Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1071

Lou Ziyi grew up in the care of his brother and sister. He didn't need him to run around outside. His personality was simple, but it didn't mean he was stupid.

If Zheng yuluo and Jing Zhi are ordinary friends, how could Jing Rui come to this hospital today! How could you say that!

Can let Jing Rui alone to see Zheng yuluo, which has been enough to prove the status of Zheng yuluo in Jingzhi's heart.

"Rain falls, I like you very much, you know? I always thought you were the kind of girl I was looking for. "

Lou Ziyi's confession caught Zheng yuluo off guard.

In fact, she knows Lou Ziyi's mind, because he is very obvious.

But he has not said clearly, nor forced her, just said that they are now good friends.

Over the past month, he was considerate and attentive, caring about her bit by bit, as if they had known each other for a long time, and they got along naturally and comfortably.

The panic of losing Jing Zhi is driven away by Lou Ziyi.

Zheng yuluo naively thought that they were real friends.

Is she stupid?

Or is she asking for too much?

No, it's not!

What she wants is never the warmth and consideration of Lou Ziyi. She just wants to let herself try to contact other people!

She wants to force herself to forget Jingzhi!

Otherwise, his appearance always revolves in her mind, she always can't control to think of him!

However, he is far away in North America, across mountains and rivers.

She suspected that she had never entered his heart!

She's just a tool for him to vent.

This kind of cognition, let her feel panic, let her feel sad and heartbroken.

Zheng yuluo has tears from the corner of her eyes. She whispers: "Ziyi, I'm sorry, I hurt you. I don't know he will hurt you. He is always impulsive. Don't worry about him. Blame you, blame me. I didn't take care of it. After that, you will be I've never known me before

Lou Ziyi looked at her soft face full of remorse, and his heart suddenly softened.

He raised his hand, wiped away tears for Zheng yuluo and comforted her: "no, I'm not blaming you, I'm just It was a shock. It's my pleasure to know you. It's Jing Zhi who hit people, not you. You don't have to take responsibility for him. "

Lou Ziyi said, this just noticed Zheng yuluo's arm was injured.

He immediately frowned: "is your arm hurt by Jing Zhi?"

Zheng Yu falls reluctantly a smile: "he should be too angry, carelessly let me fracture, it's OK, in a few days will be good."

"How can it be ok! A hundred days of injury, you need at least three months of rest! Even if you can do it to me

Zheng Yu falls delicate and weak, such a flower like girl, how can Jing Zhi go to hand!

"Rain, you can't be with him! It's going to be domestic violence in the future! He's too dangerous. If you don't agree, you'll kill. You're a girl, you don't have any resistance ability at all! "

Lou Ziyi loves the girl he likes. He doesn't want to touch Zheng Yu. As a result, he is broken by Jing Zhi!

He only hated that he was weak and could not get justice for Zheng yuluo.

Zheng yuluo shook his head with a bitter smile.

In fact, when she was with Jing Zhi, he was still gentle.

Apart from not giving her a good face, never really used violence against her.

When her arm was just broken by Jingzhi, her heart was cold, but now she did not feel the pain.

At least she can be sure that Jing Zhi has been very kind to her.

"Ziyi, don't get involved in my affairs, so as not to involve you again. Besides, from today on, we will not meet again."

Lou Ziyi was staring at her. After a long time, she spit out a word: "good."

He can see that Zheng yuluo's heart is not with him. Moreover, the Lou family has no way to compete with the Jing family. Jingrui says that he wants his life, but the Lou family can't keep him.

Fortunately, it was only more than a month, and he was not deeply involved.

After getting along with each other, Lou Ziyi is not sure if he will let go.

He seldom falls in love with a girl, but now he ends up with a tragic ending.

He was unwilling and painful, but he didn't know what to do.

Lou Ziyi has never experienced any big waves, but he has been obedient since he was young. He doesn't want to make trouble for the Lou family.

There used to be three big families in a city: Jing family, Ji family and Yang family. Now the Yang family has been completely wiped out, and the Ji family has long lost its former scenery, because they all once opposed the Jing family.

The Lou family can't even compare with half of the Yang family. It's only after generations of struggle that the Lou family has a small reputation. It can't be destroyed by him!


Jingzhi doesn't know that his brother went to be a bad man for him. He took a bath, didn't go to the room to sleep, but went out directly.He went into a brightly lit bar and sat far away, drinking and watching the men and women swing on the dance floor.

Perhaps his appearance and temperament are too eye-catching, many women around him are crowded to him.

"Handsome boy, you are alone! Not alone? I happen to be alone. We can make a couple

"I think you are very strange. Are you here for the first time? Unfortunately, you are late. All the hot programs just now have passed. Please come earlier next time


Girls wear more and more colorful, more exposed.

Unfortunately, Jing Zhi came back from Bikini country. None of the women in the bar wore bikini. At most, half of her chest was exposed.

the perfume on their bodies is too strong, and their make-up is also like a ghost, without any aesthetic feeling.

his sense of smell was more than ten times stronger than that of ordinary people. He was wrapped up in perfume and cosmetics, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Go away!"

He said only one word, and they ran away immediately.

Because the cold feeling on his body is too strong, like killing at any time!

The girls in the bar are just for money. No one wants to die.

Jingzhi came to the bar to seek excitement. He wanted to indulge himself.

A man usually has many women in his life, especially in North America. For a boy his age, his girlfriend changes more frequently than anything else.

However, when he came to the bar, he was not interested in those women with heavy make-up.

Although he was not as clean as his brother, he rejected women who had been held by others.

A bartender in the bar delivers wine to Jing Zhi. Jing Zhi looks at her skin that can be broken by blowing bullets. Finally, she finds one that is quite agreeable.

has no makeup, no perfume, round face and two dimples. It looks a little cute.

He pulled the little girl to his side: "sit down!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!