Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 106

Zhao an has been abroad for so long that shangguanning misses her very much.

"Yi Chen, why did An'an go abroad for such a long time and didn't come back? Before she left, she sent me a message saying that she was going to get treatment. What's wrong with her? "

Although Mu Qing said that Zhao An'an was ok, Shangguan Ning was still a little worried, and could not help asking jingyichen around him.

Jing Yi Chen's action of drinking water was stagnant, and then frowned slightly: "did An'an tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"She's sick."

"I know. She told me that I also see her drink Chinese medicine as water every day, but she looks very well. She doesn't look sick at all."

Shangguan Ning's expression is a bit at a loss. He feels something wrong in his heart, but he can't say what's wrong.

"What's wrong with her?"

Jing Yichen was silent for a long time, then light way: "she should be OK, after a few days I am busy, I will take you to see her."

Shangguan was relieved to hear that he also said that he was OK. When he heard that he could go abroad to see Zhao An'an, she was very happy.

"Well, let's go and see her. I hope she won't be too surprised to see that we are married."

Shangguan Ning has not let Jing Yichen tell Zhao an about their marriage. She wants to tell her in person, and then solemnly say thank you to her.

Jing Yichen looks at his wife's elated appearance, and swallows back what she originally wanted to say.

Forget it, don't tell her. It's rare that she is so happy. Zhao An'an's illness Wait until she meets Zhao An'an.

Three days later, the couple embarked on a plane to Germany, where shangguanning would meet her long lost best friend.

After getting off the plane, jingyichen made a phone call in proficient German, and soon two handsome men with blonde hair and blue eyes came to meet them.

Shangguan Ning German is not inferior to jingyichen at all. She has shown her excellent language talent since she was a child. She is proficient in many languages. She never needed translation when she traveled to other countries before.

She said hello to two German men with a smile and followed jingyichen into their Audi.

After driving for about half an hour, the car came to a hospital which was built like a garden.

Jingyichen thanks to two people, and then takes shangguanning to go in.

The hospital is very quiet with elegant environment and fresh air. Accompanied by their family members, three or two patients walk along the cobblestone path. It seems to be a good place to recuperate. There is no sense of hospital at all.

Jingyichen seems to be quite familiar with here, taking her around several buildings, stopping in front of a small white building, and then pulling her into it.

The building of this hospital is generally not high. The building is only four stories in total, and Zhao An'an lives on four floors.

She is afraid of her hometown. She will see Zhao An'an soon. Shangguan Ning doesn't know why. She always feels flustered. She holds jingyichen's warm hand tightly and feels better.

Jing Yichen felt her uneasiness, gently hugged her, and said, "the front is An'an's ward. She should have finished her treatment these two days and transferred to the general ward."

Shangguan Ning is too excited to see Zhao An'an, and ignores the message in jingyichen's words. She slowly enters the ward where Jing Yichen says.

Ward layout is very warm, light green curtains, bedding of the same color, as well as a handful of orange daisies, all appear green and full of vitality.

But, wait for the officer to see clearly the person on the hospital bed, the whole person has a kind of near collapse feeling!

Zhao An'an, who was originally lively, cheerful, healthy and energetic, is now lying there, pale and almost transparent, and her most proud short hair is gone, showing her pale scalp.

Is this still Zhao An'an, who is full of power and full of energy every day?!

Shangguan Ning's tears fell uncontrollably.

Cool tears fell on Zhao An'an's face and woke her up in her sleep.

Zhao an opened her eyes and saw that it was shangguanning. She was stunned. Then she closed her eyes, turned over and continued to sleep in the past.

She closed her eyes and whispered, "how can I dream of a beauty again..."

After a while, she suddenly opened her eyes again. Seeing that the person in front of her was still there, she could not help but stretch out her skinny hand and rub her eyes.

Seeing her action, Shangguan Ning couldn't help crying more fiercely and called her with a thick nasal voice: "An'an..."

Zhao an was completely stunned. After a long time, he tried to say, "Shangguan Ning?"

Shangguan Ning couldn't help it any longer and hugged her in tears.

"An'an, it's me, shangguanning, it's me!"

Zhao An'an felt her warm breath and unique aroma. At the moment, she was convinced that she was not dreaming, nor was she hallucinating, but Shangguan was coming!

"Ah Ning, how can you be here!! I feel so happy! "Shangguan Ning cried out of breath and couldn't care to answer her.

Behind her, a deep voice sounded, "I brought her here!"

Zhao an an noticed that there was a person beside the bed. She was surprised and said, "brother? Why are you here? Did you bring ah Ning? "

It shouldn't be!

However, jingyichen didn't want to solve her confusion at all. She asked her "where's your mother?" knowing that her aunt was taking medicine in another building, she went out without saying a word and left the space for them.

Shangguan congeals for a while already to the eye to cry swollen, but still heartache has no way to stop.

Zhao an was not a person who could comfort people. Now she was at a loss and let Shangguan hold her in her arms. After a while, she said, "ah, I said, beauty, I'm not dead. Do you want to stop crying? It's not too late for you to cry when I die

Unexpectedly, Shangguan Ning immediately forced himself to stop crying and said with red eyes, "bah, bah, no nonsense! Take back what you said just now. Bodhisattva will not blame you for your youth

What's going on here!

Why two months no see, shangguanning has become such a superstitious person!

However, she was glared at by Shangguan Ning, so she had to say, "bah, bah" a few times before she gave up.

Shangguan Ning wiped away her tears and saw Zhao an's bald head in a twinkling. Her eyes were red, and her tears could not stop falling.

"You What about your hair? How can this happen? Why don't you tell me anything! "

As far as she knows, there is no treatment other than chemotherapy that can cause hair loss!

Zhao an touched his bald head and said with a smile: "ha ha, I can catch up with a high wattage electric bulb now! It's OK. It will grow. Don't cry or cry! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!