Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1079

Washing dishes, finally fell into the hands of Shu Yin.

There is no way. After Jing Zhi is full, he immediately slips away. He says that he is lovelorn and wants to find his little Yue to heal his wounds!

Shu Yin doesn't know who Xiaoyue is, but she doesn't have to guess that it's a girl. Maybe she wants to try a new relationship.

She is anxious to call Jingzhi back and tell him that Zheng yuluo has nothing to do with other men. He misunderstood him.

But the more she yells, the faster Jing Zhi runs, for fear that she will stay at home to wash dishes!

He hates washing dishes! He's a big man. It's a shame to wash dishes!

In order to maintain his image of tall Wei An, he resolutely does not wash dishes!

Shu Yin Qi's foot stomping, you can't have a good word with Jingzhi!

How could Zheng yuluo like such a villain? A flower was inserted in the stone seam!

Shuyin's leg injury is almost good. Although she is still covered with gauze every day, it is just to prevent scar hyperplasia. She can move freely and wash dishes naturally.

In fact, washing dishes is a bit of happiness for her.

Jingrui cooks and she washes the dishes. This feeling always makes her have an inexplicable emotion surging in her heart.

Although the work of washing dishes is a little big, Shu Yin thinks it's OK to think that Jing Rui is more hardworking in cooking.

Shuyin is the only person in the spacious and luxurious villa. She wears a pair of rubber gloves, humming happily and washing dishes.

If only life could stop like this!

Safe, quiet, warm and simple.

There is no need to intrigue, do not have to worry, no one calculated her, she does not need to calculate others, every day free to live in the sun.

This kind of life, is Shu Yin has been extremely eager for.

As expected, she still likes city a best. When she comes here, she always has a special sense of security and even a sense of familiarity.

She was confused. Did she live here when she was a child?

She felt that there was no loss of her memory. Did the drug to eliminate memory actually work, and she didn't know it?

This possibility is not ruled out.

However, Shuyin doesn't care about her past. She has already made up her mind to forget all the past things.

Does it matter where you used to live?

It's not important.

What matters is where she lives now and whether she is happy.

In the evening, when Jingrui comes back, he sees Shuyin humming and dragging the floor leisurely.

She was dressed in a loose rose red household clothes, long hair tied into a ponytail, loosely hanging behind her head. When she heard him coming in, she raised her head and said with a smile, "you are back!"

The tone is natural and familiar. It seems that they have said it many times. It seems that they have lived like this for many years.

She is just like a little daughter-in-law waiting for her husband to go home!

Jingrui has a moment of loss of mind, her bright smile some eye shaking, clear voice straight into the bottom of people's heart.

He went to Shuyin, raised his hand, touched her hair gently, and said, "well, I'm back. Why are you so diligent today? The leg doesn't hurt? "

Shuyin can't slow down. How can I change the routine?

Didn't you use a "um" to send her away?

Jingrui is still in the way: "don't mop the floor, read your books, the servant will come tomorrow and leave it for her to clean up, otherwise you clean up the house too clean, she has nothing to do, I don't pay her."

He has a faint smile on his face, and his tone is some ridicule and some unspeakable intimacy.

Shuyin is a little confused. What's going on? Go out for a while, come back how with changed person?

She stares at Jing Rui's face. She looks at him carefully and confirms that this is him. Then she reaches out her hand a little hesitantly to touch his forehead: "do you have a fever?"

Her hands were soft and boneless, touching his forehead with a strange warmth.

Jing Rui holds her hand, moves from forehead to lip, then lowers his head and kisses gently: "well, I have a fever, my brain is a little bit not clear, how to do?"

Shu Yin was directly set there by him!

He he he Did you kiss her hand?

This is a basic etiquette in foreign countries. Men in the upper class show respect for women, which does not represent any emotion.

However, in China, it seems that this is not the case!

She suddenly felt that the back of her hand, which she had been kissing by Jingrui, was very hot!

Does he know what he's doing? Do you know what you just said!

Shuyin subconsciously wants to pull his hand back, but he tries twice without jerking.

Her face, slowly turned into a red apple.

Heart is like beating drum, blood flow is accelerated, breathing is short!

These instinctive reactions are completely out of the control of Shu Yin!She thinks that Jing Rui is tempting herself!

This kind of temptation, lethality is too big, her protective shell is broken layer by layer, directly hit the heart.

Jing Rui looks at her face from white to red, and thinks it's cute and interesting.

He held out his other hand, pinched her smooth face, and asked in a playful tone, "how do you blush?"

Shu Yin can't bear this kind of teasing any more. She fiercely takes back her hand and throws the mop in her other hand directly to Jingrui. She bites her teeth and says, "I have a fever!" Then he pedaled up the stairs.

Jing Rui looks at her fleeing, holding a mop and laughing low.

It doesn't seem that she hasn't been in love with him?

Just a kiss on the back of her hand. How about kissing other places?

"Brother, are you stupid?"

Jingzhi comes out from behind Jingrui coldly, which makes the smile on Jingrui's face solidify directly!

"You are stupid! Go away

"Tut Tut, brother, I can't see that you are so easily satisfied! Alas, it's a pity to see that you just kiss someone else's hand. As a result, you lose your soul. This is what age, kiss what hand, go straight up! If you give birth to the baby first, then you can run away when she becomes a mother? "

Jing Rui's face can't be described with difficulty. If his eyes can kill people, Jing Zhi will die hundreds of times!

He sneered and said, "you are promising! Last night, I don't know who can make such a fuss. For a moment, I broke my arm, crashed my car, jumped into the sea, and then went to the bar to have a meal! How can you not turn a person into a mother

Jingzhi was trampled on by his brother, and he was in a hurry: "I was just confused last night. Today I have figured it out. I don't want her! Where there is no fragrant grass in the world, why should I hang on a tree! You see, I'm going to try other trees today , the fastest update of the webnovel!