Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1073

It's already daybreak, and the staff should leave work. Cao Jing orders a cashier and asks her to go to Jingzhi to check out with her consumption list.

The cashier is also a little beauty, but she is more sophisticated than Xiaoyue. She has a professional smile on her face, and her tone is gentle and intimate: "brother, it's time to go home and sleep! Come back tomorrow! Here, this is the wine you drink, don't you

She said and handed the list to Jing Zhi.

Jingzhi was dizzy. He heard someone calling "brother". He immediately tried to open his eyes and asked vaguely, "hmm? Is my brother here? "

It's obviously drunk. It's a bit of a delirium.

This situation is too common in bars.

The cashier stopped beating around the Bush and said, "brother, you spent a total of 16163. Our manager said that we can't be stingy because you are so generous. We can only charge you 100000. Do you pay by card or cash?"

Jingzhi just felt his ears buzzing. He couldn't hear what the cashier was saying. He went to Xiaoyue, put his feet on the sofa, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

The cashier stamped his foot angrily and turned to the manager.

At more than seven o'clock, Jing Rui receives a call from Jing Zhi, but the voice coming from it is not Jingzhi's, but a gentle female voice.

"Hello, sir. Are you the elder brother of the aircraft owner? Sorry, your brother is drunk in our bar. We can only use his mobile phone to call you

Jing Rui eyebrows micro wrinkle, light spit out two words: "address."

The other party said an address, and then said, "he still owes us $100000 for wine. Don't forget to bring the money."

Jingrui "um" one, directly hung up the phone.

He believed that the other side was telling the truth.

Jingzhi went to the bar to drink. In fact, he knew that he had already sent people to follow Jingzhi, so as not to have an accident with him.

Jingzhi's mobile phone doesn't have any password. He hates the trouble when unlocking, and there is no secret in his mobile phone.

It's normal for the other party to find him with his mobile phone.

After all, in Jingzhi's mobile phone, only his personal number is saved. Other people's phones, such as Shu Yin and Peter, are not saved at all.

Jing Rui drives to the bar to meet people, but Cao Jing and Xiao Yue in the bar are surprised by Jingzhi's mobile phone contacts.

How can anyone have only one person's mobile phone address book these days?!

Fortunately, there is a contact person inside. If not, who can they find to get Jing Zhi away!

"Xiao Yue, what do you think of this handsome boy? Do you like him? "

Cao Jing sits beside Jing Zhi, reaches out his white and delicate hand and pats Jingzhi's face. When he speaks a lot of English, he laughs.

I'm still from abroad. I speak English better than my mother tongue.

Xiao Yue didn't understand why the manager was so happy. She looked at Jing Zhi and said, "sister Cao, he is very handsome. I haven't seen a man more handsome than him! But I don't like him. There are no good men here. "

She was biting her lip, a little bit tangled about whether to come to work here.

Although it makes a lot of money here, it's too unsafe!

It's hard for her to be taken advantage of.

If her mother knew she was working in a bar, she would break her leg.

Cao Jing has been practicing for many years, and has become a human spirit. She can tell what she is thinking by looking at Xiao Yue's face.

"He is handsome, rich and has the least respect for women. Why is he not a good man? Xiao Yue, you are still too young, do you think that men should be determined to you? The premise is, you have to be charismatic enough. You don't want to work with me, do you? "

Xiao Yue is not good at telling lies. She whispered: "sister Cao, I'm sorry, I thought I could do this job."

Cao Jing doesn't force her. The little girl is a piece of white paper. It's normal that she doesn't want to do it.

"It doesn't matter. When you've dealt with the business here, you can find an accountant to settle the account. Your commission will not be less. However, I won't accept you again in the future. I'm not a charity. Come and go if you want. "

After only one day's work, he fired the boss, and Xiaoyue felt embarrassed.

Two people are saying, a look up, see a whole body exudes a strong air of man walked in.

He was dressed in a black suit, dark gray shirt, clean, but also showed a kind of unspeakable dignity.

Behind him were four bodyguards, all of them in black suits and black shirts, which more and more set off the dignity of the head man.

Cao Jing originally thought that Jing Zhi was handsome enough to have a great momentum. However, his brother was more handsome and more dignified than him. The two brothers as like as two peas are not alike in appearance, but the same harsh and cold feeling to

is the same.

Cao Jing instinctively felt that there were many lives in these two hands.She stands up, goes to Jing Rui and hands over Jing Zhi's consumption list in person.

Jing Rui glances at her indifferently. Without saying a word, one of his subordinates has stepped forward to take over the consumption list and follow Cao Jing to pay.

Jing Rui strides to Jing Zhi, checks his body roughly, and then nods to the cold wind.

The cold wind picked up the tall Jingzhi and took him out.

Xiao Yue has never seen such a battle. She is so scared that she doesn't dare to move. Seeing Jing Rui's cold eyes looking at her, she is so scared that her legs are soft and she stammered: "your brother, he He he he's drunk! I, I, I He took advantage of it

Jing Rui looks at the little girl in front of her again. She is dressed in a white shirt and a small black dress working uniform. She combs her ponytail and doesn't give any makeup. Her eyes are flustered. She seems to have done a big mistake.

She is soft and delicate and timid, but is similar to Zheng yuluo.

My brother likes this one?

When he wakes up, ask him.

Such a girl, he can find a dozen for his brother!

Jing Rui takes Jing Zhi and his men to leave. Xiao Yue is relieved and falls on the sofa.

She said to Cao Jing with a cry: "sister Cao, I have to go quickly. When I go to work here, I not only have to accompany the wine, but also have to lose my life!"

Jingzhi woke up when he was carried to his shoulder by the cold wind, but as soon as he saw that it was the cold wind that was carrying him, he immediately put down his heart, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

No matter where he is, the cold wind is carrying him, my brother must be nearby!

There is his brother in the place, he wants to sleep, eat, life is the best!

Shu Yin is having breakfast in the restaurant. Seeing the cold wind carrying Jing Zhi in, she looks at Jing Rui who follows her in the door: "what's wrong with Jingzhi? Are you hurt? I'll go and have a look. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!