Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1086

"You answered these two questions too quickly. Sound, you have studied psychology. What does this performance mean?"

It means she's lying!

Shuyin has a kind of suffocation that he can see through.

In front of others, she seldom makes such low-level mistakes. Her IQ is higher than that of most people. It is common for her to crush others.

Unfortunately, Jing Rui is not one of the vast majority of people, his IQ has been crushing her!

Really, what are you so smart for!

Jingrui suddenly hugs Shu Yin, one hand is holding her waist, the other hand is slowly stroking her back: "Yinyin, don't run away, you know? I want people who have never been able to escape. If you run away, I will punish you. "

Shuyin exclaimed in a low voice, and was ashamed and angry: "are you crazy? Let go

The attack on her chest made her tense!

Her heart is going to stop!

He never held a woman's body.

Today's first attempt was so wonderful that he was a bit addicted.

Jing Rui slightly lowers his head to look for Shu Yin's lips and wants to kiss her.

Shu Yin immediately covered his face with his hands, and his lips fell gently on the back of her hand.

"Yin Yin, release your hand and look at me."

Shu Yin is not moved, his hands are still hard to cover his face, but dare not open his eyes.

"You let me go! Don't you think I'm young all the time? Why do you still touch me when I'm so young? You should find a football size one

This sounds sour, like being jealous.

Jingrui immediately smiles.

His hand slowly reached into Shuyin's pajamas.

"Don't do this..."

"Yinyin, are you jealous? I'm just joking. How can you take it seriously, stupid girl

Jing Rui can't kiss Shu Yin's lips, so he begins to kiss her delicate fingers.

"I want to eat you a little. What should I do?"

Shu Yin is so helpless that she almost leans on Jing Rui's arms. Her voice is a little imploring: "don't touch me, OK? I have to go to school later. Let's take our time. These days are too fast. I'm a little flustered... "

Jingrui spirit of a shock, the voice gently asked her: "Yin Yin, do you want to?"

Shu Yin thought, she has never been unwilling to

When she was still in the graduate school, she had never met him. She had been attracted to him by the words he gave herself from time to time!

It's just that she's been cheating on herself.

Jingrui takes his hand out of her clothes and gently encircles her. He whispers in her ear: "Yinyin, no matter what happens in the future, you can't regret it, do you know?"

Shu Yin doesn't understand the deep meaning of his words, and never expected that his father would die in Jing Rui's hands.

She just felt very happy, very sweet.

His embrace, his gentle, like her voice!

She nodded softly: "I don't regret it."

Shuyin is very shy. In a short day, she has a boyfriend. She is magical and happy.

She reaches out her hand and hugs Jingrui's waist, buries her face in Jingrui's solid chest. Listening to his powerful heartbeat, she just feels that he is so stable.

She knew that he was a man of great responsibility and stratagem. With his shelter, any storm would not hurt her.

Girls love to listen to good words, Shuyin is no exception, she asked in a low voice: "you will protect me in the future, right?"

Jingrui hugged the shy and gentle little woman in his arms, and said seriously and firmly: "yes, protect you for a lifetime. Believe me, Yin Yin Yin, I will let you live the life you like and never run away. "

This was a decision made a long time ago, but the reason for making this decision at that time was completely different from that now.

In the past, it was forced to protect Shuyin.

And now, he is in the heart of the treasure and love.

At the beginning of the disposal of Shucheng mountain, Jingrui never thought that he would fall in love with Shuyin.

Shuchengshan asked him to marry Shu Yin as hypnotic Jingzhi conditions, he also disdained to refuse.

Feng Shui took turns. He made Shucheng mountain so miserable that he had to choose suicide. In the end, he was still in the hands of the daughter of Shucheng mountain.

If Shucheng mountain has knowledge under the spring, I don't know what to be proud of.

Shu Yin doesn't know anything. She just immerses herself in Jingrui's firm commitment.

She doesn't believe anyone else. Even Peter, who has worked together for many years, can't believe it. But she believes what Jing Rui says.

He is a man of great promise. Although he is cruel and cold, and many people are afraid of him, Shu Yin never fears him. He is not the kind of person who is really merciless.As long as you can enter his heart, he will never abandon her.

Shu Yin doesn't know where she got into Jing Rui's eyes. She feels that she can't be ordinary any more. She doesn't have a good family background, and she doesn't have enough strength. She has suffered a lot before, and she is not a lady in a big family.

Perhaps the only thing she can shine at is her appearance.

However, she also knows clearly that Jing Rui is not the kind of person who judges people by his appearance, and the attraction of beauty to him is basically zero.

Otherwise, when yew pursues Jingrui before, it won't be so miserable.

Yew is beautiful enough, and her figure is also very good. Her skill is beyond the reach of other girls.

But Jing Rui is not attracted to her.

Shuyin's eyes can't help but smile, how she thinks he's good anywhere!

With Shuyin in his arms, Jingrui can clearly feel her happy mood and find that she can't help leaning towards him.

He lowered his head and gave her a gentle kiss on her smooth forehead. He felt her obvious tremor and couldn't help laughing.

She's still too sensitive!

With such a close distance, he could detect that her heart beat was very fast all the time, so fast that even he had to follow the heartbeat.

"Yinyin, will you stop going to school today? Stay with me at home. "

"No, I'm going to school. I'm only eighteen. I have to study hard and not fall in love. "

Jing Rui is a little helpless. He doesn't want to be separated from Shu Yin for a minute, but she doesn't want to fall in love? , the fastest update of the webnovel!