Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1089

The morning class passed quickly, but Shu Yin was disappointed.

It took her several hours to learn nothing useful.

When Jing Rui comes to pick her up at noon, he can see that he is still full of energy when he leaves in the morning. The excitement in his eyes obviously disappears.

"What's the matter? Someone who doesn't have eyes bothers you? Who is it? Tell me, he will disappear from city a tomorrow

Shu Yin sees Jing Rui, sees his handsome face, cool car and arrogant tone, and suddenly feels a lot better.

She showed a bright smile and said in a crisp voice: "I was taken care of by a handsome and cool local tyrant. Who dares to offend me! I'm the man of the day in the school. I have a big face

Jingrui raises eyebrows slightly: "local tyrant?"

This word is too derogatory to his noble dark temperament!

However, it is appropriate to take care of them!

This proves that Shu Yin is his woman and belongs to him completely.

And it seems that Shu Yin doesn't care about the word "foster" at all.

Jingrui has a light joy in his heart. Shuyin likes him more than he thinks.

X is not far from Jingrui's villa. It only takes 15 minutes to drive. Today is Shu Yin's first day at school, and Jing Rui drives to pick her up for dinner.

The kitchen is steaming hot, and some people are busy in it. Several dishes have been placed on the table. The aroma is overflowing, which makes people stir.

Jingrui took Shuyin and sat down at the table. He said faintly, "I found a chef. The cooking is very good. Do you have anything you like to eat? Let him do it for you in the evening. "

Shu Yin opened his mouth and just wanted to say something, Jing Rui immediately said: "in addition to chicken wings!"

Shuyin withered immediately.

"I don't like vegetables..."

Jingrui sits beside her, holds her hand, and gently caresses: "in the past, it may not be delicious enough. Now the cooks are good at cooking, and the vegetables can also be delicious. You will know after a taste."

Shu Yin is not a fussy eater. She just prefers chicken wings.

Since the virus research institute was free, she has not treated herself badly in eating. She doesn't care about her weight. In addition to eating a few pieces of bread for breakfast and some delicious dishes, she always eats meat more.

However, since Jing Rui asks her to eat vegetables, she can only eat them.

Otherwise, it will be troublesome to become a fat man.

The chef brings up the last soup and quietly goes out, leaving Jingrui and Shuyin to eat in the restaurant.

Jing Rui gives Shu Yin a bowl of wax gourd soup. Seeing her drink it unwillingly, he can't help rubbing her hair.

"It's so delicate. I don't like to drink such fresh and fresh wax gourd soup."

Shu Yin has never felt that she is delicate. When Jing Rui said this, she deeply felt that she was indeed delicate in front of him.

When she was forced to, she even ate poisonous mushrooms raw. Now this condition is better than at that time!

Sure enough, people are not used to it. Unconsciously, she has been used to the care of Jing Rui.

She took a big gulp of soup and ate the wax gourd inside. Then she said to Jingrui a little coquettish: "I'm not delicate!"

Is this still called coquettish?

She looks like this, obviously is coquettish and boundless!

But Jing Rui is like her delicate feeling, he does not like Shu Yin to carry all the things on his own.

She has delicate facial features, fair skin, soft hair on the shoulders, a white long sleeve dress, looks elegant and incomparable.

She sat there, not in a hurry to eat, looking at people feel happy.

"Why not be happy to be out of school today?"

Shuyin was stunned. After a while, she remembered that she was in a bad mood in the morning.

He always remembered it!

"It's nothing. It's just that the school's curriculum is too basic, and the teaching method is different from that of foreign countries. All of us are sitting in a critical position, and the teacher gives a lecture on it alone, and no one corrects him when he makes a mistake. He is also proud that he came back from a famous foreign school. I think it's a waste of time to listen there. "

Shu Yin still tells Jing Rui about her distress. She can't delay learning this kind of thing. If she wants to change school, she can only go through Jing Rui.

Jing Rui has never been to school in China. He has been taught by special teachers since he was a child. Neither domestic nor foreign courses are suitable for him.

Therefore, he did not know what kind of situation domestic teaching is.

"Try two more days. If you don't think you can learn anything, don't go."

"But I still want to learn new knowledge, I want to further study. Although I have learned a lot in graduate school before, those are not enough. I want to learn more systematic and comprehensiveJingrui looked at her quietly for a long time, and finally said helplessly: "Yinyin, do you know that you have reached the peak in that field, you have learned very comprehensively. I think there are few people in the world who can teach you."

Shu Yin blinked her eyes: "really? However, many people in the research institute are much better than me. They have been studying virus and genetics for a long time. I remember some of them often go to university to give lectures to students! "

"Yes, virus elites are all concentrated in the Research Institute. As far as I know, whenever there is a talent in this field outside, the Research Institute will try every means to get people into the Research Institute. Therefore, there are more and more talents inside, and less and less talents for virus research outside. "

"What should I do?"

Shu Yin thinks that Jing Rui is right. The research institute does replenish a lot of fresh blood every year. It is really difficult for her to find a teacher outside.

In fact, those teachers in North America are not necessarily better than those in China, but the teaching methods are different. Teachers in North America like to interact with students very much. The teaching mode is communication, and Shuyin can learn more or less.

It's not good in China. It's all teachers talking and students listening. There's little interaction.

"Don't worry, maybe I can find some teachers for you, but the class is not in the school, but in the hospital."

Shu Yin doesn't care where the class is, as long as she can improve her professional level and overcome one virological problem after another.

Shuyin put down his heart and suddenly asked, "why didn't you see Jingzhi? Where has he gone

Usually when eating, Jing Zhi is the most active. Now I can't see him. Shu Yin is a little strange.

Jing Rui calmly said: "Oh, he was asked to go to the police station for tea." , the fastest update of the webnovel!