Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1069

"Brother, I feel bad..."

Jingzhi's voice is low, his face is slightly white, and his whole body is wet. He looks like a small animal abandoned by others. After he is injured, he comes to find his closest person to recuperate.

He sat down on the sofa with a look of bewilderment.

Jing Rui looks at him for a while. Seeing that he is not hurt, he puts down his heart slightly and doesn't ask him what happened.

It can make a killer come out of the bloodbath. He feels that there will be no other than emotional problems.

"You broke up with Zheng yuluo?"

He hit the nail on the head and immediately guessed the reason.

Jingzhi didn't speak. Maybe he and Zheng yuluo never started.

He didn't deny it, and Jing Rui knew he was right.

He's angry and funny!

"I found out today that you are still a spoony killer! Don't you look down on her? Why did you come back in such a mess? I'm not afraid of losing face! "

Jingrui scolds his younger brother. He is not a child now. He has come from the wind and rain. He is not afraid that he can not stand the blow.

"You are now the highest authority of the largest killer organization in the world. So many people's lives are in your hands. Such a small matter will defeat you? What about your reason? "

Jingzhi listened to her brother's harsh voice, but she felt warm in her heart.

He felt that people all over the world would abandon him, only his brother would not.

He put his head on his brother's leg and curled up on the sofa.

"Brother, I remember what happened when I was a child. I remember it all."

Brother, only you are good to me from the beginning to the end. Others don't like me.


Is it because I'm infected with the virus?

But the virus is basically only through the blood transmission, usually embrace touch will not be OK.

Jingrui's light brown casual pants are soon wet by the water on Jingzhi's hair, and a large amount of water stains are faintly dyed.

Usually, Jing Rui will not let Jing Zhi lie on his legs. He is not used to such close contact with others. Even his brother will be very uncomfortable.

At the moment, however, he tolerated.

There was no towel on the sofa, so he simply took a brand-new tablecloth to wipe Jingzhi's hair.

However, his action is not gentle, and his tone is not half gentle: "I spent so much effort to ask Shucheng mountain for help, hypnotized so many times, it turns out that it is not better than a Zheng yuluo! You're a real success

"When I was a child, I had a hard time with her."

"I thought you knew it! She tied you up and sent you to the virus research institute. It's impossible to do it! "

"But when I saw her with other men, I was very angry. Then I beat that man to death and broke Zheng yuluo's arm. But how could I not be happy?"

If you don't like the delicate tablecloth, you can choose the delicate tablecloth again

Jingzhi closed his eyes and slowly opened them after a long time. He asked, "brother, do you like Shu yin?"

Jing Rui's heart slightly rises a layer of waves, he is silent for a moment, finally still "um" one.

Fortunately, Shu Yin fought against him on the plane for a whole day. When she arrived here, she was so tired that she just went to sleep. Otherwise, it would be inappropriate for her to hear such words.

He wants to slowly invade her life, into her life, become an indispensable part of her life.

And he himself, too, needs to adapt.

"She's not the best choice, is she?"

"No, she's the best choice."

Jingrui knows what Jingzhi is worried about. He says faintly: "I know everything about her, and she knows everything about me. I appreciate her advantages. I also think her shortcomings are lovely. She has a deep admiration for me. She will form a family in the future, which will be very stable."

What's more, he had promised shuchengshan to take care of Shuyin all his life. He used to feel troublesome and a burden, but now, if it's a woman who takes care of himself, he only feels a sense of accomplishment.

Didn't shuchengshan ask him to make sure that Shuyin lived in a rich life all his life?

If you want to be his woman, you can be rich.

But now it's not about him and Shu Yin, but about Jing Zhi and Zheng yuluo.

"If you have any emotional problems in the future, you can ask Xi Xi. She is not a big person, but she has a lot of ghost ideas. You can take her as your emotional tutor."

Jingzhi's heart has been warmed by his brother. Now he is in a better mood. Hearing that he asked himself to ask Jingxi, he felt deeply despised!

"How old is she? I don't go! Shame

"You think you're not disgraced now? How old are you to crash my car and throw yourself in the sea for a bathJingzhi's body smell of sea, and there are some pieces of seaweed on his body. It seems that he came out of the sea! Jingrui can't stand it for a long time!

"All right, take a bath and go to bed! If you like Zheng Yu to fall, you just want her. If you still hate her, don't want it! "

Jing Rui didn't say how he felt all along - he didn't really like the twins.

Zheng yuluo has been broken too many times!

Although she does not harm Jingzhi's heart now, she may not be able to pit Jingzhi again any time. He can't rest assured.

However, Jing Rui thinks that it is also a good thing for Jing Zhi to encounter setbacks on the emotional road.

This can promote his rapid growth.

Jing Zhi goes to take a bath, but Jing Rui doesn't go to rest.

He changed his clothes and drove to the hospital.

The cold wind has already found the information of Zheng yuluo, and has made a general survey of the process of the matter.

Jing Rui wants to go for his brother.

When he arrived at the hospital, it was already slightly light, and there was no light in the ward. He could only vaguely see a person lying on one bed, while the other was sitting and awake.

Seeing the door of the ward opened, Zheng yuluo thought it was the doctor who came in for ward round. However, when she turned on the light, she found that the person who came was Jing Rui!

From childhood to adulthood, she has a special awe for Jingrui. When she grows up, she has experienced Jingrui's coldness, and her awe adds a kind of fear.

As soon as she saw Jing Rui come, she felt that she had done something wrong, and she was frightened.

Although, in fact, she was not at all wrong.

Jing Rui glanced at Zheng yuluo, who lowered his head. Seeing that her arm was fixed with splints, he said faintly: "your life is Jingzhi's, he won't marry you. You don't have to dream of marrying anyone in this life! Next time you make an exception, it's not just your arm that you break! "

His tone is too overbearing and overbearing, and Zheng Yu is stunned for a moment! , the fastest update of the webnovel!