Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1070

You can only contact with a man according to her meaning!

In the future, if Jingzhi doesn't want her, she must die alone!

Although Zheng yuluo has never thought about what will happen with other men, and has never thought about getting married, she still thinks it is incredible to be forced by Jingrui!

She has always known Jing Rui's indifference, but did not expect him to be indifferent to this degree!

He does not care about people and things, there is no right to speak, no right to choose!

Zheng yuluo wants to refute him, but his momentum is too strong and oppressive. She can't even say a word.

"If you don't care about your own life, I can kill you now. Do you choose to die now or wait to die? Of course, if you die, Lou Ziyi will not survive. "

Jingrui's tone is indifferent. It seems that seeing Zheng yuluo is just to see a grass, which can be uprooted at any time.

He originally intended to give Jingzhi to Zheng yuluo to take care of her. She had been very good before, and she was very tolerant to Jingzhi. She was obedient and obedient. Her background was simple and she didn't have too much mental devices. She was very suitable for Jingzhi.

However, if she is so good to other men, she must be excluded.

"Don't move Lou Ziyi!"

Zheng yuluo didn't expect that Lou Ziyi would be implicated to this extent by himself. If he died, it would be really unjust!

"I'm just friends with him. You've misunderstood me! I owe Jing Zhi, I will repay it myself. Lou Ziyi is a friend introduced to me by my sister. I have only known each other for a month! We have nothing! "

Zheng yuluo has already reflected at the moment. Why are Jingzhi and Jingrui reacting so much? Why don't they want to let Lou Ziyi go!

They all thought, she and Lou Ziyi are good!

It's true that Lou Ziyi likes her, but she doesn't have any idea about Lou Ziyi!

"Neither can friends. If you want him to live, keep him away from you."

If you want to make friends, why not find a girl? What's going on with a guy?

Jing Rui doesn't believe in pure heterosexual friendship. Two young men are entangled in each other for a long time. The men are handsome and handsome, and the women are beautiful and gentle. If you come and go, it's time to be moved!

He didn't like Shu Yin when he first saw her. On the contrary, because of Shucheng mountain, he didn't like Shu Yin at first. He even felt uncomfortable when she touched her.

But two people get along for a long time, the flash point is discovered, the two people more and more fit, the feelings slowly warm up.

Jing Zhi's performance today shows that the relationship between Zheng yuluo and Lou Ziyi is not as simple as she said.

Although Jing Zhi does things impulsively, he will not even have the most basic judgment.

Compared with Zheng yuluo, Jingrui naturally believes in his younger brother.

Zheng Yu bit his teeth and whispered, "OK, you can rest assured that he will be far away from me in the future."

Although she and Lou Ziyi get along for a short time, they get along well. He is his only friend now.

Since far away from her, in order to keep Lou Ziyi's life, let her alone!

She was used to having no friends for so many years.

Jing Rui, of course, sees Zheng yuluo's unwillingness. He frowns slightly. He glances at Lou Ziyi, who is lying in bed and pretends to be dead. He reevaluates the weight of Lou Ziyi in Zheng yuluo's heart.

Do women change their minds so fast?

It seems that he needs to take Shuyin more closely!

Jing Rui doesn't want to say a word to Zheng yuluo. His meaning has been expressed very clearly. If Zheng yuluo doesn't listen, he will certainly do it for Jing Zhi.

Of course, he will not move Zheng yuluo, he will only let those men who are close to Zheng yuluo dare not to approach her again!

As soon as he turned and left, Lou Ziyi opened his eyes.

In fact, from Jing Rui, Zheng yuluo turns on the light and wakes up.

He also heard the conversation clearly.

He doesn't know Jingzhi, but he knows Jingrui!

In other words, he knew Liao Wei.

Both of them are too similar in appearance and temperament. Lou Ziyi only met Liao Wei once, so he didn't know that what he saw today was Jing Rui himself.

He was shocked in his heart!

Jingjia in a city, almost can call the wind and rain, is the top of the family.

As the only successor of Jing family, Jing Rui has a superior status and prominent identity.

It is said that he is silent and cold-blooded. It turns out that he is more frightening than the rumor!

The Lou family is also a well-known big family in a city. Although Lou Ziyi is not the inheritor of the Lou family, he has received aristocratic education since childhood, and has a comprehensive understanding of many families in city A.

At this moment, he finally knew who the man he saw last night was!He is the child who disappeared eight years ago. He is Jing Rui's younger brother, Jing Zhi!

Jing Zhi disappeared in those years, which caused a lot of trouble in the city.

Because everyone was shocked that someone dared to move the king's family. However, with the powerful strength of the Jing family, they could not get Jing Zhi back!

Now, Jing Zhi, who has been missing for eight years, is back!

And seems to have an unusual relationship with Zheng yuluo!

Lou Ziyi's mind is a little confused, and his heart is also a little flustered.

Before pursuing Zheng yuluo, he knew nothing about Zheng yuluo and Jingzhi.

He never thought that Zheng yuluo would be Jingzhi's woman!

And Zheng yuluo has never revealed half a word, she has always been quiet, not much talk, not love to laugh, look sad, worried.

Now, Lou Ziyi finally understood why Zheng yuluo was like this!

He suddenly remembered that it had been rumored before that Jing Zhi was abducted, but in fact, Zheng yuluo personally delivered him to the human traffickers.

Maybe the rumor is true?

Zheng yuluo finds that Lou Ziyi is awake, but she is still concerned and asks him: "Ziyi, do you have any discomfort? I'll call a doctor for you

Lou Ziyi lay there, quietly looking at Zheng yuluo, after a long time, he just wryly smile: "rain fall, you hide too tight! Since you and Jingzhi You should have told me earlier! "

His voice was hoarse, with unspeakable bitterness and sadness.

He really likes Zheng yuluo, but Zheng yuluo conceals such a big thing from him. After knowing the truth, he feels that his heart will be cold through!

He didn't dare to lower his head to me. I used to hurt him, but now I can only keep all the secrets. "

"Then you should at least tell me that you already have a boyfriend!"


Zheng Yu opened his mouth and was silent for a long time before he said, "we are not friends."

They're not even friends, are they? , the fastest update of the webnovel!