Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1062

Jingrui knows that Jingzhi has left with his sister. He doesn't stop him. He just devotes himself to helping Shuyin clean the wound.

Cut off the legs of the pants, revealing Shuyin a white delicate, strong and slender thigh.

In the room, ambiguous index rises sharply!

Blood stains on the thigh, bright red, with the white skin formed a strong and distinct contrast, bringing a strong visual impact to Jingrui.

His eyes are too hot, Shu Yin was embarrassed, now his ears are red.

Fortunately, Jing Rui is also worried about her wound, and soon converges his mind. He uses tweezers to clip cotton ball to clean blood for Shuyin.

Cotton ball soaked in alcohol, a touch of the wound, the pain of Shuyin stuffy hum sound.

The blush on her face quickly subsided, but in a few seconds, it turned pale again.


"It's OK. I can't help it. Just do it."

Shu Yin white face, voice is calm, this pain, she really can endure.

"Take an anesthetic! There are two more at home, which should be enough. "

She can endure too much, and Jing Rui's heart is full of pain.

Girls are usually afraid of pain, she was hurt like this, but did not say a word, not even a drop of tears.

What a fool. What are you so strong for?

Shouldn't she cry for pain and cry for comfort and pity in his arms?

Shu Yin gently shook his head: "a small dose of anesthetic does not work for me, only a strong anesthetic can do, but this is not necessary, you can rest assured on the line, can't help but I will tell you."

Jing Rui is slightly stunned. Does the anesthetic have no effect on her?

Is it because I used it too much before, has the body developed drug resistance?

Or did the virus in her body increase her resistance?

No matter what the reason is, this is enough to prove that Shuyin has experienced unimaginable pain.

Jing Rui has a slight pain in his heart, but he doesn't ask much about it. Everyone has his own secret. Shu Yin has it, and he does.

So he won't go to the bottom.

He tried his best to be gentle, clean the wound, disinfect, apply medicine to Shuyin, and then bandage.

In the process of dressing, Jing Rui's fingers will inevitably touch Shu Yin's skin.

The strange feeling of skin contact makes Shuyin feel that even the pain is reduced by half!

At first, Jing Rui tried to help her with the wound. Later, her eyes were always attracted by her thighs, and her fingers caressed her delicate skin.

She is the best skinned girl Jing Rui has ever met, and the whitest girl he has ever seen.

Even many white people in North America are not as white as she is.

Is it because she has been in the Virus Research Institute for the past ten years, wrapped herself up and never been exposed to the sun?

What does she usually eat? Her skin is so white that it can be broken by blowing bullets!

Jingrui was obsessed with her delicate hands. Later, he fell in love with her beautiful jade feet. Now he sees her legs, and he knows that her legs are the most beautiful!

He doesn't want to let go. What should I do?

But, no matter how slow he is, the wound will eventually be finished.

He closed his eyes and finally pulled a thin quilt to cover her beauty.

He thought, in the future, these legs can only be seen by themselves, and no one else can see them!

The wound area is relatively large, and Jing Rui is worried that there will be scars on her leg. He tells her: "don't move around in recent days, and you are not allowed to take a bath. You should apply ointment every day. If the ointment is not enough, I'll ask Peter to send it to you."

In fact, he seldom talks such nonsense to others. Shu Yin is a doctor herself. She knows more about how to protect the wound than he does.

But he did.

He was afraid that Shuyin would not listen to his orders and did not take his body seriously.

Shu Yin really didn't take her body seriously, but she didn't take her body seriously. Instead, she felt that these were minor injuries and were not worthy of such serious treatment.

"Thank you. I'm ok," she said with a smile

Jing Rui helps her with the wound. Although she is shy, she is very grateful.

She doesn't want to let the male doctors in the hospital see her legs, but Jing Rui sees that she doesn't seem to reject her at all, just a little embarrassed.

Jing Rui nods lightly, picks up the medicine box, turns and walks out.

She had a long white leg, which was very attractive to him.

Jingrui is afraid that he will stay in it again, so he doesn't want to come out!

He went to the bathroom to wash his hands and wash his face in cold water. Then he returned to his study and called the cold wind.

"Have you found out who it is?"

Hurt Shu Yin, let her bear so much pain, Jing Rui heart a cold."Boss, I found out that the driver was an ordinary student, and he was very arrogant in his daily work, but his parents were from the virus research institute! They're missing right now, on our missing list! "

Virus research institute?!

Jing Rui instantly realizes that the other party's original purpose is not to hurt Shu Yin, but to take her life!

However, if the other side is really just an ordinary student, absolutely dare not do so.

He drove a car to kill people in school, and he couldn't escape afterwards. So many people are watching him. If he doesn't have enough strong backstage, he will surely be sentenced to prison.

"Keep an eye on him. Don't let him die. Find out the man behind him."


"In addition, prepare for it. We will return home soon!"


There are still many things that Jingrui needs to deal with in city A. Jingsheng group also needs him to slowly take over and participate in the operation. He can't continue to stay in North America.

Of course, Jingxi and Shuyin can't stay in North America. It's not safe here. If they are both around, he can rest assured.


It's broad daylight. It's sunny and sunny outside. But in this room, the light is dim, so you can only see the layout inside.

Yew was covered with bandages all over her body, and her face was covered with bandages. She only showed a pair of eyes, staring at the opposite person.

"Liao Wei, you are so bold! Dare to instruct my people to kill Shu Yin! Do you think I can't kill you like me

Liao Wei looked at the yew wrapped up like a corpse. He was very happy!

He sat comfortably on the sofa and said with a smile, "you misunderstood me. I just want to teach her a lesson. I can't be angry that she has made you so bad, so I want to be angry for you. She is your important piece. How could I kill her? "

Yeshan is still worried, but she can't determine whether Liao Wei really wants to kill Shu Yin. She thinks that Liao Wei doesn't have the courage to carry her to murder.

Liao Wei sneers in his heart. He's on the bar with yew!

Isn't she going to use Shu yin?

He's going to kill that piece!

It's a pity that Shuyin, such a beautiful beauty, is about to die! , the fastest update of the webnovel!