Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1078

When Jing Rui talks about eating for nothing and living for nothing, Shu Yin is not embarrassed at all and is not angry at all because she knows that Jing Rui is deliberately laughing at her, not really trying to drive her away.

But he said to feed her?

At the thought of Jingrui's face close to himself, Shuyin's white face turned red. Today, she found out that Jingrui's face was so thick!

She murmured "shameless" in a low voice while getting out of bed and putting on shoes.

If she doesn't go down to eat, she is afraid that Jingrui may not say anything amazing!

So ambiguous, she would take it seriously!

Shuyin went to the restaurant downstairs and saw the roast chicken wings on the dining table. She immediately laughed and bent her eyes.

He made her wings anyway.

Shuyin was a little sweet in his heart, and said he would not let her eat, but he still did.

His heart is not as cold as he seems.

Shu Yin looks up at Jing Rui and sees that he looks indifferent. It seems that he made chicken wings not as a favor to her, but as if he did it casually.

But Shu Yin knew that this was what he made for himself.

Jingzhi didn't notice the little undercurrent between his brother and Shuyin. He said to Shuyin carelessly: "little tree shade, you are really following me today! All these food are made by my brother himself! In order to comfort my lovelorn, he cooks by himself. You say, where can I find such a good brother? "

Shuyin looks strange.

Jing Rui is willing to cook today. It seems that it is not because Jing Zhi is lovelorn?

Jingzhi is too sentimental!

However, Shu Yin didn't expose it. She said to Jingzhi very well: "yes, your brother is the best brother in the world!"

Eating people's mouth is short. People should always praise them for making so many delicious food.

What's more, what she said was not a compliment, but a matter of fact.

It's hard for my brother to be a part of Jingrui. My brother may not be as good as he is to Jingzhi.

Jingzhi took a sip of soup, patted his thigh and said, "you are right! The best brother in the world! A bosom friend! My brother has been very good since he was young. There is nothing he can't do

Jing Rui eats gracefully and turns a deaf ear to the high-profile praise of the two people, as if they were not praising him.

He soon had enough to eat and drink. He glanced at the two people who were still praising him. He said faintly, "the rest of the food is not allowed to be wasted. All of it should be eaten up! The one who eats slowly is responsible for washing dishes today. "

A bolt from the blue!

Wash the dishes?


If the dishes on this table are piled up, it's half a person's height!

Two people who were close to each other a moment ago tore their faces in an instant:

"Shuyin, I'm lovelorn and heartbroken. These bowls are all for you! Anyway, you are a girl, washing dishes and so on. It's very suitable for you! "

"You are lovelorn. You can just use the dishwashing to vent your depression! Kill two birds with one stone! My leg was bruised a few days ago, and I can't stand still. What if I don't have a good rest and leave a sick root

"You don't need to use your legs to wash dishes. You can't compare with me in terms of eating speed. You're sure to lose!"

"If you eat more, you should work more! You, a big man, don't you bully me, a weak woman? "


They argue endlessly, but Jing Rui nods with satisfaction, goes upstairs to change his clothes and drives out of the car.

He had to go home. My mother knew he was back, and she kept talking about it.

Just entered the house, he was hugged by Shangguan Ning, and then heard her choking voice: "son, mother wants to die of you!"

Jing Rui hugged her, patted her back gently, and said with a smile, "well, I miss you too."

Shangguan Ning hears the speech and immediately smiles: "really?"

"Of course

"I thought you had married your daughter-in-law and forgotten your mother! I came back last night, but I have to live outside and refuse to come back to live. What a pity

Jing Rui reluctantly released her: "where do you want to go! Where can I have a daughter-in-law? "

Although he is talking to Shangguan Ning, he looks at Jing Xi, who is sitting in the living room dressed as a good baby. The meaning of questioning in his eyes is very obvious.

The little girl cleverly went to hold jingyichen's waist: "Dad, brother stares at me! He's so fierce, I'm afraid

Jingyichen has no principle to protect his daughter: "don't be afraid, he dare not stare again, wait for Dad to clean him up for you!"

Jing Rui can only sigh. It's strange that Jing Xi is afraid of him! I can act more and more. I can be an actor at a young age.

Shangguan Ning than everyone knows her daughter, a look to know that the daughter is intentional.

She doesn't care about Jingxi at the moment. She takes Jingrui to sit on the sofa and begins to discuss the issue of "daughter-in-law" with Jingrui.

"Son, why didn't you bring your daughter-in-law home? Listen to your sister, she is beautiful and smart, and she has a good temper. I haven't seen her yetJingrui knows that he will be betrayed by his sister!

He shook his head helplessly: "nothing! Don't worry about it, mom. I know it in my mind. I haven't left the eight characters yet. When it's settled, I'll bring her home to see you. "

Even a girlfriend is not, yesterday to kiss her were rejected, which is what daughter-in-law ah!

Jingxi this girl, professional pit brother!

"It's OK. I'll take a friend home as a guest."

Just now Shangguan Ning also hated his son for "marrying his daughter-in-law and forgetting his mother". In a twinkling of an eye, he forgot about it and could not wait to see his daughter-in-law.

"By the way, what does she like? I'll be ready to meet her as a gift! Hee hee says she's an expert on viruses and genetics? It's a good match for you to be so young

Jingrui listens to Shangguan Ning's rambling words, with joy and satisfaction in his eyes and eyebrows, and his heart gradually becomes soft.

Her mother didn't ask about Shu Yin's family situation or other messy questions. She didn't doubt his vision and didn't interfere with his emotional life.

As long as he likes, his mother will support it.

He had not planned to let Shu Yin meet his mother so soon, but now he changed his mind.

With a faint smile, he said, "she is now living in Huayuan villa, and Jingzhi is also there. If you want to see someone, you can go to see him at any time. However, she didn't need any gifts, and she didn't care about them. As long as you don't mention the "daughter-in-law", you can certainly have a chat

"Of course, there must be a gift! You're a child. You're not sensible. People have come all the way back with you. Be nice to them! "

Shangguan Ning's face was full of smiles. She understood that her son had not chased people to her hand!

No wonder I didn't bring it home! , the fastest update of the webnovel!