Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1088

Jing Rui pinches Shuyin's face and lets her eat.

Many times, it is impossible to distinguish the important people around you.

Like parents, can you say that father is more important or mother is more important?

In his heart, they were equally important.

Shuyin is the same.

She was in his heart. With the passage of time, she gradually left a deep mark and became an indispensable woman in his life.

He was clinging to Shuyin to eat breakfast. Seeing that she had only eaten a little, he could not help putting a poached egg into her plate: "eat more."

"I'm full, I don't want to eat any more!"

"You used to eat more than that, but today you don't eat enough."

"You'll get fat if you eat too much!"

Shu Yin can't help but tell the truth. She is still complaining about the fact that Jingrui said she was fat just now.

Jingrui suddenly can't laugh or cry. He just said it casually, but Shuyin was interested in it!

She is slender, only 18-year-old girl, not even a trace of fat on her body, where fat?

He thought, Shuyin will not care about these things, it seems that women are the same, can not say she is fat.

He suddenly remembered that when he was a child, my father joked that your mother was so fat that I couldn't hold her any more. Then mom just didn't let dad hold her for a month! He was still gloating at that time. Now he knows that his father was really pitiful at that time.

Fortunately, Shuyin looks better than shangguanning. Otherwise, he may have to follow his father's footsteps in the future!

Jing Rui took Shu Yin's slender waist and coaxed her in a low voice: "you are too thin. Eat a little more. It's not good for your health to eat too little breakfast. This is the poached egg I specially made for you. Be obedient and eat it."

Shu Yin's waist is extremely sensitive. When Jing Rui touches her, she almost pulls away her strength. She is a little soft and wants to lean against Jingrui's arms.

She bashfully bowed her head, opened Jing Rui's hand, whispered: "you don't touch me, I'll eat it."

Jing Rui nodded his head and ate his own breakfast.

The breakfast is happy and sweet. Jingrui thinks that if it is like this every day in the future, the day will not be too beautiful!

He changed into a dark blue suit and drove Shuyin to school.

The timetable and textbooks, the cold wind had been ready a few days ago, and now they have been put into Shuyin's backpack.

Of course, in addition to these, there are also small bottles of virus, guns, bullets, micro bombs, and sharp daggers that Shu Yin never left his body in the middle of the backpack.

Jingrui knows those things in Shuyin's backpack, and his heart aches slightly.

She must have suffered losses and injuries before she prepared so comprehensively.

When she got to school, before Shuyin got off the bus, Jing Rui held her hand and refused to let her break free. She said in a low voice: "tell me what you need. If you can't deal with anything, you should remember to find me. I am your most solid backing, and you are not allowed to bear it alone."

His hands were so warm and his voice was so gentle that Shuyin's heart softened.

She nodded: "OK, I'm sure I'll look for you if I have something to do with you. Who can I look for if I don't?"

Shuyin thought for a moment and said with a smile, "you prepare me some compressed biscuits. I carry them on my back every day. I also need vitamin functional drinks. If there is any accident in the future, I will not be afraid of it!"

The last escape experience, let Shu Yin still have lingering fear.

There are many ways to save her life. Generally, there is no problem to escape. But last time, because she was too thirsty and hungry, she ate raw mushrooms and was poisoned!

It would be a shame to die because of a raw mushroom.

Jingrui didn't expect that Shuyin would compress the biscuit, but in a moment, he understood the intention of Shuyin.

He couldn't help but take Shuyin into his arms and said in her ear, "I sent someone to protect you. In fact, it has always been there, but you don't know it. Last time, it was an accident, and it won't happen again."

At that time, he was angry and took away most of the people around Shu Yin, leaving only three people to protect her.

However, the three men also took turns to guard Shu Yin, not all of them guarding Shuyin day and night.

What's more, those subordinates can feel that his attitude towards Shuyin is very cold, so they don't do their best to protect them.

Naturally, this will not happen now.

"That also needs food and drink, you prepare for me!"

Shu Yin likes Jing Rui's arms. She leans in his arms and her tone is so reasonable.

Jingrui likes her tone of not treating him as an outsider. Finally, he still follows her: "OK, I'll prepare more delicious food for you. You can be a snack."

Shuyin got off the car with a smile and walked briskly to the campus.

She will look back after a few steps. Jingrui's car has been parked there without any immediate signs.

His car is a luxury limited edition Bugatti sports car, parked at the gate of the campus, attracting countless students to stop and watch.Shu Yin doesn't have any idea about sports cars. She even knows whether this sports car is Bugatti or because when Jingzhi was in North America, the research institute bought three Bugatti sports cars for him in one breath in order to coax him to donate blood voluntarily. At that time, it cost him half a billion!

She has no concept of these things, but many students in X university are aware of the goods.

"Bugatti Veron?! When did a city have such a sports car? How rich

"Keep away from me. If we are not careful, we will not be able to pay for the sale."

"I just saw a girl in white get out of the car. It's her?"

"I don't think it's true. It should be taken care of! You may not see, tut Tut, that appearance, looks really is the national charm! It must be a new student, or I can't be so beautiful without knowing it! "


Shuyin listens to the comments around, looks at the famous brand that Jingrui has bought for her, and then looks at the sports car that she sent herself to school. Suddenly, she really has a feeling of being taken care of by the big boss!

It feels like It's good!

She has a strong psychological quality. As long as she doesn't go to Jingrui, she can face the rest calmly.

From time to time, people around her pointed at her, and her eyes were either surprised, jealous, or questioned. Shu Yin did not pay attention to them.

She only cares about the people she cares about, and the opinions of strangers do not affect her.

However, rumors will not dissipate because of the ease of the sound.

On the contrary, many people were afraid of chaos, and they quickly found out Shu Yin's school status information and her name.

After that, they publicized that the newly enrolled beauty was taken care of by a rich man.

Shuyin is reminded by a girl of "kindness". Rumors about her are flying all over the school. Shu Yin doesn't even give her eyes to others. She still listens to her classes and reads her books.

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