Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 105

Jing Yichen was asked by Shangguan Ning some headache, but forced by her coquettish infinite lethality, had no choice but to answer one by one.

Although he had some helplessness on his face, his heart was soft and warm.

No one has ever wanted to know everything about him in such a detailed way, and be full of fun in his boring life in the past.

He always thought his past was cold and terrible black and white, but listening to her chattering about childhood affairs, he found that the past had become vivid and bright colors.

It seems that his childhood is full of fun.

It's very late to visit the whole villa.

After taking a bath, shangguanning leans on the big bed where jingyichen used to sleep alone, and her hands gently caress the necklace received from Zhang Rong.

Jingyichen takes a bath and comes out. Seeing the sadness on her face that he has never seen before, she can't help holding her gently in his arms.

Shangguan Ning wiped some red and swollen eyes, carefully put the necklace away, and then explained to him in a low voice: "this necklace belongs to my mother. When she died, it was the necklace she was wearing, but it disappeared later. How can I find it?"

Jingyichen is slightly shocked. No wonder Shangguan Ning reacted so much when she saw this necklace.

His arm was tight, and he wanted to convey more warmth and strength to Shangguan.

Shangguanning is no longer so sad and painful when she first saw this necklace. She finds a comfortable place to lie down in jingyichen's arms and says slowly: "my mother committed suicide. She died in front of me. She shed a lot of blood. I never knew that there would be so much blood in her body. I cried for a long time, but no one told me What happened? I watched her lose her breath in front of me... "

Jingyichen listen to her with a calm voice to say these words, heartache can not be added.

When they were not married, he once investigated shangguanning and knew that her mother committed suicide, but did not know that shangguanning witnessed the whole process of her mother's suicide.

This is absolutely not a child can bear, she was so young at that time, I am afraid it has caused a great psychological shadow to her.

He bowed his head and gently kisses her bright forehead. His voice was a little hoarse: "ah Ning, it's OK. It's all over. Don't think about it any more..."

Shangguan Ning usually does not dare to recall that painful past. However, in jingyichen's arms, she is inexplicably at ease. Although the dark memory in the past is still bloody, she no longer suffers from being unable to breathe.

"You don't know how much my mother loves me. How could she be willing to leave me alone, let alone die in front of me, so I always suspected that someone had killed her. Unfortunately, my strength is weak and I have no clue after so many years of investigation. So I'm very happy today. No matter what purpose jingyiran has, he gave me this necklace, which makes me feel hopeful. "

Jingyichen hugged her tightly and comforted her in a low voice: "I'll check it out, I'll check it for you! You don't have to be afraid of him. He doesn't dare to do anything with me. He hasn't won me since childhood. Do you know why? "

Shangguan Ning was distracted by him and asked curiously, "why?"

"Because I am more handsome than he is!"

Shangguanning thought that he would tell a big secret. Unexpectedly, such a sentence came, and he couldn't help laughing.

After laughing, she nodded his head seriously: "well, my husband is much more handsome than he is, and he is the most handsome man in the world!"

Jingyichen saw that she finally laughed again, and then pecked her ruddy lips and held her to sleep.

The next day, after breakfast, they were ready to leave the king's house.

Go to the villa door, but see jingyiran a dark purple casual clothes, coquettish leaning on the wall, see them come, frivolous toward shangguanning whistles.

Shangguan Ning ignored him and took jingyichen's arm to leave, so she listened to jingyiran's careless way: "I had a good sleep last night. I remember a lot about necklaces. It seems that some people don't want to know at all!"

Shangguan Ning steps slightly, fingers tightly hold jingyichen's arm, resist the impulse to run to jingyiran to ask him. Just about to get on the bus, the man beside him is missing.

Then we heard a "crack" and a scream of killing pigs.

As soon as she turned her head, she found that jingyichen had kicked jingyichen to the ground, and had broken his arm with one hand.

"You'd better know a lot about necklaces, or you'll suffer a hundred times more than you do today!"

Jingyi Ran has a cold sweat on his painful face. He seems to be burning in his eyes. He looks at him with gnashing teeth: "jingyichen, don't be too arrogant. I will make you regret it!"

Shangguan Ning looks at their two swords, as if the next moment to tear up each other, quickly ran to stop jingyichen.

"Yi Chen, let go! It's not worth your anger for a man like him

Jing Yichen hears the speech and finally releases his hand.Jing Yiran stares at Shangguan Ning with murderous eyes, and then "wow" spits out a mouthful of blood.

Hearing the news, the housekeeper quickly called the doctor with his walkie talkie.

Shangguan Ning is afraid of further delay. Jingyiran is really killed by jingyichen, and she pulls jingyichen to the car in a panic.

When he got on the bus, she apologized to the housekeeper and said, "I'm really sorry to have caused you so much trouble."

The housekeeper didn't expect that the young lady would apologize to him. He said with a smile: "where does the little lady say? This is what I should do. Don't worry. The second young master was injured almost every day before. The doctor is on call and can be cured soon."

Shangguan Ning thought, as long as you can't die, you'd better let jingyiran suffer more and stay in bed for a few days!

But with a smile on her face, she said, "that's good."

She said, just on the car, followed jingyichen back to his home.

After returning to his own home, Shangguan Ning felt at ease and at ease. After cleaning up, they went to work together.

In the afternoon, the couple went to the tennis court of the big world.

This is one of their essential sports.

Except for the uncomfortable time of Shangguan Ning, the two people come to play almost every week. Even when she was in the infancy of Liyu technology, she did not fall behind.

The two have become more and more tacit.

After playing, Shangguan Ning will inevitably think of Zhao An'an, she tried to call her, but no one answered.

Over the past two months, Zhao An'an has not received her phone calls and rarely sent her a text message, saying that she was in a closed recuperation and could not contact her at will.

Shangguanning originally wanted to tell her about her marriage with jingyichen. After all, she is not only her best friend, but also her matchmaker. Without her, she might not have met jingyichen.

She was so lucky that she succeeded after only one blind date. , the fastest update of the webnovel!