Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1085

Shuyin's wrist was grasped by him, and felt as if it was wrapped in a fire. The blood was boiling all over her body!

She tried to control herself and not let herself stick too close to him.

"I don't live with you anymore. I'll move out tonight!"

Although she tried hard to show a cold look, but her face was red, her head was low, and even her voice was not competitive. It always made people think that she was playing coquettish.

"Why move? Do I treat you badly when I live here

Jingrui knows why, and the big hand wrapped Shu Yin's small hand in his palm and held it gently.

Shu Yin was eager to pull out his hand, but no matter how hard he tried, he didn't succeed.

"Let go, I want to go..."

She is really not used to such Jing Rui!

She would rather Jing Rui is the big boss who never talks or laughs and is ruthless.

Hearing Shu Yin insist on going, Jingrui approaches her in a low voice: "where else can you go? Want to go to school? Oh, you don't have to think about it any more. As I said earlier, President x is my aunt, and I don't give you dormitories. That's what I say

He was too close, and the hot air he exhaled when he spoke was sprayed on Shuyin's ears, which instantly dyed her ears pink.

For a moment, she felt soft and wanted to lean on Jing Rui.

Fortunately, her reason is still there. Fortunately, she is not the kind of woman who can be easily seduced by a beautiful man.

"Then I live in another place. I have money and can buy a house by myself. You let me go. I don't live here

"You can choose the room in the villa, and I cook for you. That's how you repay me? How did the chicken wings taste just now? Is it delicious when it's cold? "

Shu Yin was stunned, he even knew that she ate chicken wings!

Her face was hot as if she had been caught face to face for something she had done.

She pushed Jingrui with great effort: "you go out, this is my room! In the future, you are not allowed to come in without my permission! "

She no longer tells about going out to live. She only drives Jingrui out, otherwise they will be entangled endlessly.

Jingrui just gently smile, let go of her hand, light way: "you can only live here, live in other places I don't trust. What's more, next time you are not afraid of me. Why don't you even eat now

Shu Yin doesn't say a word, just push Jing Rui out.

Jing Rui doesn't resist either. She pushes her chest with her soft hands and retreats to the door.

The door of the room is closed by "bang", but Jingrui is a little bitter smile.

He may still be a little anxious, in case of scaring her away, it's not worth it.

Both his mother and his sister said in his ear too many times about "your daughter-in-law". When he saw Shu Yin again, he subconsciously regarded her as his daughter-in-law.

He knows Shu Yin too well. She is not the kind of girl who will obey if you oppress her. She is the kind of person who oppresses and resists fiercely.

You have to keep an eye on her these two days, lest she run away again.

Shuyin locked the door from the inside. Then she took a long breath and sat down on the ground.

She was flustered, uneasy, and at a loss.

However, there is no denying that she is happy.

This is the only person in the world that she trusts unconditionally.

He's so good, so extraordinary.

He used to be handsome and powerful, but now, with gentleness and carefulness.

No woman can be indifferent in front of such a man.

She was a woman, and a girl with a blank in her feelings. She was moved.

Perhaps, she has long been moved, just by her efforts to suppress it.

Because she didn't dare to love.

She is a very self-control person, she does not dare to expect love, it is an extremely luxurious thing.

The best and longest relationship with Jingrui is not a couple, but a friend.

But Jing Rui's performance, already obviously can't be obvious any more, he does not want to make friends with her.

This night, Shuyin lost sleep.

Until dawn, she opened her eyes and her mind was full of Jing Rui.

Love, come too fast, like a tornado.

She wanted to escape from the tornado, but her heart had her own opinion and did not listen to her command.

Shuyin gently touched his forehead, it seems that there is still the temperature of his lips, so beautiful that she can almost describe his perfect lip shape.

The door made a clear sound, and then the figure, which had been active in her mind all night, walked in leisurely.

"Yin Yin, it's time to get up."

Shu yinteng immediately sat up: "how did you get in? I've locked the doorJing Rui calmly raised the key in his hand: "this door can be opened from the outside, don't you know?"

He said, and sat down beside Shuyin's bed, without any taboo.

Shu Yin reached out to him: "give me the key. This is my room. Why do you keep the key?"

Although she looks calm on her face, she will scold Jingrui to death in her heart!

He has a key!

Don't you come in whenever you want?

It's a good thing she's always used to wear when she sleeps!

Jing Rui puts the key into his pocket, holding Shu Yin's outstretched hand and rubbing his thumb on the back of her hand.

"Well, it's a good recovery. I didn't waste my efforts before. There's no scar left. It's beautiful."

Her hands are really beautiful. They are thin, white and tender. They are like priceless works of art. Jingrui can't help playing with them.

Shu Yin until now understand, Jing Rui is that time to her thought!

No wonder he applied the ointment so seriously every day. No wonder she always felt a little strange at that time.

Shuyin's heart beat is so fierce that she has never been so intimate with men. Jingrui's fingers touch the back of her hand like electrified electricity, arousing waves of crispness and numbness.

She violently took her hand back and hid it in the quilt and refused to take it out again.

Jing Rui looked at her carefully and said in a soft voice, "didn't you sleep last night?"

Although the question is used, the tone is firm.

Shu Yin did not answer, just dropped her eyes, slender eyelashes trembled slightly, betrayed her not calm mood.

Jing Rui deceives himself, and his chest is about to stick to Shu Yin's chest. He says in a low voice: "thinking of me?"

Shuyin looked up in a panic: "no! No

"Why didn't you sleep all night? Are you thinking about how to run away from me

Shuyin really thought about it, but she still denied: "no!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!