Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1064

Jing Rui thinks that it is a wise decision to throw Jing Zhi and Jing Xi onto another helicopter.

He is the only one who can watch such a Shuyin. Jingxi can't, and Jingzhi can't.

Girls are sensitive to men's eyes, especially the opposite man does not avoid their own eyes, straight staring at her chest!

Shu Yin's face suddenly rose red, pulled on the quilt to cover himself, and then he smashed the water in his hand towards Jingrui: "don't look!"

Jing Rui catches the water easily and says with a light smile: "you are just a little bigger than me. What's good-looking? Jingzhi is bigger than you!"

Jingzhi's chest muscles are well developed. It seems to have a good feeling.

However, how can you compare her with Jingzhi, a man!

And she said she was not as big as Jing Zhi!

Shu Yinqi's nose is going to be crooked. She almost opens her clothes on impulse to let Jingrui have a good look. Who is the big one!

Shuyin, calm and calm!

You can't be fooled!

Under the cover of the quilt, she couldn't help feeling the two soft balls under her pajamas.

She is a little depressed. Is she really small?

She thinks it's OK!

Does Jing Rui like football?

Hum! These men, not a good thing!

Originally thought Jing Rui is a good man, at least he is not moved by female sex, and has a strong determination.

It seems not that he has strong determination, but his preference is more rough, like the kind of "Big Bo Mei" in Jingxi's mouth!

Football is so big, almost all breast augmentation, ah, how many natural can there be?

What a taste!

Shuyin covered herself up and refused to let a man with a strong taste take advantage of it.

However, Jingrui just feels that there is a heat flow, which rushes to his lower body along with his four limbs and hundreds of bones, making him wake up somewhere.

He unscrewed the mineral water that Shu Yin had just thrown in and drank it. Only when he finished drinking the whole bottle of water did he feel that the heat had dissipated.

Shu Yin saw that he drank the water he had drunk again, and immediately regretted throwing the water over.

However, she suddenly thought of a problem!

"How did I get on the helicopter?"

"Take me up."

He picked it up?

Shuyin has a biting impulse!

Isn't she supposed to be occupied by him?!

"Why don't I feel it at all?"

"Well, you sleep like a pig. It's normal not to feel like it."

It's impossible!

Shu Yin's own alertness is good, can't be carried out from the quilt, holding the helicopter do not know!

She never sleeps so dead!

"Have you drugged me?"

"Oh, you guessed."

Shu Yin can't bear it. She smashes the pillow in her hand to Jing Rui.

I admit it!

If she knows, she can't help it!

Jing Rui catches the pillow and looks at her red face. Suddenly, he feels very interesting.

In his peaceful life, there are small waves at last.

"You, you, you Did you take advantage of me? "

It's not easy to say even the words!

If Jing Rui really sold her, she knew nothing!

This man is too dangerous to sleep in his house!

Jingrui deliberately teased her: "of course, there is such a good opportunity. Naturally, I won't let it go easily. It's just like you live in my house and pay the rent. Don't you realize that pajamas aren't the last ones you wear? I changed it for you. "


Last night's pajamas were a little confused. She didn't want to look at her pajamas!

Her nightdress is almost the same, every day is casually take a change, and did not pay attention to last night was wearing dark gray or light gray!

I'm wearing a light grey now. Was it dark grey last night?

Looking at Shu Yin, Jing Rui is so scared that she can't help but feel funny.

He thought she was a very smart person, so confused!

He wrapped her up in a blanket last night, and then carried her directly to the helicopter. He didn't care to touch her when she was unconscious.

To touch her, of course, it's best to touch her when she's awake, otherwise what's the fun?

As for the pajamas, he didn't change them for her. To blame, she believed him too much. She believed everything he said. She was a silly girl.

Jingrui gets up, goes to Shuyin's side and sits down on the cot.

"What are you doing? Stay away from me

Shuyin tried her best to shrink back, but she could not jump down from the window!What is this for?

Deliberately get her on the plane, call every day should not call the ground is not working, and then

Jing Rui helplessly took his finger on Shuyin's forehead and knocked twice: "don't think about it blindly. I don't look like a good man?"

Shu Yin nodded: "you are not a good man."

"I don't have any legs."

Shuyin did not move, wrapped himself like a cocoon: "I don't believe you!"

Since Shu Yin was injured and Jing Rui bandaged her once, she refused to let him help her any more, so he didn't know how Shu Yin's leg recovered to this day.

Usually at home, Jing Xi follows Shu Yin. Jing Rui doesn't want to let her sister go to check Shuyin's legs. She has to endure until today to see her recovery.

"If you don't take the initiative to put your leg out, I'll put my hand in it. Of course, I'm not sure where to touch it. All right, five seconds. You can choose one. "

"I don't choose either!"

"No problem. I'll take the quilt and throw the helicopter down together."

Jingrui said, a will Shuyin hold up, and then go to the cabin door there.

"Cold wind, open the cabin door, Miss Shu wants to get off the plane."

From the cockpit came the crisp voice of the cold wind: "boss, copy! Get ready to open the door! 5、 Four, three,... "

"Ah! No, no, no! Don't open the door

Shuyin is scared to death!

Her two arms cling to Jingrui's neck for fear that he will really throw himself down!

"Stretch your legs?"

Shu Yin immediately had no guts to compromise: "stretch out!"

It's just a leg. If he likes to see it, I'll give it to him!

Life is more important!

"Say you are wrong!"

"I was wrong, I was wrong! Boss, it's all my fault. You don't remember villains. Please forgive me this time! You can see which leg you want to see, whatever you want to see! "


Jingrui is finally satisfied: "cold wind, don't open the door, keep flying!"

"Boss, copy that!"

The cold wind is speechless. When is the boss so naive! Frightening an 18-year-old girl!

Fortunately, he didn't really listen to the boss, and opened the cabin door directly. Otherwise, if Shuyin fell down, his life would not be enough to pay for it!

It's risky to choose the boss. Be careful when you open the door! , the fastest update of the webnovel!