Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1076

The cause of the matter, Shu Yin has all clear, she also understand why Jing Zhi misunderstood.

With a slight smile, she said to Zheng Yu, "it's like when you misunderstand my relationship with Jingzhi. Jingzhi thinks you're with others, so you're jealous!"

Zheng yuluo thinks so, but she is not sure whether Jingzhi is jealous or possessive and controlling her.

She has no confidence in herself.

She never dared to hope that Jingzhi would treat her well.

Zheng yuluo gently touched his broken arm and said in a low tone: "Shuyin, tell me about Jingzhi's past. Did he suffer a lot? You know, I used to be very bad. When I was a child, I wanted to see Jing Zhi disappear from the world, so I tied him up and gave it to human traffickers. "

Shu Yin learned from Jing Rui that she and Jing Zhi had been in the past, but she was still a little surprised to hear Zheng yuluo say it himself.

Because in front of the Zheng yuluo, gives the human the feeling, is a quiet gentle small white rabbit, does not seem to be able to harm the human appearance.

She has soft eyebrows and eyes, a sharp melon seed face, and apple muscles are very full. It seems that she is a kind of soft hearted and easy talking girl.

It is said that Xiang is born from the heart, and Zheng yuluo's personality and appearance are matched.

Shuyin can't imagine what Zheng yuluo was like before.

"Later, I learned that the man who took him was more vicious than the trafficker. A person, then disappeared from my life. After I became sensible, I spent every day in the ordeal. I committed suicide, but I didn't succeed... "

"I've been looking for him. I want to find him and say I'm sorry. You may not believe it. I don't hate him for him. He broke me. I was very sad last night, but today I feel that if such revenge can make him happy, then I would like to fracture. "

"I don't know how to make up for his suffering. I know that you have taken care of him for more than two years. In fact, I feel very sad. Why was I not at his side when he was suffering? I'm jealous of you, because compared with you, I feel that I'm useless... "

Shuyin suddenly felt heavy in her heart.

Zheng yuluo's love is so humble!

Moreover, she was suddenly uncertain. She was not sure whether Zheng yuluo was willing to give everything because he liked Jingzhi, or because he was so kind to him because of his inner guilt.

I'm afraid Jing Zhi himself has this doubt.

Otherwise, he will not immediately misunderstand Zheng yuluo with other men.

Shu Yin said about Jing Zhi's previous experience in the virus research institute. The time she and Jing Zhi went in was not much different, so she knew exactly what Jingzhi had experienced.

She doesn't know if guilt can be transformed into love. At least Zheng yuluo is more distressed and Jingzhi is also good.

Those who have not stayed in the research institute can not understand how cruel they were once treated. Jing Zhi has reason to hate Zheng yuluo.

Like Shu Yin herself, she hated her father who sent her to graduate school.

How much do you hate it?

Hate want to tear people to life, hate want to destroy everything!

However, her affairs are totally different from those of Jingzhi.

Zheng yuluo was too young at that time, and even the law stipulated that even if a child killed a person, she did not need to bear criminal responsibility, because she did not have a correct view of right and wrong.

When Shu Yin returns to Jingrui villa, her mood is obviously a little low.

She sat on the sofa in the living room, her eyes were a little empty, and the whole person seemed to have lost her soul.

Jing Rui came in from the outside and saw her stupidly motionless. She couldn't help frowning: "what's the matter?"

Zheng yuluo really has the ability, to her there, regardless of men and women, how come back is a pair of loveless appearance?

Shu Yin slowly raised his head, facing the sunlight shining in from the window, and said softly, "it's OK. I just wonder if I was very annoying when I was a child."

That's why they were sent to cannibalism by their parents.

Jing Rui immediately guesses what she is thinking. Shuyin is not a sentimental person. She is very rational and realistic. She never feels sad about spring and autumn. Every time she shows vulnerability, it is because of her parents.

"You think too much! If you are full and have nothing to do, you can go to the kitchen to do the dishes for lunch! You live here with me. You can do nothing but be a melancholy Lin Daiyu. However, Lin Daiyu is a beautiful woman at least, and melancholy is also eye-catching. If you look backward, you'd better not imitate others! "

Shu Yin is ridiculed by Jing Rui, and the sadness and confusion in my heart suddenly disappear.

This man's mouth is too poisonous!

She was so angry that she wanted to stamp her feet and stare at Jingrui with a pair of clear eyes like autumn water: "am I ugly? You have aesthetic problems! I think I look very good, at least more beautiful than you! I think you just like aliens! "

Her face was vivid and full of vitality. She had no feeling of lethargy just now. She was like a real 18-year-old girl, full of youth and vigor.Jing Rui still likes the sound.

"What's more, I don't want to live here with you. You want me to live here! Why, I am ugly, can ward off evil? That's why you forced me to live? I don't care. I'll just guard against evil spirits. I don't care if I'm a servant girl cooking and serving the eldest young master! "

You don't want to be smart.

Jing Rui smiles indifferently. He pulls up the sleeves of his white shirt and goes into the kitchen.

He asked Shu Yin to make lunch. It's just a joke. It's OK to let her take the scalpel, but it's not like that!

Does he not know whether she can cook?

Shu Yin stood barefoot on the sofa and stretched her neck to look into the kitchen.

She is extremely puzzled. Is Jing Rui going to cook in person at noon today?

Can he cook?

Not like it!

The sound of washing, cutting and the hum of range hood soon came from the kitchen.

When the kitchen wafts out a strong fragrance, Shuyin finally can't help but run to the kitchen wearing slippers.

The kitchen of villa is very big, very neat, all kinds of kitchen supplies are available.

Jing Rui, wearing a white shirt and an apron, stands in front of the cutting board and cuts the shredded eggplant.

There are also several dishes of chopped scallion, ginger, garlic slices.

In the pot behind him, I don't know what kind of soup is boiling. The aroma makes the sound comfortable and almost drooling!

"How can you cook?"

Shuyin was shocked. The big boss got the hall, the kitchen, the killer and the scheming. He could do anything!


He is so good, how can others live?

Staying by his side for a long time will make people feel inferior and despair! , the fastest update of the webnovel!