Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1091

The director seldom gets angry at ordinary times, and he has never been like today. The whole person seems to be going crazy.

I don't know. I thought the man in the prison had his own son!

As soon as the door opened, Zheng Jing stepped in: "which is Jingzhi?"

His voice trembled slightly, with three points of caution, seven points of pain.

The police waiting outside, more and more suspect that the prisoner named Jing Zhi is the illegitimate son of the director!

Jing Zhi is curled up in the corner, dressed in rags, lying on the cold ground. His wounds are scabby, but his original white shirt and trousers have been dyed red with blood. The broken shirt shows what kind of severe beating he has suffered.

When he heard Zheng Jing calling him, he did not move or say anything. He just stared at him with cold eyes.

However, Jingzhi does not speak, which does not mean that other people do not speak.

The other five people who were locked up with him all looked at him in unison: "he is!"

Zheng Jing, trembling all over, came to Jingzhi: "ah Zhi, is that you?"

Jing Zhi has been missing for eight years!

But his disappearance was caused by his eldest daughter.

At that time, her daughter was still young and didn't understand anything. Zheng Jing always blamed herself and felt guilty. It was because they didn't teach the children well. Otherwise, the two daughters, who were always obedient and sensible, could have done such a thing!

After Jingzhi's disappearance, jingyiran seems to be crazy. She doesn't do anything all day long and pursues him.

For eight years, Jingyi refused to say a word to him!

As for her daughter, Zheng yuluo, she completely changed a person. She blamed herself for suffering from depression and even thought of suicide.

Now, he can see Jing Zhi again!

Zheng Jing was afraid that he was dreaming!

He looked at the black and blue people in front of him, very angry!

"Who's this?! Who beat him like this

In fact, the person who is not in prison for 24 hours is not required to be put into prison for a short time.

It's a serious dereliction of duty to beat people like this!

When the two policemen of Da Jingzhi heard Zheng Jing's roar, they suddenly shivered, and they cried out: "director, it's the deputy director who asked us to fight! If we don't fight, we will be expelled. We are also forced to do so. "

Zheng Jing's face turned pale, but this is not the time to deal with these two people. The most important thing is to send Jingzhi to the hospital first!

Although Zheng Jing knew nothing about the whole thing, he still felt that he was to blame. His guilt and pain became deeper.

Jing Rui asks cold wind and others to send Jing Zhi to Mu's hospital. From the beginning to the end, Jing Zhi doesn't say a word to Zheng Jing.

Zheng Jing until went to the hospital, still can't believe, Jingzhi back!

He watched Jing Rui drive away all the medical staff. He only took the cool and beautiful girl beside him into the emergency room to treat Jingzhi's wound. Suddenly, he remembered that Jingzhi had a highly infectious virus in his body!

He immediately called the Bureau and asked them to isolate the people who had called Jingzhi and those who had contact with him.

After arranging the affairs of the Bureau, Zheng Jing waited alone outside the emergency room.

He hesitated for a while, and finally picked up his cell phone and called his daughter.

Find Jing Zhi, the big stone in her daughter's heart should also be put down?

Zheng yuluo received a call from his father and rushed to the hospital as quickly as possible.

"How is he, dad? Does it matter? I'll go in and see him

Zheng yuluo said, eager to run to the emergency clinic.

Zheng Jing quickly got up and pulled her: "Luoluo, come back! You can't go

His tone is indescribable harshness. Zheng Yu has never heard him speak in this tone.

Zheng Yu eye socket son Red: "Dad, is he dying?"

Otherwise, how could dad be so cruel to her?

Zheng Jing knew that his daughter had misunderstood him, but he did not loosen her hand and still prevented her from going in: "don't worry, he's OK. It should be all Skin trauma. "

Zheng Jing's morale is not enough. Speaking of the background, his voice has been gradually lowered.

He knows very well how to beat people in the Bureau. They usually don't let prisoners have skin injuries, but internal injuries, which are intact outside.

Since Jing Zhi's injuries are so serious, we can imagine how serious the internal injuries are.

"Since it's a skin injury, it doesn't matter if I go in and have a look! Dad, you let me go. I want to go in and see him! "

"No! You just wait outside! "

Zheng Jing didn't agree to let his daughter go in anyway. His strength was much bigger than his 17-year-old daughter. No matter how he broke free, it was useless.

The tears in Zheng yuluo's eyes rolled down."Dad, why don't you let me see him? I haven't seen him for a long time. I just want to see if he's hurt badly! Dad, please, let me in

Zheng Jing didn't know that her daughter had found Jingzhi long ago, nor did he know what happened between them.

Although he wants to let his daughter go in to see Jingzhi, he really can't.

He hugged his thin and thin daughter and said in a low voice: "Luoluo, he's really OK. I won't let you in because I'm afraid you'll be infected with the virus. His wound will bleed out now. If you go in like this, you will die! "

Zheng yuluo looked up in disbelief: "Dad, what do you say?! Viruses? What virus? "

"Jingzhi is different from ordinary people. You should have discovered from a very young age that he has great strength and is far superior to ordinary people in all aspects. That is because there is a fatal virus in his body, which has transformed his genes and strengthened his body. The virus spreads through the blood, and Jing Rui almost died in the spread of this virus. Therefore, since you were very young, we did not let you contact Jing Zhi. "

Zheng yuluo can't believe this fact!

The truth of the fact is like this!

When she was young, she rejected Jing Zhi and called him "monster". She thought that he was abnormal because of the virus!

He's not a monster. He's just been enhanced by the virus!

Her ears were buzzing, and many things in the past were explained.

No wonder, Jing Zhi once severely prevented her from biting him. She thought it was because he hated her!

It's not!

He was afraid that she would bite his skin and get infected with the virus!

Zheng Yu tears Susu to the whereabouts, she leaned on her father's body, almost no strength to support themselves.

Why don't you tell her earlier?

Why mislead her!

Close to Jingzhi, there is nothing wrong, but she has isolated Jingzhi for so many years!

She and he even the most intimate things have done, not still live well!

The virus is only transmitted through blood. They could have been friends! , the fastest update of the webnovel!