Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1066

Another helicopter, Jing Xi and Jing Zhi, are watching a pile of snacks, eating a lot of fun.

Jingxi usually likes Shuyin very much, but Shuyin doesn't let her eat too many snacks. Lollipop and popsicle can only eat one or two every day. Today, she finally separated from Shuyin, and she can finally eat a lot of sugar without any fear!

With a piece of sugar in her mouth, she kept stuffing pine nuts into her mouth. When she saw that Jingzhi had peeled it, she started to grab it.

"Second brother, I'm my sister. You should let me go!"

"I'm your brother. Shouldn't you be a sister to me? Don't rob. You've eaten this packet of pine nuts! I can only lick the nut shell

Jing Xi's eyes were bent with a smile. OK, the second brother is really poor. She should not bully her second brother. When she returns to a city, she will continue to bully her brother!

She approached Jing Zhi and asked mysteriously, "second brother, what do my brother do with sister Shu Yin on the plane now? Why does he have to leave us both? One more helicopter will burn a lot of gasoline

The little girl knows too much. Now I can't even fool her!

Jingzhi thinks that he should stay away from Jingxi, otherwise he can't fall in love!

But He also wanted to know what his brother was doing.

"Your sister Shuyin may soon become sister-in-law of Shuyin. Alas, if you call her sister-in-law, I will call her sister-in-law. She has taken advantage of her!"

Although Jing Zhi feels that there is an indelible gap between his brother and Shu Yin, as long as the secret can be kept and Shu Yin will never know about it, they can live forever.

In fact, he is very willing to make room for his brother. He is always too cold and safe, and seldom has impulse.

He hoped that when chasing a girl, his brother could be impulsive and take down the person first!

"Second brother, when can I have a second sister-in-law?"

"Why are you in a hurry? I'm not in a hurry to find my daughter-in-law. Wait for me to make a good choice and find an obedient, beautiful and simple one! "

"Do you want to choose?"

"Why not? Your second brother, I'm so handsome. There are more beauties in my arms, and I'm all cross eyed! "

"What about the lost sister? Aren't you both in bed? Are you going to abandon her? "

Go to bed

Jing Zhi slapped Jingxi's butt: "who taught you this?! Little girl film, also know what is to go to bed

"It's just that two people take off their clothes and get together..."

Without waiting for her to finish, Jing Zhi immediately covered her mouth: "stop, stop, stop! The more you say it, the more ridiculous it is! "

They bickered all the way. When they got to city a and the helicopter landed, they got on the car sent by jingyichen. After that, Jingxi said, "second brother, since you are not here to find your sister, why do you go back to city a?"

"I'm homesick, can't I?"

"Two uncles and two aunts are in North America. Who do you want?"

"I don't want to be separated from you. You are my only sister. I'm not at ease if you are not around me."

"My brother will protect me! And I'll go to school with sister Shuyin. There's nothing wrong with you here! "

Jingzhi sighs helplessly. Alas, her sister is so clever that she can't hide it!

His brother gave him the killer organization. In fact, he needs to stay in North America and deal with daily affairs and negotiate business with various forces.

He shouldn't have come back.

But when he learned that his brother and sister were coming back, he couldn't help coming back.

He thought that if he hadn't seen Zheng yuluo for a long time, he would have forgotten her.

However, it turns out that he still loves and hates her. The two emotions are entangled together, which makes him feel uncomfortable.

North American beauties, one by one are sexy and beautiful, but Jing Zhi doesn't feel much about them.

Is it because they are all European and American?

He still likes the delicate and weak Asian style girls.

European and American girls are too open and wild for him to like.

However, he did not think he liked Zheng yuluo.

His original purpose was to torture her to death.

Now, is she dying?

It seems that there is no such thing!

She didn't know how free she was now!

Jingxi also said that Zheng Yuwei introduced her boyfriend!

He doesn't have a girlfriend yet, she dares to find a man!

Jing Zhi hands Jing Xi to Jing Yichen, sits in their house for a while and then leaves.

Jingrui and Shuyin have not yet arrived in city A. their helicopters are driving slowly. It is Jingrui's intention to do so.

Jingzhi calls him and tells him that Jingxi has arrived home. Then he drives a car of Jingrui and goes straight to Zheng yuluo's home.

Zheng yuluo's room is not any different from before. It is still extremely simple, without any fancy decoration that a little girl should have.However, to Jing Zhi's anger, it's already midnight and Zheng yuluo is not at home!

He went out, got on the car, drove the car far away, and then sat in the car, waiting for Zheng Yu to come back.

Jingzhi didn't wait too long before he saw a royal blue Porsche sports car coming into his view.

His eyesight is so good that he can see a man and a woman sitting in a Porsche from a long distance.

The man is handsome and handsome. He wears a British style shirt with crystal buttons on it. In the dark, it is shining with luxury luster, which also shows the expensive price of the shirt.

The woman's white dress, soft and graceful, sat in the front passenger's seat and said something with the man's side face.

Jingzhi's hearing had been damaged. Although he recovered a little later, he could not hear the sound from far away as before.

He only saw that Zheng yuluo, with a gentle smile on his face and a bunch of red roses in his arms, spoke to the man in the driver's seat.

He could not hear their conversation, but he could hear the sound of something slowly breaking in his heart.

He really thought that Jingxi was just joking!

He thought that his sister was just deliberately provoking him!

But I didn't expect that on the first day back to a city, I really met Zheng yuluo and her boyfriend going home together!

His watch has just been set up by Jingxi to automatically prompt the whole hour.

At the moment, the dial is slightly bright and gives out a slight "Di" sound, indicating that it is one o'clock in the morning.

At one o'clock in the morning, he was sent home by a man. If there was no problem, Jing Zhi would not believe it.

Not to mention, the two still seem so close.

Jing Zhi was angry, but he hated himself very much.

He deserves it!

She has hurt me so many times that I still hope!

He was kicked in the head by a donkey! , the fastest update of the webnovel!