Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1093

From time to time, Zheng's heart is about to fall out of the emergency room.

After waiting for a long time, I saw Jingrui and Shuyin come out.

Zheng yuluo immediately stood up and anxiously asked, "how is he doing?"

As soon as Shu Yin was about to say "he's OK," Jing Rui said, but he didn't speak to Zheng yuluo, but he said coldly to Zheng Jing:

"director Zheng, the police officer of your police station, has caused serious personal injury to my brother. I will give my brother a statement, and your police station had better be prepared. If it wasn't for my brother's special constitution, he might have been killed today! "

Jing Rui is not alarmist. Jing Zhi is not only physically strong, but also has been abused by the Research Institute and killer organizations. Therefore, this kind of injury is nothing to him.

But if you change someone, you may not be able to wait for him to rescue.

Although Jing Zhi made it on purpose, Jing Rui would do nothing less than cooperate with Jing Zhi and fight for him.

Of course, he knows what Jingzhi is doing. Jingrui looks at Zheng yuluo with a red eye and takes Shuyin to the dressing room to change clothes.

Zheng Jing and Zheng yuluo both have some guilt. They seem to have inadvertently owed Jingzhi a sum.

Father and daughter do not know, Jing Zhi just to make Zheng yuluo feel guilty, in order to disturb her life, at all risks, willing to be tortured by the police with dark means.

Zheng Yu falls to see Jing Rui leave, and quickly wants to enter the emergency room to see Jing Zhi.

Zheng Jing stopped her: "fall, you don't go in, I'll go first to have a look, if there is no danger, you can enter again."

Zheng Yu frowned with delicate eyebrows: "Dad, what danger can he have? Just now Jing Rui and the female doctor went in, and there was nothing wrong! "

At the critical moment, she did not forget to pretend that she did not know Shu Yin.

In fact, she has been very smart since she was a child, and she has a mind set. Only after the disappearance of Jing Zhi, she has become numb and she doesn't even need it.

Her parents have always forbidden her and her sister to get close to Jingzhi for fear that they will die of the virus.

Zheng yuluo now does not dare to say that he and Jing Zhi have happened that kind of thing.

Zheng yuluo insisted on going in. Zheng Jing felt that Jing Zhi's wound should have been treated. He sighed and said in a low voice: "Luoluo, it's OK to go in, but you can't get too close to Jingzhi. You didn't see that the woman doctor just now is all body protection. We'd better be more careful. "

Zheng Yu nodded and finally pushed the door of the emergency room and walked in.

The emergency room had been cleaned up and there was no trace of blood.

Jing Zhi was lying on the operating table. Most of his body was wrapped with gauze. Some of the gauze showed a little crimson. It could be seen that the wound on his body was still oozing blood.

He closed his eyes as if he didn't know anyone was coming.

Zheng Yu was eager to see him before he came in, but after he came in, he did not dare to see him.

The so-called local timidity is probably the true portrayal of her at the moment.

"Ah Zhi..."

Zheng Jing called him softly.

Jingrui suddenly opens his eyes and sees two faces in his sight.

"Director Zheng still don't call me that way. We are not so familiar with each other! This is the emergency room. Get out of here

He did not look at Zheng Yu, as if she did not exist, just stare at Zheng Jing with sharp eyes.

He was completely free of the kind of relaxation and dependence in front of his brother, and he became the frightening killer demon.

Even if he is wrapped in white gauze, even if he is lying there without position advantage, he can not be ignored his powerful Aura!

That kind of aura was accumulated in his countless experiences, and the cold feeling was also accumulated after he took away countless lives.

In fact, Jingzhi has always been strong, but only with a more powerful brother, he will show his naive side in front of his relatives.

Zheng Jing had long expected that Jing Zhi would not have a good attitude towards them. He was domineering since he was a child and did not give anyone face.

Now grow up, the character has not changed at all, or so stubborn.

Of course, he was colder.

It's like a very sharp sword that has been polished. If you get close to it, you will be cut.

Zheng Jing subconsciously pulled her daughter back: "I will give you an account of the police station, and I will compensate you for the unfair treatment you have received..."

Before he finished his words, he was interrupted by Jing Zhi, who sneered: "compensation? How to compensate? Beat everyone who hit me? When I was arrested, they said that they were very hard backstage, which would make me feel worse than dead. The police station of city a is well managed

His sarcasm is so heavy that people like Zheng Jing who have experienced countless storms feel embarrassed.

Because, such a thing can only show that he is not qualified as a director.However, Zheng Jing didn't come to quarrel with Jing Zhi. Since Jing Zhi returned to city a, it proved that Jing Rui had found him long ago. He was out of the sea of misery and should enjoy life well.

"The police will compensate you, and several other violators will also be punished and dismissed."

"You think I'm short of money? You don't know that the king family has only money left? "

Zheng Jing as like as two peas, and he knows that the tone of Jingzhi's speech is exactly the same as Jingyi.

Both father and son are as arrogant and choking as they speak!

"What do you want to do?"

Zheng Jing doesn't argue with a child. It's because they don't care about Jing Zhi first. It's right to be tolerant.

"It's very simple. Throw your daughter into the police station and let the police lock her up and beat her up!"

Zheng Jing looked cold: "this is impossible!"

Jingzhi's expression was even colder than him: "your daughter is golden, and other people's children are grass? If I'm killed and nobody cares, she can't touch it? "

"It's two things! This incident has nothing to do with the fall. Why should she suffer? "

Zheng Jing can give in to other things, but his daughter will never let him.

"Well, I'll find something to do with her once!"

Jingzhi seemed to be waiting for him to refuse. He said coldly: "I have been forced to be a killer for seven years. You also sent her to the killer camp to be the killer for seven years! Every day I go to kill people. If I can't finish the task, there will be no food or water to drink! "

Zheng Jing's expression was stiff, and his face was ugly: "she was too young to be sensible at that time. I didn't teach her well. If you want to blame me, it has nothing to do with falling down! If you want revenge, come on me

Zheng yuluo saw that his father was forced by Jingzhi step by step. Seeing his father protecting himself behind him, he felt miserable.

"Jing Zhi, you pin me to my father, I know you hate me, then hate me alone, do not involve my father!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!