Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 108

"But what, say it quickly!" Shangguan Ning is worried. She has been hit too much today. She is almost unable to control her mood. She is afraid to hear any bad news from jingyichen.

After thinking about it, Jing Yichen still decides to tell shangguanning that if Zhao an really has no children or is not married, he will take care of her with shangguanning, so shangguanning should know all these things.

"But she may never be able to get pregnant again. Moreover, if she relapses again, she will need to have her uterus removed. "

When Shangguan Ning hears jingyichen's words, her mood suddenly falls to the bottom. She suddenly remembered a sentence Zhao an used to say.

She said, I'm not married.

She always thought that Zhao An'an was just talking about it. She was serious.

She knew her illness and knew that she might not be able to get pregnant, so she decided not to get married.

For a woman, it is a very painful thing in her life that she can't have her own home and her own children.

If Zhao an was not naturally cheerful and optimistic and informal, I'm afraid she would have been depressed and no longer smiling because of her illness.

Shangguan Ning couldn't help but feel sad and murmured: "isn't MuQing family a medical family? Can't they do it? "

Jing Yichen shook his head: "there is no way. This hospital in Germany is already the world's top cancer treatment center. The president here has even won the Nobel Prize and has the richest and most advanced experience and equipment for cancer treatment. Although MuQing's medical skills are excellent, there are still some gaps in cancer research, which is a worldwide problem after all. Mu Qing is even worse. He is not proficient in this field, so he has been studying this issue in recent years. "

"At the beginning, it was Mu Qing who gave an an abortion operation!"

Shangguan Ning was surprised again and said in surprise, "it's Mu Qing! So Who is the man who made Ann pregnant

Jing Yichen grinned bitterly and sighed: "it's also wood green!"

Shangguan Ning was so surprised that she almost jumped up from jingyichen's legs: "what?"

No wonder that when they meet, Zhao An'an always beats Mu Qing like an enemy. However, she never heard Zhao an say Mu Qing. They didn't look like lovers at all, so she always thought they were just ordinary friends.

Jing Yichen knows this sounds incredible, but it happened.

"This is Mu Qing's first abortion operation, and he also found cancer cells in An'an's uterus. Both of them were young at that time. They were afraid of being scolded by their families when they were pregnant. They wanted to knock out their children at the first time, so something happened later

"Now they are..."

Knowing what his wife wanted to ask, Jing Yichen said faintly: "Mu Qing's identity and his heavy responsibilities decide that he can't marry an infertile woman. After his parents know about An'an's situation, they don't agree with MuQing to marry An'an. Ann didn't want to drag him down, so they separated. Now they get along like friends

Shangguan leans in Jingyi Chen's arms, his heart is quite heavy.

Last time in the hospital, Mu Qing also asked about Zhao An'an. At that time, she thought he was just asking casually. Now she wants to come, he knows her illness and worries about Zhao An'an.

After sleeping all afternoon, Zhao an looked much better.

She has now finished all the treatment, just need to take good care of herself.

The ward in the hospital is a residential ward. Although it has only one bedroom, it is equipped with a kitchen and bathroom. Zhao Zhao makes food for her daughter every day, hoping to make her fatter.

Zhao an had no appetite, but shangguanning ate with her. She ate a lot more than usual, which made Zhao Zhao very happy.

And because Shangguan Cong came, she was angry, and the smile on her face had never been broken.

From time to time in the ward came the chirping voice of two little women and the laughter of Zhao An'an.

Zhao Zhao saw that her daughter really made a good friend. She took Shangguan Ning's hand and said that she was the lucky star of Zhao An'an and jingyichen.

Shangguan Ning smiles and doesn't speak. In fact, in her heart, Zhao an and Jing Yichen are her lucky stars.

Jingyichen was busy with business. After only one day in Germany, he went to Australia again.

She stayed with Zhao an for a week in Germany. Seeing Zhao get better every day, she finally put down her heart and went back home first.

Zhao an has no big problem, but still need to observe in the hospital for a month, after a month she can leave the hospital to return home.

However, as soon as Shangguan returned to China, he came across a fault.

In the building of Jingsheng group, Tang Yun stands at the guidance desk with a bright face, and does not mind that many employees of Jingsheng stare at her.

The guide desk soon called the general assistant's office.

"Shangguan assistant, here on the first floor, Miss Tang is looking for you. She asked me to tell you that she is the fiancee of the president. Today, the president asked her to come."Shangguan Ning didn't expect Tang Yun to come again, and actually named her to see her.

She was silent for a moment, light way: "OK, I know, I will go down."

She and Tang Yun don't know each other at all, and Tang Yun regards herself as jingyichen's fiancee, and the whole group knows it. It's certainly not good to come to her, a real wife.

However, it is not her style to avoid seeing her. What's more, it is Tang Yun who is in fault.

She also does not know whether Tang Yun's coming today is the meaning of jingyichen, but she knows that jingyichen will not admit that Tang Yun is his fiancee.

She still doesn't know why Jing Yichen values Tang Yun so much. Since these days, almost as long as Tang Yun has something to do, Jing Yichen will rush over immediately.

Every time Jing Yichen went there, he would tell her exactly that there was no concealment, so shangguanning didn't feel uncomfortable.

At least, jingyichen respects her very much and really puts her in her heart.

Shangguan Ning came to the first floor and just met Mi Xiaoxiao, who was watching the excitement below.

As soon as she saw Shangguan Ning, she immediately pulled her aside and said in a low voice, "you haven't seen anyone this week. Where have you been?"

Shangguan Ning didn't want to cheat her, but she couldn't tell Zhao An'an. She only vaguely said, "I went abroad. What's the matter?"

Mi Xiaoxiao swaggered at the guide platform. Tang Yunnu, who said hello to everyone, said with some disdain: "look, this fiancee is addicted. This week, almost every day, I didn't see the President let her go! However, she is thick skinned enough to take nothing seriously at all. What a good face , the fastest update of the webnovel!