Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1074

Shu Yin said, put down the spoon, want to go to Jing Zhi's room.

Jing Rui takes her wrist and pulls her back.

"You can't cure his injury."

"Ah? So serious? "

"Not serious."

Shu Yin was confused by him: "what did he get hurt?"

"Feeling hurt!"

"This Well, you're right. I can't cure this injury. I'd better eat! But, Mr. Jing, would you please let go of your hand? I'm afraid I can't eat with one hand. "

Jing Rui pauses, and then naturally releases her wrist, as if accidentally touched Shu Yin.

A little doubt flashed in Shu Yin's heart. Recently, she has been doubting whether Jing Rui is interested in her. Otherwise, why does she always touch her intentionally or unintentionally?

She gently shook her head and felt that she had better not be amorous.

Thinking of Jing Zhi's unconscious appearance just now, Shuyin asked strangely, "is he lovelorn?"

Jing Rui washed his hands, sat down at the table, and then began to eat.

"How? I didn't see him in love! Where did you come from when you didn't love? "

Jingrui doesn't speak. He still eats his own breakfast, but Shuyin suddenly understands: "Oh, I know! He and Zheng yuluo are at odds with each other! "

It seems that Shu Yin also knows that Jing Zhi likes Zheng Yu.

"Is he obvious?"


"How do you know he likes Zheng yuluo?"

"Because he told Zheng yuluo that I was his girlfriend! Then Zheng yuluo was very sad and went to school to find me, which probably means that she quit and let me be with Jing Zhi. If I can't see that he cares about Zheng yuluo, isn't he too stupid? "


Jingrui's eyes are cold. Good boy, his wings are hard. Even this kind of thing can be nonsense!

Thanks to him not sleeping all night, busy for him, is to warn Zheng yuluo, is to go to the bar to deposit money to meet people!

When did Shu Yin become his girlfriend?!

If Jing Zhi was not drunk and asleep now, he would have to drag Jing Zhi over and give him two fists!

"You have nothing to do with ah Zhi!"

Jing Rui's voice is cold, but he has always been cold and used to it. For Shu Yin, there is no difference in the coldness at the moment.

She just didn't know, so, "of course! How could I have anything to do with him? It's just that Zheng yuluo will believe it. If anyone else believes it, she will be confused if she cares about it. "

Is care confusing?

Maybe he is too!

"When do you want to go to school?"

"As soon as possible. I want to feel the atmosphere and environment of different universities. Can I enroll tomorrow?"

"Yes, but there is one more thing I need you to do."


Shu Yin suspects that he heard something wrong. In city a, Jingrui doesn't need any help at all, does he?

"You help a Zhi find a few girlfriends in school, according to Zheng yuluo's personality and temperament to find it."


Shu Yin can't believe that Jing Rui would let her do such a thing!

Is this looking for Zheng yuluo's double for Jingzhi?

"Isn't that good?"

"Why not?"

"You'd better not interfere in their two feelings."

Shuyin thought about it for a while, but she said her feelings about Zheng yuluo: "I think Zheng yuluo likes Jingzhi, and her feelings are very deep. Jingzhi is so miserable now, and she doesn't have no feeling, right? Obviously, they like each other. Why do we make such a scene? "

Jing Rui raised his face and looked at Shu Yin quietly. After a moment, he said, "do you know how ah Zhi got into the virus research institute?"

Shu Yin doesn't know, but she is extremely intelligent. She just thinks about the meaning of Jing Rui's words and responds: "is it related to Zheng yuluo?"

"When she was a child, she and ah Zhi were enemies. She often made trouble. She drugged him, then tied him with a rope and sent him to the people in the Research Institute. He was controlled by the Research Institute and the killer organization. In order to rescue him, I changed my appearance, changed my identity, and found a substitute to deal with some small things at Jing's house instead of me. "

Jing Rui said the past briefly, and then said, "last time, ah Zhi was taken away again, because of the fall of Zheng Yu."

At that time, Shu Yin knew that at that time, she and Peter both returned to the research institute to protect Jing Zhi.

Shu Yin has never known that Jing Zhi was arrested because of Zheng Yu!

If there are so many enmities between two people, I am afraid it is impossible to have a pure love.

She finally understood why Jing Zhi never gave Zheng Yu a good look.Jing Zhi absolutely hates the Research Institute. Many people in the research institute died in his hands. Zheng yuluo has been able to live to this day, which has proved that Jing Zhi has extremely tolerated her.

Shu Yin couldn't say anything for a while.

No wonder Zheng yuluo is so tolerant to Jingzhi that he has no bottom line. He lets Jingzhi bully him, never resists and never gets angry.

She thought that Zheng yuluo was born to be that kind of good-natured girl.

It turns out that she is just like this to Jing Zhi.

However, Shu Yin thinks that Zheng yuluo is sincere to Jingzhi, and her eyes are full of admiration. In the future, no one will be as tolerant of Jingzhi as Zheng yuluo.

"I can't help you find a substitute for Jing Zhi. It's not right!"

Shuyin thinks about it, but still refuses Jingrui's request.

Jingrui raises his eyebrows slightly. He dares to refuse his request in such a crisp way. He doesn't care about his face at all. Besides Shuyin, there is no one else.

He used to like to control everything. He liked to control Shu Yin in his own hands. He couldn't allow her to have independent ideas.

But now, he likes the sound.

Independent, not affected by his strong point of view, will not blindly yield.

Firm, persistent, calm and intelligent.

It's good. It's all good.

"Even if you don't help me find it, a Zhi will not be short of women. If I let you look for it, I think it will be better for you to choose, so I don't have to worry about it."

His appreciation of Shuyin's character does not mean that he agrees with Shuyin's practice.

Jing Rui only cares about his younger brother's feelings. It doesn't matter whether the person who accompanies his brother to bed to solve his physiological needs is Zheng yuluo.

As long as Jingzhi doesn't reject it.

"Well, I'll go to talk to Zheng yuluo and ask her what she thinks. We can't make a decision for her in such a rash way."

"Don't ask. She's with someone else."

Shu Yin doesn't believe: "it's impossible!"

Zheng yuluo's look at Jingzhi's eyes, where can you fall in love with others!

"There must be some misunderstanding. I'll go and find out for you. But if I solve the problem, you two brothers owe me a favor , the fastest update of the webnovel!