doesn't think his father can handle it by himself.

Although she is not proficient in the world, she also knows that if she insists on investigating the responsibility for this matter, her father, as the director, must be implicated.

In Zheng yuluo's heart, his father is an excellent policeman. He has been catching bad people and protecting the safety of the people of a city. His career can not be tainted by such things.

She bit her teeth, made some kind of determination, and left the hospital.

Jingrui also takes Jingzhi and Shuyin out of the hospital. Jingzhi has a strong recovery ability. Although the trauma is serious, it can be recovered in two days.

As for the internal injury, when Jing Zhi was beaten, he always avoided it skillfully, so it was relatively minor. He did not pay attention to it.

On the way back, Jingzhi is very quiet, and the quiet Shuyin is a little uncomfortable.

Sitting in the co driver's seat, she couldn't help looking back at Jing Zhi, who was lying in the back row. Seeing that he was pale and gloomy, she thought he was suffering from physical discomfort: "Jingzhi, would you like to go to the hospital for an examination? I've only dealt with the trauma for you. The internal injury can only rely on the instrument. If it hurts, don't bear it. In case of sequelae, it will be troublesome. "

Shu Yin's voice is actually a little cold and clear, but listening to Jingzhi's ears, it feels warm.

Even Shu Yin did not forget to care about him, Zheng yuluo saw him, but did not ask anything, also accused him of targeting Zheng Jing.

Jingzhi closed his eyes and said, "no need to check. I'm fine. I didn't sleep last night. I didn't eat. I'm a little tired."

His state does not look very good. Shuyin hesitates for a moment, or looks at Jing Rui in the driver's seat and asks him what to do with his eyes.

Jing Rui was very angry when he saw his brother's half dead appearance. He hated iron but not steel.But seeing that Shu Yin asked for his advice and put him in the first place, his mood changed from Yin to fine.

"Don't worry about him, just starve him for another two days! Run to the police station without any problems. I'm full and full! "

Jing Rui looks light. He tells Jingzhi that his brother is angry.

If it was another time, Jingzhi would have the cheek to act coquettish with his brother and ask for his forgiveness.

But today, he was so miserable that he didn't want to say a word.

However, Jingzhi is silent, and Jingrui is even more angry.

He doesn't cherish his body so much that Jing Rui wants to throw him back to North America!

At least there is no Zheng yuluo, he can be more normal.

Back at the villa, Jingzhi enters his bedroom on the first floor. As soon as he lies down on the bed, Jingrui opens the door and walks in.

He stood by the bed and frowned at Jing Zhi: "ah Zhi, you go back to North America, and you'll leave tomorrow."

"I won't go back," said Jing Zhi

"Don't go back and die here?"

Jingrui's tone is more severe than ever. He's just such a brother. He can't watch him torture himself for a woman!

"If you don't go back to North America, I'll have Zheng yuluo killed tonight, along with her sister in England, so as not to confuse you with the same face."

Jingzhi suddenly hugged Jingrui's waist and whispered, "whatever you want, I won't go back anyway. I'll be where you are, and I won't go. You're my brother. I'll listen to you. I won't make trouble in the future. "

His tone is a little sad and pathetic. Jingrui's heart is suddenly touched, but his face is a little stiff.

"Let go! How old are you? How can it be more sticky than Xi Xi Xi! "

The younger brother who is taller than him holds his waist like this, there is always a kind of inexplicable discord!

If Shu Yin saw this, what if she misunderstood it?

Jing Rui is thinking about it. He hears a familiar and cold voice behind him and says, "Oh, your brother is deeply in love! Is this going to be the Titanic? But it's not very big, is it? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!