Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1090

Jing Zhi has been interrogated countless times since he entered the bureau last night, and has been beaten many times.

Of course, the old police officer who gave him the record was totally powerless. If he had any skills, he would not be retiring soon. He was still doing the recording work.

The interrogation of Jing Zhi was replaced by two fierce police officers. After a word of disagreement, he started fighting. Finally, he was put into a room, and other prisoners in the room were instructed to beat and scold him.

Jingzhi didn't fight back and scolded him, so he didn't have a good place at noon.

My body is so painful that I dare not move.

But Jing Zhi had a strange excitement in his heart!

As expected, I still didn't follow the legal procedures at all. As expected, there was a backstage in the police station!

If he was really a man with no background and no ability, he would have died in the police station in two days!

He saw with his own eyes that some people in the police station died within a few days just because they had stolen something.

Human life is worthless!

There's no difference between this place and the human eating place of the virus research institute!

Zheng Jing, the director of the Public Security Bureau, has made a success!

There is no need to stay any longer. He can't wait to destroy the Zheng family!

Jing Zhi gets up from the ground and calls the police to contact his family.

Because Jing Zhi is the "key care" object that the superior has told him, people here have an impression of him. They also deliberately do not investigate his identity and deliberately do not give him the opportunity to contact his family. He wants to put him to death first. When he can't bear it, he will be asked to contact his family and pay a large amount of money.

Now hearing Jing Zhi's initiative to contact his family and pay for the loss, the people in the police station are certainly willing to do so.

As long as Jing Zhi loses money, they can follow the money!

When Jing Rui receives the call from the police station, he Shuyin has just finished his meal.

He listened to the extremely arrogant voice on the other end of the telephone, and his face suddenly became cold.

He originally thought that Jingzhi was just playing, but listening to the other party's meaning, Jingzhi was "seriously ill"!

Jingzhi's body, let alone cold, any virus can not hurt him, sick? That's impossible!

Obviously, the gang injured Jing Zhi and needed him to redeem him. If he didn't go, Jing Zhi would "die of disease" in it!

Shu Yin doesn't know what happened, but what makes Jing Rui look so ugly is Jing Zhi.

After all, he said just now that Jing Zhi was invited to the police station for tea.

Jingrui hung up the phone and got ready to go out: "Yinyin, you go to school by yourself in the afternoon. I'm going to pick up a Zhi from the police station."

The school now has no attraction to Shu Yin. She has to listen to the teacher's instructions. She knows more than those teachers.

"I won't go to school. I'll go with you to meet Jingzhi."

Shu Yin is still worried about Jing Zhi. He used to be a troublemaker, and he was extremely arrogant. Every time he hurt himself, he would upset half of North America.

I don't know what happened to him this time. She knows his physical condition and can take care of him at any time.

Jingrui also thought of this layer, he nodded, with Shuyin, with the cold wind and others, went to the police station.

Across the iron fence, see the whole body is injured Jingzhi that moment, Jingrui is furious!

His younger brother was beaten like this under his eyes. His face was blue and purple. He was swollen and could not see his original appearance!

Although Jing Rui knows that all this has a lot to do with Jing Zhi himself, he still can't stop heartache and anger!

No one in the police station knows Jing Rui.

However, even if you don't know him, you can see the difference of his identity from his powerful aura and spectacular display.

His white Bugatti sports car is so eye-catching, the license plate number is a row of conspicuous 8, the bodyguards who follow him, all breath is restrained, walking without sound, but under the suit, there is a faint strong muscle and strong strength!

This pair of to hit the scene of posture, see a people are scared.

Jingrui doesn't let Jingzhi out of the cage like room. He looks around coldly and says to the cold wind, "call Zheng Jing and tell him that my brother has been locked in. Let him see to it!"

The cold wind did not hesitate for a second, and immediately took out his mobile phone to call Zheng Jing.

Within half an hour, Zheng Jing was in the Bureau.

Inside a crowd of police, see the boss actually came, all a little shivering to say hello: "director, you are here! We... "

Zheng Jing raised his hand and stopped them from talking.

He turned his head and looked at Jing Rui, who was standing in the middle of the room, with a trace of doubt in his eyes: "are you Jingrui?"

Usually, Jing Rui, in the way of his parents' face, will call Zheng Jing "Uncle Zheng". But today, he will not give any face to anyone!"I am. With the promotion of director Zheng, the official prestige has become more and more great! "

Jing Rui indifferently returns two words.

Zheng Jing didn't care about Jingrui's ridicule. If he had a little official prestige, he would not be in such a hurry!

He's just a little suspicious of Jing Rui's identity.

Because he had always met Liao Wei. Although they were very similar, they were different.

Jing Rui in front of me looks higher and colder.

Although the voice is a little similar, but like Zheng Jing, who is a criminal policeman, you can immediately hear the difference.

He only knew last year that Jing Rui had a double.

Now, he can't tell the person in front of him, whether he is really Jingrui or not.

However, from Jing Rui's words, we can hear the clue.

He said that he was promoted because before Jing Zhi disappeared, he was still deputy director general. It has been several years since he became the director. The Jing Rui he met before was a stand in.

Strictly speaking, this is the first time since Jingzhi disappeared that he met with the real Jingrui!

Although Zheng Jing is not sure whether Jing Rui is true or not, he knows the cold wind.

Jing Yichen said that the cold wind will only follow the real Jingrui.

However, Jing Rui doesn't give Zheng Jing time to think. He points to Jing Zhi, who is still locked up, and says coldly:

"director Zheng, before my brother Jingzhi was locked in last night, he was still fine. How could he be like this today?! If I come a little later, will he die? "


Zheng Jing was shocked to see the group of people who were locked up, but he could not tell which one was Jingzhi!

He didn't care about the demeanor of his director, and immediately roared: "open the door! Open the door now

A policeman trembled to open the iron door, and then stepped back to the side, scared to say half a word. , the fastest update of the webnovel!