Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1067

Although Jing Zhi is angry and wants to kill people, he has enough willpower to control himself after seven years of hard work in the killer camp.

He sat in the car and watched the Porsche approach and finally stop in front of the gate of the Zheng family villa.

He saw that the man leaned over to Zheng yuluo, untied her seat belt, rubbed her long hair with a smile, and then opened the door for her.

The distance is very close, and there is no interference from the sound of the sports car engine. Jingzhi can hear every word that the other side says clearly.

"Well, when you get home, don't think about it and have a good rest. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning."

Tone gentle and familiar, seems to have known each other for a long time.

But Jingzhi just felt the pain in his chest, as if he had been shot!

Zheng yuluo returned from North America. Up to now, it is only two and a half months!

Get rid of him, get on with other men so soon?!

"No, I can go by myself. I don't have to bother you."

"What's more polite to me? Anyway, it's all on the way. Don't refuse me. If you refuse again, you'll hurt your feelings. "


"Today, my birthday, you won't even refuse to accept such a small request? Luoluo, are we friends? Are you a little too cruel? "

“…… Well, thank you, Zi Yi. "

Sweet and sweet!

Jingzhi couldn't listen any more. He opened the door and went out.

The car he drove today is black and inconspicuous in the dark. Zheng yuluo and Lou Ziyi didn't see the car at all. What's more, they didn't expect that there would be a person hiding here so late.

So when they heard the sound of opening and closing the door, they both started to look at the source of the sound.

Lou Ziyi's lights are on, and two beams of light drive away the darkness in the dark, and shine on Jing Zhijun's cold and beautiful face.

Lou Ziyi frowned, but Zheng yuluo rubbed his eyes!


She never expected to see him at her own door!

Zheng yuluo was stunned for a moment. Before she could react, the whole person was pulled out of the car by Jing Zhi.

His action is too rough, Zheng yuluo not only dropped the flowers in his arms to the ground, but also could not stand steadily. His arm was pinched by his hand.

She could not help but exhale in pain.

Lou Ziyi immediately got out of the car and asked angrily, "who are you?! If you don't let it go, I'll call the police! "

Jingzhi didn't even give him a look. He grabbed Zheng yuluo's arm and said in a cold and disdainful way: "Zheng yuluo, I don't think you are quite capable! The front foot walked away from me, and the back foot hooked on other men. The charm is as good as it was then! You are looking for death

Zheng yuluo almost everyone was pulled into his arms, she felt that after a while, her arm would be pinched by him!

When she was very young, she knew that he was much stronger than others. Today, she finally knew how much strength he had!

He can really crush her bones with one hand!

"Let go, my arm hurts!"

Lou Ziyi is distressed that Zheng yuluo has been bullied, and he does not want to punch Jing Zhi's chest: "let her go!"

However, Lou Ziyi thought that he could beat Jingzhi down with one punch, but he never thought that he would be kicked out of the other party's clothes before he even touched them!

Zheng yuluo was so scared that his face turned white and he screamed: "Ziyi!"

Lou Ziyi can't hear Zheng yuluo's voice at this moment. He just feels that his internal organs have moved and his bones are about to be broken. Even his breathing is painful!

He "wow" spit out a big mouthful of blood, and then unable to support, directly passed out.

Zheng Yu's tears keep falling, but she knows how cruel Jingzhi kicks people!

She was nearly killed because she was kicked by him! She knew that the pain of facing death!

If Lou Ziyi is dead, how can she tell the Lou family!

"You're crazy! How can you kill at will

Zheng yuluo has sobbed. She is really afraid that Lou Ziyi will die because of her!

Her own life, she has been handed over to Jing Zhi for a long time. If he let her die, she would not have any complaints, it was her deserved crime.

But Lou Ziyi should not pay his life for it!

"I always kill casually. Is this the first time you see me?"

Looking at Zheng Zhi's death in the rain, it seems that Zheng Zhi is dying in the rain!

"You seem to forget that I'm a professional killer! And forget who gave me to the killer! It seems that you are very sad when he died, that's good. What I want is your pain, that is, you can't live like death! I will kill all the people around you one by one! ""I owe you what I owe you!"

It doesn't matter if she's scared. It doesn't matter if she dies!

"Lou Ziyi doesn't know anything. He's a good man. Let him go! If you want to revenge me, you can torture me no matter how! But now I want to send Lou Ziyi to the hospital. He can't die! "

When Jing Zhi was angry, his strength suddenly increased, and then he heard a crisp sound.

Zheng yuluo's arm is broken!

She screamed with pain.

Jingzhi didn't expect that Zheng yuluo's skeleton was so fragile that he pinched it!

He heard Zheng yuluo's scream, subconsciously released his hand.

Zheng yuluo lost his support and fell to the ground.

However, she didn't care about her arm at all. She was afraid that if she delayed for another second, she would let Lou Ziyi die!

She got up from the ground, got into the car, took her mobile phone out of her bag with her intact arm, shook her hands and made an emergency call.

Jing Zhimian expressionless standing there, did not stop Zheng yuluo call to save people.

He felt like a ridiculous clown, stubbornly tormenting Zheng yuluo, but also stubborn tormenting himself.

In order to save her, he didn't care about the bullets that penetrated into his chest. He even broke his brother's deployment and released his double.

It's only two months. She forgot him?

He didn't know what Lou Ziyi was dead. He just felt that the scene in front of him was extremely dazzling.

Because of being rejected by Zheng yuluo and scolded by her, the feeling of deja vu is more and more clear!

Memory is surging like a tide!

The scenes of his childhood flashed in his mind!

Shuchengshan had done many deep hypnosis for him, and he just remembered a small part of his memory.

Today, however, he was completely forgotten in his waking state!

Once, she was rejected like this! , the fastest update of the webnovel!