Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1084

There are two kinds of people who are so arrogant and arrogant after entering the police station.

One is tired of living; the other is that the backstage is tough enough to be afraid of big things.

After so many years of police work, the old police officer has already developed a pair of golden eyes.

Jing Zhi is not a good stubbornness at first sight. He has the aggressiveness and momentum that many police officers don't have. Moreover, his clothes are luxurious and his whole body is full of luxury brands. He must not be an ordinary person.

In city a, the Jing family is the only one with a family name of Jing.

He is not sure whether Jing Zhi is Jing's family, but it's hard for him.

He put down his pen and immediately logged into the internal system of the police station to check.

and so on he entered the two words of King Zhi, and asked the ID number of Jing Chi. Input into it, a dialog box was popped up on the web page:

, your authority is insufficient. Please use higher level permission to check the information.

When the old police officer saw this sentence, a layer of sweat immediately appeared on his forehead!

Because this means that the probability of Jing Zhi being Jing's family is as high as 90%!

He wiped the sweat on his forehead and asked tentatively, "Jing Who else is in your family, sir? "

Jingzhi gave a cold smile, which was quite on the way!

He had hoped that the people in the police station would give him a good beating first, regardless of the situation!

Didn't you say there was someone in the bureau?

Why don't you bother him with your relationship?

Does Zheng Jing manage the police stations of a city so well?

Jing Zhi is not happy that he has not been beaten. He wanted to make a big fuss at the police station!

Jingzhi cocked his legs and said coldly, "I still have my parents and my brother. You can call my brother. He will come here to protect me. But first of all, I didn't do anything. It's unjust! The people in the bar are deliberately blackmailing! "

When he smashed the bar, no one saw him except the only waiter in the bar.

At that time, the other waiters had not started work and the guests had not arrived, so there was only one witness.

He bit himself to death and refused to admit it. For a while, he couldn't do anything about him.

However, the bar did have a tough backstage, just like the waiter said. Jingzhi was locked up in a short time.

Because of the direct orders from above, even if the old police officer thinks that Jing Zhi is Jing's family, he has nothing to do.

He can only provide Jingzhi with a good environment as far as possible, so that he can not suffer, so as to avoid offending the Jings. He will retire and go home to walk his dog.

Jingjing just got the news.

You don't have to think about him. He knows that Jing Zhi is deliberately making trouble. Otherwise, with his ability, how could several policemen take him away? All the police in a city are out. He wants to escape without any difficulty.

Moreover, as long as he says his real identity, no one in a city dares to embarrass him.

Therefore, Jing Rui doesn't worry at all that Jing Zhi will have problems.

What he is more worried about now is that Shuyin didn't have dinner. Now it's more than ten o'clock in the evening. Should he be hungry?

He was thinking about it when he heard a slight noise downstairs.

Jingrui quietly opens the door, and then sees that Shuyin crept into the kitchen and opens the refrigerator to find food.

He couldn't help laughing, and finally he knew he was out to eat!

Shu Yin thinks that Jing Rui is asleep upstairs. He doesn't know that he is stealing chicken wings. Jing Rui sees all of his actions.

She looked at the dishes and chicken wings wrapped in plastic wrap in the refrigerator, and she was glad that there were so many dishes left in the evening and so many chicken wings. Otherwise, she would have to eat a raw eggplant to satisfy her hunger!

Jingrui usually doesn't have the habit of eating snacks, so he can't find potato chips and biscuits in the villa.

She was so hungry that she had a chicken wing in each hand. Even if it was cold, she could eat it very sweet.

Shu Yin doesn't know that the rest of the dishes are specially reserved for her by Jing Rui.

After eating and drinking enough, Shuyin finally felt that life was complete!

She didn't eat a mouthful of all the dishes, but she ate up a plate of chicken wings.

She washed her hands, pinched her face and said to herself, "have I been fat lately? How do you feel your face is getting bigger? "

Shuyin is a little worried. Is it really like Jingrui that she needs to eat more vegetables!

Bah, bah, how do you think of him again!

I will go to school tomorrow. I will live in the dorm. I will not live with him!

It is not only easy to lose one's life, but also easy to be stolen by him.

Shu Yin forced herself not to think about him, and went upstairs to her room.

Why? Did I turn off the light in the room when I went out? "

The room was so dark that Shuyin couldn't help doubting, but she clearly remembered that she didn't turn off the light!She turns on the light suspiciously, and then she is shocked to find that Jing Rui is lying on her bed!

"You, you, you Why are you here? "

Jingrui lies on the bed, covered with a thin quilt. The wind is light and the clouds are light. "This is my room. Where should I be if I'm not here? But you, so late, do you want to come and sleep with you? "


Shuyin screamed and immediately went out: "I'm sorry, I'm in the wrong room again! I'm going out now

She quickly exits the room and goes to the next room.

But halfway through, she suddenly felt something was wrong!

Shuyin takes a closer look. The room she just came out of is obviously the first room next to the stairway!

This is her room!

The second room is Jingrui's!

She was cheated by him!

He stomped his feet, pushed open the door of his room and strode in: "Jing, what's the matter with you! This is my room! "

"Oh? Is it? "

Jing Rui gets up in a hurry and looks around. Then he says faintly, "Oh, I went to the wrong room."

That calm and calm, as if to say, the moon is good tonight!

All over his body, he only wore a dark blue silk pajamas, naked, revealing his strong chest, and his slender and symmetrical arms.

His hand, put in the trouser pocket of pajamas, Shi Shi ran walks to Shuyin.

In fact, Shu Yin has seen many men's bare upper body. She has never felt anything before, but today she doesn't dare to see Jingrui!

He's so sexy!

That temptation is not something that an inexperienced girl like her can resist!

It's so strange that she didn't feel so strong when she treated Jing Rui's burn in Mu's hospital last time!

At that time, she even dared to take off his pants!

How now only looked at his upper body, the heart is about to jump out!

Looking at Jing Rui approaching himself, Shuyin can't help but step back.

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