Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1065

Jing Rui is very satisfied with the cold wind's reaction ability. His subordinates are more and more eyeful! Always quick to understand what he really means.

Yes, he did not pick the wrong person. He can consider giving him a raise.

Jing Rui holds the startled Shuyin and goes back to the bed, puts her down, and then goes to lift her quilt.

Shu Yin is still, let him cut.

Her nightdress, lifted up by Jing Rui, sticks to her thigh root, and almost shows her underwear!

Shu Yin finally came back to his senses. She was so ashamed and angry that she wanted to poison him directly with a bottle of virus!

She is so big that she has never been seen by a man!

Now, it's all gone!

But she can't get angry, even to express a complaint, or some cold guy will throw her from the helicopter again!

She was scared to death just now!

It's horrible, OK?!

What if the cold wind opens the cabin door and she really falls? At such a high height, she was directly smashed into mud! There's no chance of survival at all!

Sure enough, it's better to control the fate in your own hands!

If she believes in Jing Rui again, she will be an idiot!

Unfortunately, after a while, Shuyin was shaken.

Jing Rui doesn't take advantage of her. He cuts off the gauze on her leg carefully and re applies medicine to her. It seems that he is worried about her injury, not to see her leg.

Shu Yin is a little ashamed. How can she always think of Jing Rui so badly!

Jingrui is not that kind of lecherous at all. He is so cold and excellent. What kind of woman does he want?

Shu Yin has not finished shame, listen to Jing Rui light way: "well, good, legs are very beautiful, feel very good."

Shu Yin's shame suddenly disappeared!

"Jing, you don't want to face! Throw me down if you can

"Don't you like it when I praise you? I think you are very unhappy when you said that you have a small chest, so I praised you against your heart just now, so that you will not feel inferior and want to commit suicide. Since you are not willing to listen, I will take back my words. "

Shu Yin doesn't want to commit suicide now, she wants to kill!

She had never seen such a black tongue!

If you want to live by Jingrui, you must have a diamond heart!

I don't know how the cold wind can live so long!

Shu Yin thinks that if he stays with Jing Rui for a few more days, he will be very angry!

"Don't wear short skirts in the future. You'd better wear trousers. It's not good to show your legs. It's easy to cause disaster. "

It's enough for him to watch alone, and no one else can watch the rest!

Jingrui is in a good mood, but Shuyin is in a terrible mood.

What's wrong with her legs?

Her legs are so symmetrical, not fat or thin, but also quite white, what beautiful legs! Even the little girl Jingxi thinks her legs are very beautiful!

What's the beauty of this man!

Does he like muscle legs?

Shuyin couldn't help shivering!

Like football chest, muscle legs, black skin, love to admit mistakes

Oh, my God! He likes aliens!

Shu Yin looks strange at Jing Rui. God has given him excellent intelligence and perfect appearance. Why not give him a normal aesthetic!

"Are you staring at me because I'm so handsome?"

This man is narcissistic!

Shu Yin despised him in his heart, but his face showed a smile as gentle as possible: "yes, yes, you are very handsome!"

She can see that this person likes others to follow him!

He who follows others will prosper, and those who oppose others will die!

In order to prevent him from finding her perfunctory, Shu Yin quickly changed the topic: "where is Xixi? She's not going back to a city with you? "

"You want her back?"

"Of course

"If you obey, she can go back."

Shu Yin was shocked: "what does this have to do with me?"

Jingxi is your sister, not my sister, OK?

You brother, shouldn't you take your sister back to city a and let her into her mother's arms?

"She loves to cause trouble, and so do you, and you teach her to be more troublesome. So, if you're obedient, she can go home. "

What logic is this!

I want to jump!

"Did you really leave hee in North America?"


"Don't let her go home?"


"Did she make you angry?"


"Brother and sister, there is no overnight feud. Send someone to pick up Xi Xi. North America is not safe. She can't stay there alone."

She knew that North America was not safe!Do you want to stay in North America?

If he didn't come this time, Shu Yin would not follow him to leave North America!

Jing Rui took a look at her, and still faintly "um" one.

Shu Yin couldn't help but pull his arm: "you don't just" um ", let's go back to pick up Xixi."

Jing Rui takes a look at Shu Yin's hand.

Her hand grabs his arm. It is thin, white, soft and warm, which brings him good touch and visual enjoyment.

Well, her hands don't leave any scars, still beautiful and perfect!

He takes back his eyes, light way: "that should wait to go to a city, see your performance."

Shu Yin didn't care why she had to perform well to let Jingxi go back to China. She really wanted Jingxi to return to city A. she frowned and asked, "how do I need to behave?"

"Don't make trouble, just don't attract people."

"When did I attract the bees and butterflies?"

Shu Yin feels very wronged. She has always been studying and doing research, not to mention falling in love. She doesn't even have friends. Where does she go to attract bees and butterflies!

"Well, I'll talk about it later, and I'll help you correct it. I'll give you a special place in X university. You can go directly to study. There are some good tutors in X University, which should be helpful to you. "

Speaking of business, Shuyin converged all thoughts and listened quietly.

"It's not peaceful recently. You'll study in X University for a while, and then I'll clean up all those tails. You can transfer to another university, or you can go to any foreign university to be an exchange student."

"The principal of X university is my aunt, whose surname is Zhao. You can go to her directly if you have something to do. However, she is a bit of a fool. You can speak directly. What's more, I sent her daughter directly to the Military Academy for exercise. She may hate the itchy teeth I hate, so if she takes you out of her anger, you should not know her

Shu Yin was very moved. At last, she was angry and funny!

This is to find a backer for her, or to find hatred for her!

You've offended your aunt and asked me to find her?

Don't you know her?

She never knew her!

Shu Yin made up her mind that no matter what happened at school, she would never bother the principal, lest she be implicated by Jing Rui. , the fastest update of the webnovel!