Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1063

Yew's body because of infection virus, to now also can't see light, every time by the sun, the body will molt, split.

Although Liao Wei was also infected with the virus, on the one hand, there were few viruses in his body. On the other hand, he had a very strange constitution. His anti-virus ability was much stronger than that of yew.

Therefore, Liao Wei soon recovered as before, and began to seek benefits for himself by using the power of yew.

Yew gives Liao Wei some power to do things for herself. Of course, she knows some of Liao Wei's private moves, but she basically turns a blind eye. Liao Wei is not worth her efforts to deal with, but this person can't be killed. It's better to let him live.

As long as he is alive, Jing Rui will always be distracted to find him and kill him.

It's also good to let Liao Wei be a bait.

However, the matter of Liao Wei's disfigurement was covered by yew all the time, so that Jingrui didn't know about it. Otherwise, Liao Wei would have no effect.

However, yew doesn't know that Jing Rui is no longer concerned about Liao Wei's threat.

As long as he returns to the Jing family and controls the resources and power of the Jing family, even if Liao Wei has the same face as him and has no relevant secret instructions, Liao Wei will not be able to mobilize anyone and take no money.

Shu Yin has been raised in Jingrui for three days and has been able to move freely. Although the wound is not completely healed, there is no problem in going to school.

However, she also had a day's class, because after she fell asleep at night, she woke up the next day and found herself in a helicopter!

Fortunately, as soon as she looked up, she saw Jing Rui, who was busy with her laptop. Otherwise, she would think that she had been arrested.

"Where are we going?"

Jing Rui stops the work in hand, light way: "return to a city."


This decision is too hasty!

"When did I promise to go back to city a with you?"

"I don't need your consent. I can decide on my own. You have no choice. "

Shu Yin was angry with his overbearing!

"I am your accessory? Do you at least respect my human rights? "

Shuyin got up from the bed, some angry, but some helpless.

There's no way. Jing Rui is used to it. It's not a day or two. She doesn't know him for the first time. His personality is the one that says no two. In fact, she has known it for a long time.

She can't bear that kind of resistance now.

He wanted to arrange her life and make decisions for her. Shu Yin used to be very exclusive, but now she trusts him.

So when she woke up and saw herself on the helicopter, she was not angry. She was just a little depressed. Jing Rui didn't tell her about such a big thing in advance.

In fact, Jing Rui is ready to bear Shu Yin's anger. His face looks indifferent. In fact, he is afraid of Shu Yin's anger.

Therefore, he specially arranged Jingxi and Jingzhi to another helicopter, so that if Shuyin gets angry, he can also coax her without any scruple.

Love strategy said that men should know how to bow down with women first, even if the woman is wrong, the man should admit his mistake first.

Girls are very easy to coax. Their hearts are soft and their attitude is good. As long as it is not a big problem in principle, small things can pass quickly and will not affect the feelings between them.

Jing Rui has basically never done this kind of thing in his life. The only person who admits his fault is Shu Yin.

But she is not angry today, which seems a little unreasonable!

"Why aren't you angry?"

"I'm angry. Why not? I don't have the minimum human rights. I'm angry if my personal freedom is controlled by you! "

Shu Yin said angry, but there was no sign of anger on her face. She even took a bottle of water, unscrewed the lid and drank it slowly.

Jing Rui looks at Shu Yin to drink water, light way: "that bottle of water I have drunk, yours is another bottle."

The saliva that Shu Yin drinks in, spit out also is not, swallow also is not!

What a nuisance!

Why don't you tell her earlier!

Or simply don't know, don't say anything!

This is not equivalent to indirect Kiss?!

Shu Yin hates the glare of Jing Rui, and finally swallows the water. Now it's useless to spit it out!

She covers the lid and throws the water to Jingrui. Jingrui lifts his hand and catches the bottle easily.

Shu Yin pats her head. How can she forget that Jing Rui is so skillful that it's too simple for him to pick up a bottle of water!

She angrily picked up another bottle of water and unscrewed the lid. Just after a sip, she saw Jing Rui, opposite to her, unscrewed the bottle of water she had just drunk!

Shu Yin immediately widens his eyes, he is crazy?!Isn't he a purist? Don't you even touch them? Why drink the water she drank?!

Is it too ambiguous for them to be like this?

However, looking at Jing Rui's still cold as usual, Shuyin feels that she is too amorous!

She reached out and patted her face, trying to wake herself up.

Drink a water just, which has so much to pay attention to, perhaps others Jing Rui didn't care at all, on her one person in the non-stop care.

Shu Yin is comforting himself, listen to Jing Rui light asked: "why do you drink mineral water has a kind of aroma? Did you spray perfume last night? "

Shuyin is stiff all over, and the water in his mouth almost spurts out!

She always thinks that Jing Rui is very cold-blooded. He is definitely not the kind of rascal who likes to take advantage of girls. But why does she think he is so bad now?

she never used perfume. Everyone in the virus research institute doesn't allow perfume. Even cosmetics are not allowed to use it. Jing Rui has always known that he asked this question today, absolutely deliberately.

If Jing Zhi asked such an ambiguous question, Shuyin would certainly not feel that there was a problem. She would not even answer Jingzhi.

But the indifference like a piece of ice like Jing Rui asked such a question, she felt special violation!

Shu Yin has some gnashing teeth: "yes, I put a bottle of perfume in the nozzle."

Jing Rui looks at her quietly with a faint smile in her mouth.

She just got up, a head of green silk hanging on her shoulder, slightly messy, but also has a kind of lazy beauty.

Because of her thigh injury, she sleeps in a nightdress, revealing her delicate clavicle and slender legs.

Most importantly, from Jing Rui's point of view, it can be clearly seen that Shu Yin is not wearing underwear. The two white rabbits in front of her chest are shaking slightly because of the slight turbulence of the helicopter.

She didn't know how beautiful she was, nor did she know that her allure to a man at the moment was fatal. , the fastest update of the webnovel!