Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1087

Shu Yin doesn't want to be separated from Jing Rui, but she thinks that if she goes on like this, she will not even have the last minute of reason.

She is so attached to his arms!

"Don't you promise me, take your time? Don't talk and don't count! "

Shuyin raises her head and stares at Jingrui with bright eyes. As soon as he lowers her head to kiss, she immediately escapes from his arms and runs out of the room with a smile and goes into the bathroom to wash.

She stayed up all night, but she was full of energy and showed no sign of drowsiness.

She looked at herself in the mirror, her face was full of rosy clouds, her eyes were like waves, and her expression was happy. She was a crazy girl in love!

Shuyin clapped the cold water on her face, trying to cool herself down. But when she looked up, her face in the mirror was still as bright as dawn, and the smile on her lips couldn't be stopped.

Is she really in love?

How fast!

Her first love, she is also his first love, is really beautiful, beautiful let Shuyin feel unreal, even some uneasy.

However, she soon put that uneasiness behind her mind.

In fact, she did not forget that Jing Rui had been protecting her before.

At that time, I'm afraid Jing Rui didn't like her. He would make great efforts to protect her. There must be other reasons.

Before, she wanted to know what the reason was, but now, she didn't want to know.

Forget everything else. She has lived a miserable life for too long. She is struggling on the edge of life and death every day. She has long wanted to change her life style.

Now it's a good feeling. She doesn't want to destroy it.

If Jingrui wants to tell her, she will listen to it. He doesn't want to say it. She will never ask.

Shuyin happily washes and gargles. As soon as he opens the bathroom door, he sees Jing Rui waiting outside.

Then, she was picked up by Jing Rui and walked downstairs.

Shu Yin is very sorry, this is too close!

"I'll go by myself..."

"You have such a powerful boyfriend, why don't you make good use of it? This is your welfare! Oh, I see. Do you love me

It's really not. Shu Yin knows that it's easy for Jing Rui to hold a person.

But my boyfriend

These three words are very novel for Shu Yin.

She is carried downstairs by Jing Rui, in the heart of small deer bump.

She never thought that one day, she could be so close to Jing Rui.

"I don't love you. Just hold it if you like. I love it!"

Jingrui made a hurt expression: "you are so cruel. You eat so many chicken wings every day. I can't hold it any more. You don't feel sad either! In the future, chicken wings are not allowed to be eaten. Only two lettuce leaves are allowed every day, and some water is enough. "

He has always been cold, even smile is light, Shu Yin rarely see him can also show the injured expression, originally felt quite sorry for him, but heard his words behind, she was angry to bite him!

"Where am I getting fat?! Do you like bamboo

Jing Rui's eyes swept on her plump chest, and said faintly, "the fat places are all fat, I like it."

Shu Yin immediately blushed. She covered her chest and said, "don't look at it casually."

"Don't be shy. There's no one else at home, just the two of us. Does it matter if I take a look? I've touched it anyway! And it feels good, and I'm still imagining its shape in my head. "

He has an open and aboveboard appearance, no expression on his face, handsome eyebrows and noble temperament. He is not a person who can say such excessive words casually!

Shu Yin only knows today, what is a person can't be judged by his appearance!

Looking at other people's model, but not a serious word!

Jing Zhi, who is romantic and loves to tease little girls, is not as good at talking nonsense as he is!

Finally, Shu Yin can't help but lie down on Jing Rui's chest and bite him hard.

Jingrui "hiss" a, but smile out: "bite me, you really belong to the dog son, bite me, but do not bite, you know?"

In fact, he knew that every time Shu Yin bit him, he would not be willing to bite him hard. At most, he would bite a tooth impression, but he would not bite him.

So he wasn't too worried.

Moreover, he felt that although the virus in his body had strong destructive power, its concentration was too much lower than that of Jing Zhi. Shu Yin's body was modified by many kinds of viruses. Even if he was contaminated with his blood, he should be OK.

Ordinary people may die, but Shu Yin is an expert in this field, and she has a strong resistance. She knows her own.

The atmosphere is good today. He doesn't want to destroy it. When they are more intimate, he will tell Shuyin the secret of his body, in case Shuyin can't resist his virus and have an accident.

Listening to his doting voice, Shu Yin thinks that she is the happiest woman in the world.

She only bit Jing Rui once, and she couldn't bear to bite again.She bravely stretched out her hand, gently stroked King Rui's angular face, some gentle way: "you are handsome!"

Her look and action please Jing Rui. He puts Shuyin on the dining chair and asks her to sit down. He gently raises Shuyin's chin with his hand and says seriously, "you are also beautiful. You are the second most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

Shu Yin widened his eyes and asked subconsciously, "am I the second?"

Why not number one?!

Jingrui can't help laughing. He rubs his hair and feels very happy: "well, second, first, my mother!"

Shu Yin can't help but stare at him and tease her! What a nuisance!

She thought he liked other girls!

She was just behind Jingrui's mother. Shuyin was very happy: "I'm more beautiful than Xixi?"

Jing Rui nodded without hesitation: "well, more beautiful than her!"

That's just a little girl. She's only eight years old. Let alone whether she's beautiful or not, Jingrui doesn't treat her as a girl because of her troublesome personality!

At a young age, she has evolved into a woman!

Shu Yin is embarrassed. In fact, she doesn't mean to argue with Jingxi. The little girl is so lovely and beautiful. She looks like Jing Rui. She must be a big beauty in the future.

She smiles at Jing Rui: "it's OK, I can be the third."

She regards Jingxi as her sister, and certainly will not envy a child.

She won't fight with Jingrui's family. Their roles are different, but there is no doubt that they all love Jingrui.

His mother, especially, can tell from Jing Rui's attitude that his mother must love him very much. He has a happy home.

This is Shu Yin's envy.

In her memory, her mother is also very beautiful, but she did not get much maternal love since childhood.

Mother is a star. She never takes her when she goes out and never admits that she has a daughter. , the fastest update of the webnovel!