Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 107

Zhao an stretched out her hand to wipe her tears. She found that shangguanning had changed her hair style: "you just say me, where is your hair! So long and beautiful hair, you are willing to cut it, give me back my long hair

"Oh, no, no!" Zhao an patted his bald head and said angrily, "I'm just talking to you. I haven't asked you how to come with my brother! He never told anyone about my illness, let alone brought anyone here! Hurry up

Shangguan Ning sees that she is still cheerful and optimistic. She looks in a good mood. She is not so sad at the beginning.

Now she said so, some embarrassed way: "thank you..."

"Thank you?"

"Well We Married. "

Zhao an was stunned and then screamed: "get married?! You married my brother? "

Shangguan nodded and showed a happy smile: "yes, I married him."

"When did it happen? How come I didn't hear the news at all, Xiao Ning Ning, you're hiding deep enough

Zhao an had a ferocious look on her face, but after a short while, she couldn't hold on and burst out laughing.

"Ha ha, what am I talking about? You're really my sister-in-law! I'm so happy that someone finally took my brother away. He has been treated as homosexual and impotent. I thought he was... "

She didn't feel proud for a long time. Before she finished her speech, she was interrupted by a cold voice.

"Zhao an, you've lost all your hair and you can't say that until your teeth are all gone, can you shut your mouth?"

As soon as she heard this voice, Zhao an's jeering voice immediately turned into a flattering voice. She called with her unskilled sweet and greasy voice: "brother, you are the best! I always adore you very much. Don't you find it

Jing Yichen doesn't pay attention to her at all. She just introduces people next to shangguanning.

"Aung, this is my aunt, Ann's mother."

Shangguan Ning quickly got up and said, "Hello, I'm shangguanning."

Zhao Zhao has just heard jingyichen say that he is married. She has been treating Zhao An'an in Germany for more than two months, but has little contact with jingyichen. Because her sister Zhao Qing, who is Jing Yichen's mother, died, she did not want to see Jing Zhongxiu's family, so she did not hear about his marriage.

Since the death of her sister, Zhao Zhao has been trying to take care of her only son, Jing Yichen, instead of her sister. She has always regarded him as her own son. Seeing that he is in his thirties, there is no woman around him. She is anxious like an ant on a hot pot. She looks for him everywhere every day. Therefore, Zhao An'an introduced the object to Jing Yichen, and she immediately gave her daughter ten more Ten thousand yuan of pocket money.

I didn't expect that my daughter, who has always been unreliable, has been reliable once! Two people really become!

She had heard Zhao an talk about shangguanning many times before. Now when she saw me, she began to smile happily. Originally, her face was pale because of her daughter's illness. Now she is all smiling.

"Oh, dear boy, I have seen you! Ann talks about you every day. I didn't expect that we became a family. That's great! If my sister in heaven knew that she had such a good daughter-in-law like you, I'm afraid she would be able to close her eyes! "

She couldn't help tears as she spoke.

Before shangguanning comforted her, Zhao an was discontented: "I said, mom, people come all the way to see me, can you say something happy, she just cried, her eyes are swollen into peaches, you cry again, there will be four peaches here in a moment, you don't have to do dinner, just eat peaches!"

Zhao Zhao was amused by her daughter and burst into a laugh. She was clearly sad before. In a twinkling of an eye, she pulled Shangguan Ning to ask questions. Her mood changed very quickly and was not affected by the talent.

Shangguan Ning finally knows why Zhao An'an is so cheerful. She has inherited her mother's happiness gene.

Zhao an's health is not particularly good, although she is in a good mood, but the physical soon can not.

After chatting with her for a while, shangguanning quickly asked her to have a good rest. She said that she would come back to see her in the evening. Then she followed jingyichen out of the hospital. The two handsome men with golden hair and blue eyes came to pick them up and sent them to the hotel nearby.

To the hotel, Shangguan Ning just some angry asked Jing Yichen: "she is so sick, why don't you tell me?"

Jingyichen some helpless wry smile, he knew that on the way shangguanning ignored him, must be angry.

He grabbed shangguanning's hand, pulled her into his arms and whispered, "this is what An'an means. She doesn't want others to know that she's sick, and she doesn't want you to know that she's so sick."

Although shangguanning was a little annoyed and he refused to tell the truth, she knew that this was not the time to be angry with him. She asked anxiously, "what disease did she have? How... "

How do you still need to do chemotherapy?

She didn't want to hear the name, but jingyichen still vomited out those words that made her feel broken."It's cancer, uterine cancer."

Shangguan coagulates in front of a black, feel the whole body strength has been pulled away in general.

How could it be?!

How could she get uterine cancer when she was so young and energetic? Isn't this a disease only for middle-aged and elderly women?

Jing Yichen hugs her and pulls her to sit on the sofa together.

"Don't be afraid. Her condition has been controlled. After more than two months of chemotherapy, there are no cancer cells in her body. The doctor said that as long as regular review and treatment according to the plan of the hospital, nothing will happen."

Shangguan Ning raised his red eyes and said, "really? You didn't lie to me? Is it true this time? "

Jing Yichen nodded and said seriously: "it's true that she had this disease a few years ago because she went to the hospital to have an abortion."

"What?" Shangguan Ning was shocked. Zhao An'an had an abortion!? How?

Jing Yichen knew that she couldn't accept such heartbreaking news for a time, so she patted her back gently.

"Yes, Ann had a miscarriage, but it was because of this abortion that she found out that she had uterine cancer. At that time, she was found to have uterine cancer, so after treatment, she recovered completely. But she comes to Germany every year for regular checkups to prevent recurrence. She was diagnosed with relapse in December last year, so she has been living here for treatment

"Will it be..."

Shangguan Ning wanted to stop, but she didn't want to say the word "relapse", for fear it was too unlucky.

Jingyichen shook his head and said in a soft voice, "it's hard to say. It may recur or be cured. From now on, there will be no more problems. But... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!