Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1075

Jing Rui looks up to Shuyin.

In her clear eyes, there are stars flashing, and the calm and self-confidence on her face make her bright and dazzling.

She's beautiful and beautiful.

Her skin is like coagulating fat, her eyes are bright, and her long black hair is draped on her shoulders, shining with silk like luster. She wears a loose home dress with V-shaped collar, and her clavicle is exposed outside. It is delicate and sexy, which makes people unable to move their eyes.

She is a little proud and stubborn, but in Jing Rui's opinion, they are not shortcomings at all. These characteristics focus on Shu Yin and make him feel cute.

In fact, he knew that Shu Yin was becoming more and more relaxed in front of him, and he was more and more daring to be patient.

Once upon a time, Shuyin was not like this.

She is very respectful to him, whether like it or not, she will strictly follow his instructions and never contradict him.

And now?

She was afraid of him by the way she begged him.

Jing Rui suddenly smiles and asks her with interest: "what kind of human relationship do you want?"

"I haven't thought about it. You and Jingzhi owe each other first. I'll tell you when I think about it. You can't go back on your word!"

She is a little arrogant and charming, but because her voice is a little soft and sweet, she seems to be playing coquetry with Jingrui.

"Well, well, I'll give you personal information."

No matter whether things are done or not, Jing Rui can give Shu Yin this favor. As long as he doesn't go too far, he can satisfy her.

Jingrui lets the cold wind take several of his men and drives Shuyin to Zheng yuluo. He doesn't need protection in a city. Shuyin needs it.

Shu Yin to the hospital, see Zheng yuluo, very surprised: "rain, your arm this is how?"

Zheng yuluo was more surprised than she: "Shuyin? How did you come to city a? "

Once asked about the export, Zheng yuluo felt that something was wrong.

It's easy to think that she doesn't want Shu Yin to come to a city.

"No, no, no, I mean I didn't expect to meet you here! Aren't you in North America? When did you come to city a? "

Zheng yuluo is half lying on the bed. She wants to get up, but she is held down by Shuyin.

"Don't move, you should lie down if you are hurt. Anyway, when we first met, you were lying down

With a smile on his face, Shuyin joked, and Zheng yuluo also showed a shallow smile.

"How did you do that? Is your arm broken? "

Shuyin is good at treating viral diseases and surgical pain, but her research on orthopedics is very shallow. She can only judge that Zheng yuluo's arm is broken, but she does not know the extent and cause of the fracture.

The smile on Zheng yuluo's face almost disappeared in an instant. She bit her lip and whispered, "it was I who accidentally fell."

Zheng yuluo is not good at lying, and Shu Yin also knows the knowledge of psychology. She hit the nail on the head and asked, "who hurt you? Jingzhi? "

Zheng yuluo's face turned white and he was silent.

Shu Yin was extremely angry: "is it really him?"

Jingzhi has broken her bone. Jingrui doesn't even tell her!

Fortunately, she didn't ask Zheng yuluo about other men just now!

However, Shu Yin is an outsider. The so-called spectators are clear. She quickly reacts that Jing Zhi didn't mean to hurt Zheng yuluo.

"Rain falls, don't be sad. If you say something arrogant, you don't know Jingzhi as well as I do. I'm half of his attending doctor. I take care of most of his daily life. You may not know that when he gets angry, he can't control his strength. "

Shu Yin was afraid that her words would be misunderstood by Zheng yuluo. She then explained:

"before, Jing Zhi had always been a dangerous person to me. He was extremely powerful and had a fatal virus. Every time I approached him, I must be fully armed to avoid death. I've taken care of him for more than two years, and I've always been scared. He doesn't really like me, so you don't have to doubt my relationship with him

In fact, Zheng yuluo really cares about the relationship between Shuyin and Jingzhi.

In love, girls are actually selfish. She hopes Jingzhi is her own.

What's more, she felt that she had no half chance of winning against shangshuyin.

How to look at it, Shuyin is the more attractive one.

And she, in addition to causing trouble, nothing else.

However, Shu Yin all said that on this part, Zheng yuluo knew that he was stingy.

She lowered her head and whispered, "well, I know, you and he are just good friends."

Zheng yuluo can be sure that Shuyin has no other feelings for Jingzhi, but is not sure whether Jingzhi likes Shuyin.

She took Shuyin with her uninjured hand and sat down beside her bed.

"When did you come to a city? You should tell me so that I can catch you. "

"I just arrived last night. I came back with Jing Rui Jingzhi."Zheng yuluo was slightly stunned. Did Jingzhi just come back last night?

So, as soon as he came back, he went to her house and waited for her?

Shu Yin also guessed that Jing Zhi went to Zheng yuluo there as soon as he got off the helicopter. Moreover, it would be extremely unpleasant for the two people to meet, otherwise it would not be so rigid.

One half dead was carried home, one broke his arm and lived in the hospital.

"Rain falls, you Do you have a boyfriend? "

Zheng yuluo wryly smiles and shakes his head: "how can, I have always been a person."

"Do you like Jingzhi?"

Zheng yuluo hesitated, she did not know whether to nod or shake his head.

She did not say a word, Shu Yin was taken as her default, if she did not like it, she would not hesitate to deny it.

Shu Yin was a little confused: "then why do the two brothers think you are good with others?"

Zheng Yu falls a Leng, how Shu Yin also knew?

Did Jing Zhi tell her? Or Jing Rui?

They all think so!

Zheng yuluo felt a little bitter, but she didn't want to carry this kind of black pot. She whispered: "last night, Jingzhi saw me sitting in someone else's car, and then misunderstood me. He nearly killed people, and I've been begging him not to do it, so he might think I like other people

Lou Ziyi was picked up by the people of the Lou family early in the morning. From the beginning to the end, none of them spoke to her. Her eyes were full of anger, as if she had done something heinous.

She didn't know how the Lou family got the news. It was clear that neither she nor Lou Ziyi had told the story.

Lou Ziyi was still trying to hide things, but all the excuses were useless.

As soon as his brother Lou Ziming arrived, he said directly, "I know everything. You don't have to say a word. Come home with me!"

Then she was left alone in the ward. , the fastest update of the webnovel!