Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1077

Jing Rui doesn't look up and cuts the eggplant gracefully.

"I cook mediocre, only occasionally. There are not many people who can't cook now, unless they are very stupid. "

He seldom has humility, but this kind of humility not only does not make Shu Yin feel good, but also pulls hatred!

He is very good at cooking, but he has to say that he is ordinary. Isn't he ashamed to death that he can't do anything?

Besides, there are so many people who can't cook now!

The group of people in the Research Institute, except the chef, have no one who can cook!

However, Shu Yin's psychological quality is excellent, and she doesn't care about being laughed at by him. She smiles on her face and her eyes are crescent shaped: "boss, can you teach me to make chicken wings? When I learn it, I can make it for you too

Jingrui put down his knife: "well, let's start by cutting eggplant. You can try it."


Shu Yin widened his eyes and said: "I do chicken wings, why cut eggplant?"

What logic is this!

She doesn't like eggplant!

"If you don't, you won't be able to eat this afternoon."

Shu Yin Du mouth, reluctantly picked up the kitchen knife, imitating the action of Jing Rui cutting eggplant.

"I don't like eggplant. I like chicken wings. Can't we make chicken wings?"

"You can't be picky."

"I don't choose, as long as there are chicken wings, even rice can not eat, I am very easy to raise!"

Is that still a choice?

In addition to chicken wings, nothing else to eat, vegetables and other things are not touched, this is the choice of the boundless!

"You're not afraid to be fat?"

"I'm afraid, so I only eat chicken wings. I don't eat anything else. It's said that eating more chicken wings for beauty and weight loss! Did you buy chicken wings today? Why didn't I see it? "

Jingrui is suddenly amused by her!

I've never heard of eating chicken wings to lose weight. I can tell lies with my eyes open!

He couldn't help but play on the smooth forehead of Shuyin and said with a smile: "today there are no chicken wings, only eggplant!"

He touched Shu Yin's forehead with water on his hand, which made her feel cool.

However, this action is a little intimate to the two of them. Jing Rui is not the kind of person who makes fun of others casually.

Shuyin's cheek was tinged with a faint blush.

She covered her forehead and threw the knife: "you squeeze the labor force. You don't have to work. I won't cut it!"

Jing Rui has always been a calm and self-sustaining person. He has no strong desire for Shu Yin, especially when he can't see her.

However, when facing Shu Yin, hearing her voice, seeing her expression and feeling her breath, his calm indifference will easily be disintegrated by her.

His voice unconsciously with a trace of gentleness: "not squeeze you, chicken wings can not be eaten every day, eggplant is rich in nutritional value, contains a variety of vitamins, you need to eat more vegetables."

Shu Yin is a little flattered. Is he concerned about her?

Even how much vitamin does she take?

Jing Rui pinched a piece of shredded eggplant and handed it to Shuyin's lips: "try it. Raw eggplant is also delicious."

Shuyin was bewitched by his gentleness, opened his mouth and ate eggplant.

When she swallows down, she reacts that she ate raw eggplant!

Crazy! Crazy!

She never eats eggplant, let alone raw eggplant!

Beauty is a mistake!

Is raw eggplant edible? Can she have a stomachache!

Seeing her silly appearance, Jing Rui couldn't help laughing.

"Hello, you eat all the raw eggplant? Will you be able to eat chicken wings after a while? "

His fingers gently across the soft soft soft soft soft soft soft soft soft soft lips, the touch is too wonderful, he can't help but step forward, slightly bow his head, want to taste her beauty.

Shuyin startled, hurriedly covered his mouth and retreated: "what do you want?"

For the first time in his life, Jing Rui felt embarrassment. Before, there was no such word in his dictionary.

He tried to kiss her, but she refused.

He took back his hand, looked at Shuyin as if nothing had happened, and then picked up a piece of shredded eggplant and put it into the import.

"Well, the taste of raw eggplant is also good. It's better that we have raw eggplant for lunch today."

He wanted to cover up his embarrassment, but after eating a piece of eggplant, he felt that the taste was really good. The fresh eggplant was tender and tender, with a little sweetness, and had a special flavor.

He can't help but cut a piece of eggplant again, look natural put in the import to eat.

Shuyin looks stunned!

Did Jing Rui take the wrong medicine today?

He not only wants to kiss her, but also eats raw eggplant!

Would you like to eat raw chicken wings later?

Shuyin's mind is in a state of confusion. She can't tell whether it is a reality or a dream.She panicked out of the kitchen, ran into her bedroom, and then buried herself with a quilt, as if this could ease her crazy heart at the moment.

It shouldn't be!

Why does Jingrui want to kiss her?

Or did she misunderstand Jing Rui?

However, why did she feel a little regret that she had retreated?

Jing Rui looks at Shu Yin and runs away with his head down. His handsome face shows a touch of helplessness.

Did he scare her?

He had slowed her down, but she was still on the alert.

It doesn't matter. Take your time. He has plenty of time. Anyway, she lives by his side.

Jing Rui picks up the knife again and starts cutting vegetables. After thinking about it, he takes the chicken wings out of the refrigerator, cleans them and puts them into the oven.

After the meal is ready, Shu Yin doesn't go downstairs, but Jingzhi wakes up and stretches down the stairs.

He saw that his brother actually took the shirt sleeve and personally picked up the kitchen. He almost lost his chin: "brother, how can you cook yourself?"

Jingrui hates iron and steel. He thinks that he has to go to the bar to meet Zheng yuluo, so he doesn't pay any attention to him.

As a result, Jing Zhi was moved to death and almost cried: "brother, you are so kind to me! Knowing that I was lovelorn, I cooked delicious food for me! It's worth your life to have a brother like you! "

He was thick skinned and said to Jingrui loudly: "brother, I love you! I love you forever

Jing Rui's face turned black: "shut up! Eat

"Oh, oh, well, I'll listen to you!"

Shu Yin shrinks in her bed. She doesn't hear the words in front of Jing Zhi, but the voice of "I love you" at the back is too loud for her to hear clearly.

She burst out laughing!

It's a pity that she didn't see the face-to-face confession between Jing Zhi and Jing Rui. Oh, she should have gone down to dinner earlier!

She's hungry. What should I do?

There was a knock outside the door, followed by Jingrui's cold voice: "go downstairs and eat eggplant!"

Shu Yin asked weakly, "that Do you have chicken wings

The door of the bedroom suddenly opens, and Jing Rui comes in without hesitation: "eat for nothing, live for nothing, raise a princess to be ill? I have to come up and call you for dinner. Do you want me to feed you? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!