Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1061

Shuyin did not move, but still angry way: "you release this hand, you press to my chest!"

Jing Rui's attention is focused on her wound. He is afraid that he will hurt Shu Yin carelessly. After listening to her, he notices that his hand is pressed in the wrong place. No wonder it is so soft and soft.

The little woman looked thin, so plump!

Where it should be thin, where it should be fat, it's good!

Jing Rui's face was expressionless and let go of his hand. He said faintly, "I'm sorry, your chest is too small. I didn't feel it."

Shuyin Qi almost spit blood!

It's unreasonable for him to take advantage of him and to be damaged by him!

She was so angry that she stared at Jing Rui angrily and said in a loud voice, "where am I small? I'm much bigger than you

"Well, you're really promising. Compare your chest size with a man of mine. OK, you win!"

Shu Yin was so angry by him that she couldn't bear to pull his hand that pressed his chest and bit him hard.


Jing Rui took a cold breath in pain. He frowned slightly: "do you belong to a dog? I'm kind enough to help you with your wound, and you bite me? "

Shu Yin thought, I don't need your help to deal with it. I deliberately take advantage of the opportunity and laugh at my small chest!

She looses her mouth and shouts to Jingrui "Wangwang Wang" twice, then lowers her head and bites Jingrui's hand again.

Jing Rui immediately laughs, and the little woman is really cute!

It seemed that every time she touched her body, she would lose all her sense and be different from her calm and calm.

Is the body her last resort?

When someone touches her, she becomes impulsive and flustered because she is too sensitive?

If so, that would be easy!

His other hand put down the scissors, to pinch her chin: "relax, don't bite, after a while bite bleeding, you will die."

His starry eyes are full of smile, and his voice is full of tender and tender.

Even when he pinched her chin, he did not exert any force, it was gentle.

Shu Yin is very adaptable to Jing Rui's indifference, and can calmly make the right response.

However, what she couldn't resist was this gentle attack.

Her chin was pinched by him, and she could even feel the heat of his fingers!

His dark eyes reflected her appearance, as if she had been integrated into his life!

Shuyin's mind was broken in an instant, caught in his gentle eyes, unable to extricate himself.

She stupidly looked at in front of this very handsome face, can not help but listen to his voice, loosen the teeth.

She is not afraid to be infected by his virus, she is afraid that she will really bite him.

Seeing Shu Yin so obedient, Jingrui's smile is deeper. He points her bright and full forehead with a finger: "lie down, don't make any more noise. I'll really drain the blood in a moment."

Shu Yin, like being bewitched, lies down obediently and looks at him with scissors, cutting off her trousers and cutting off the parts below her thighs.

Outside the room, Jingzhi and Jingxi don't know when to quietly lie down by the door, eavesdropping on the conversation between the two inside.

Brother and sister, four eyes are shining!

Oh, I can't see. My brother is good at teasing girls!

Touch should not touch the place, incredibly still so reasonable!

Jingzhi and Jingxi smile incessantly. Hearing that there is no movement inside, they leave quietly.

Jingzhi carried his sister on his shoulder and took her out of the villa: "we two, now are big watt light bulbs, so I decided to take you to my home! In order not to damage our brother's good deeds

Jingxi sits on the shoulder of the second elder brother, eating a lollipop, very proud!

"Well, I'll take your advice this time! Anyway, the second uncle and the second aunt are not at home. I'll go to your house and harm you alone

"No! Don't make any more nonsense. If you don't, I'll throw you into the killer organization! "

Jingxi is not afraid at all. She knows that Jingzhi is just bluffing her.

She grabbed Jing Zhi's hair with a smile and refused to let herself fall: "it's OK to join the killer organization. You and my brother have both gone in. I can also go in and exercise! However, before I go in, I must arrange the rest of my lost sister's life and find her a handsome and considerate brother-in-law! She must like it

Jingzhi's eyes glared: "she dares!"

"Why, second brother, do you like to miss my sister?"

"Nonsense, she looks ugly. If you don't say it, her heart is still black. Who will like her?"

"If you don't like her, do you care that others like her?"

"I I will do what is right! It's enough for me to suffer by myself. I can't let other innocent men suffer too! "

It doesn't seem like that's how the word is used?What a thick skinned second brother!

Jingxi hugged Jingzhi's head and giggled: "second brother, if you like others, you can express yourself! How can you be more naive than me, always like to bully others! I've heard that sister Weiwei is giving her boyfriend to Miss Luo. If you don't take a positive attitude, she will be taken away by other wolves! "

Jingzhi thinks that the little witch is cheating him again. He snorts: "you have been in North America recently. How can you know about city a? There is a wolf hungry, even she can go down the most, it's none of my business! "

"I video chat with my mother every day, and of course I know what happened there! This is what my mother told me. If you don't believe it, you can ask her! I think Miss Luoluo is very beautiful and nice. It's normal for some people to like her! You don't look up to her? "

"Bang! Your second brother's eyes are so low? "

"But I've heard that you've already rolled the sheets with Miss Luo! Oh, a flower, on the cow dung

Jingxi said, put his leftover lollipop plastic stick, inserted into the head of Jing Zhi.

Jingzhi stumbled under his feet and nearly threw Jingxi out!

My sister knows too much. I want to kill my brother's rhythm!

Jingzhi clenched his teeth and said, "who are you listening to?"

"Second uncle, second uncle also said, let me be a spy for him and spy on you and sister Luo. He said that sister Luo is not suitable to marry you, so once you two have any intimate contact, I will report it to him, and then I will get a large amount of bonus!"

Jingzhi's brain is sweating. You sell your second uncle like this. Is that all right?

"I didn't say I would marry her again. Your second uncle is worried! But are you going to be a double agent? "

Jing Zhizhen did not want to marry Zheng yuluo. Now he is intertwined with contradictions, and his old and new hatred for Zheng yuluo has not dissipated. He still has no trust in Zheng yuluo.

He felt that he needed to try a new relationship.

Perhaps, he is just fresh to Zheng yuluo for a while? , the fastest update of the webnovel!