Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1072

The little girl came to the bar for the first day. She was grabbed by Jing Zhi. She was so scared that she almost dropped her wine!

However, she still died to protect, the price of a bottle of wine is exorbitant, she can not afford.

She wants to get rid of Jing Zhi's hand, but she finds that she can't do it anyway.

She was crying in a hurry and looked at her manager like a cry for help. However, the manager shook his head at her, winked at her, and indicated that she would serve her big customer. Jing Zhigang ordered six bottles of foreign wine continuously, and the total price was more than 100000!

The little girl can get more than 10000 Commission this evening!

Such a rich master doesn't hold his thighs tightly, but he still wants to leave! be ill!

The manager of the bar used to take care of the little girl, but she didn't earn enough money. She was not as noble as that, and protecting the girl was only within her ability.

Jingzhi didn't care about the little girl's help. He grabbed her wrist, pulled her to his side and sat down. He asked her casually, "what's your name?"

"My name is Xiao Yue. Sir, I I'm just a waiter. I don't serve with wine. Can I find a more beautiful companion for you

Xiao Yue begged pitifully. She had been accompanied by several guests this evening. However, as long as she cried pitifully enough, those men would not force her, and the manager would timely help her.

However, now the manager is obviously not willing to care about her, although she is also eager to earn money, but she still can not do the wine.

She just wanted to carry a plate honestly, afraid of being bullied by those men.

Although the man in front of him is very handsome, all the men in the bar can't match him, but Xiaoyue still doesn't want to accompany him.

"I'll take a fancy to you, just sit down, or I'll smash this bar!"

Jing Zhi didn't even use the cup. He took the bottle and drank it directly.

He has always been very good at drinking, how much wine he drinks will not be drunk. He hopes that he can get drunk once today.

Xiao Yue struggled, but he saw that he was sitting here with her. He didn't move his hands and feet. He put down his heart a little.

Her family was poor. Seeing that Jingzhi asked for so many expensive wine, she felt sorry for him. She could not help but persuade him in a low voice: "you Drink less. The wine here is so expensive, and it's not good

Although she came to work for the first day, before she went to work, the bar still gave her a simple training for three days. Xiao Yue had already remembered the price of various kinds of wine in the bar.

Not only that, she also tasted a lot of wine, so that guests like to drink that kind of taste, she can make targeted suggestions.

She thought that those bottles of foreign wine were not as good as three yuan coke.

And drink too much easy headache, it is not cost-effective.

She can't understand the world of the rich, just as the rich can't understand the poor girl like her. Why does she refuse to bow down to please men when she is short of money.

The music in the bar was deafening and the sky was bright, and the men and women who ended their nightlife left one after another.

The environment was very noisy. Xiao Yue's voice was drowned in other voices. She thought that Jingzhi didn't hear what he said, but she didn't know that Jingzhi heard everything he said.

But he didn't pay attention to it at all. The chaotic environment and the crowd made him relax gradually.

Sure enough, it's better for him to come out and play!

Here, as long as you have money, there are all kinds of girls willing to come to your arms, and do not need to pay feelings, do not need to take responsibility, and there is no kind of heartbreak betrayed.

Jingzhi held Xiaoyue in one hand and a wine bottle in the other. He drank happily.

Maybe he is not in the right mood today, or there is something wrong with the wine today. When he drinks the fourth bottle, he is already dizzy.

His arm circled Xiao Yue's neck and leaned her against him. He laughed and said, "ha ha ha, the wine here is good! I like it

Xiao Yue's strength is small, and she is not Jing Zhi's opponent at all. She is forced to lean on Jing Zhi's chest, but she is surprisingly not disgusted with him.

Is it because he is so handsome?

She looked at the drunken Jing Zhi and wondered how he could drink so much.

She started working in the bar at 9:00 p.m., and by 12:00 p.m., some people were already drinking. Although the several kinds of wine Jingzhi wanted were expensive, they were all real wine, and there was no water added in it.

He should have been drunk after drinking so much.

"What's your name, little girl? How can I look so familiar to you? Have we met somewhere? "

The opening remarks are so vulgar!

Xiao Yue was helpless. He was drunk! She said her name!

"It's morning, sir. Our shop is closing. You need to check out. Do you pay by card or by cash? "Xiao Yue's business inquiry, but she actually knows that Jing Zhi will not pay in cash. He has a mobile phone on his body, which has a wallet!

Oh, no!

No wallet?

How do I pay for this?

Is his bank card in his pocket?

Don't you want to default?

Xiaoyue can not take responsibility for this. Jingzhi drank 100000 yuan of wine and sold her is not worth so much money!

Taking advantage of Jing Zhi's inattention, she quickly waved to the manager, indicating that she would find someone to settle the bill.

The manager of the bar is surnamed Cao. Everyone calls her sister Cao.

She is a mature and amorous woman. In her thirties, her long hair has been dyed chestnut brown with big waves. Her figure is enchanting and her temperament is charming.

She is quite backstage, people who come here to have fun give her face, rarely make trouble in the bar.

Most of the time, she is also kind and warm, not very angry, even if the heart is angry and disgusted, her face is still able to talk and laugh.

Compared with Xiaoyue, she has experienced too much in Fengyue field. Her vision, insight and mental means are naturally much higher than Xiaoyue.

She actually saw Jing Zhi come in without her wallet.

However, she was not worried that Jing Zhi would not be able to pay the 100000 yuan for wine.

His humble black casual clothes are made by famous Italian teachers. His brown leather shoes are even more famous luxury goods. His wrist watch is also the number one Patek Philippe in the world's top ten watches. It is worth more than 100000 US dollars.

How can such a person be short of that 100000 yuan?

There must be people paying him.

See small Yue desperately to make their eyes, Cao Jing can not help but feel funny.

The girl's mind is simple. On the one hand, she doesn't like the behavior of killing people in the bar. On the other hand, she is afraid that someone will default on her account and that the bar will make a loss. , the fastest update of the webnovel!