Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1058

Jing Rui finally can't help laughing. He pinches his sister's red face and says, "she will be sold by you later. I'm afraid she will have to count money for you."

"No, it won't. It will be sold to our family. When it comes to counting money for me, it's just for her to count money for herself."

Jingxi chuckled and pushed his brother out: "go, go, go. It's better to have a mandarin duck bath with sister Shuyin! When you're done, maybe I'll have a little nephew! "

Jing Rui has no choice but to leave, but he sighs in his heart: sister, you know too much! Where did all this mess come from!

Jing Rui finds two clean towels and bath towels again and knocks on the bathroom door.

Shuyin almost fell down when she heard the knock at the door!

She thought Jing Zhi was here again!


"It's me. You gave the bath towel to Xi Xi. What do you use for yourself?"

Jing Rui didn't say that Jingxi took the bath towel on purpose, but cleverly relied on Shu Yin's head.

Shu Yin listened to him say, just react to come over, there is no bath towel and towel in the bathroom.

She didn't suspect because she didn't notice how many towels were in the bathroom.

However, she is really naked at the moment. Even if she talks to Jing Rui through the door, she can't control the fever on her face and she is very shy in her heart.

She hesitated for a moment, or came out of the bathtub, went to the door, and then reached out to open the door, hand out: "give it to me!"

Jing Rui looks at the hand that stretches out, still have that a piece of delicate wrist, but did not pass bath towel in the past.

He now has a strong impulse to pull people out of the bathroom and press them onto the bed!

"Give it to me

He stomped his feet in the bathroom. What's the matter with this man? He doesn't want to rush in?

Although Jing Rui is impulsive, his reason is still there. He takes a deep breath and hands the bath towel to Shu Yin's hand.

There is a long way to go!

If he pulls Shu Yin out like this today, she has to fight with him.

Shu Yin took a bath towel, even a second did not delay, "bang" a sound to the bathroom door to close.

Jing Rui doesn't care at all. He turns around calmly and goes back to his room to have a rest.

The next morning, four people finished breakfast, and Jing Rui drove himself to take Shuyin and Jingxi to school.

In the evening, he drove to pick them both home.

For many days in a row.

Shuyin takes Jingxi to class together. The little girl is surprisingly obedient. She not only doesn't blow up the school, but also takes the initiative to learn. Of course, most of the time, she will silence the professor in class.

She listens carefully and is extremely intelligent. In fact, when she was at home before, she had already finished all the primary and junior high school courses, high school courses and college courses. She also had a lot of contact with her. She spoke English very fluently. She did not find it hard at all, but found it very interesting.

She had been fed up with what the teacher had been talking about in school for a month, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, or "the bright moon in front of the bed, and the frost on the ground", which she had learned for a long time!

Don't say she is such a gifted child. Ordinary children have been taught these basic knowledge by their parents before they go to school. It's strange that Jing Xi loves to learn now that she studies over and over again!

She still likes to learn about gene recombination, gene silencing, single strand DNA virus and double stranded DNA virus. Although some of them can't understand, she has an expert in gene and virus. If she has anything she doesn't understand, just ask Shuyin!

Sometimes Shu Yin's explanation is more logical and novel than those professors.

Many of the questions she asked were from a child's point of view. They were strange, but they were not asked casually, let alone pestered.

Shu Yin never perfunctorily Jingxi, she felt that for knowledge, as long as children ask, she has the obligation to do the most professional and detailed answers.

Of course, Shu Yin also has questions that she can't answer. At this time, she and Jing Xi will turn to the professor for help.

The educational model abroad is quite different from that in China.

In China, if Jing Xi asked a lot of various questions, the teacher would only think that she was a problem student. If she did not attend class well, she would ponder over some heresy.

However, foreign teachers attach great importance to the cultivation of students' creative thinking, especially children. They never give children restrictions, they will guide children to innovate and think.

All the professors who teach Shu Yin and Jing Xi are very happy to help her answer questions.

Professor Xi Jing didn't give the answer to the old girl's question seriously, because he didn't ask her to study the future.Gene genetics and bioengineering is originally a huge subject. At present, no one can figure out all the problems in it. It's very normal that some professors don't understand.

Jingrui and Jingzhi are surprised to find that the little witch who only knew how to do damage and make trouble before turned into a good girl in just a week!

Every day, she would either study hard, or with her help, she would toss some bottles and jars.

"Brother, my sister has changed sex?"

Jing Zhi rubs his eyes and looks at Jing Xi, who is obviously not in the state of eating. He always feels that he is dazzled.

Little girl used to make fun of people when she ate. Jingzhi was ruined by her!

When he drinks porridge, he can drink a lot of cockroaches! After he was disgusted and vomited, Jingxi squeezed out the cockroaches in his bowl one by one in front of his face, put them into his mouth, and chewed and ate them!

Also "Jie Jie Jie Jie" smile at him, like the devil wants to eat people!

It's not just him! What's more, he had nightmares at night, dreaming that he was eaten by cockroaches!

Later he learned that it was not a cockroach at all, but a caramel gadget!

He loves to eat oranges, but once he bites them open, there will be white fat white fat worms trying to drill out! Scared him to eat oranges for days!

Fried delicious steak, obviously looking very tender, but bite, can cut off the teeth! Take a closer look, there are coins in it!

Every time Jingzhi eats, he keeps up with the execution ground! Scared, afraid that he was accidentally hit the Jingxi road!

However, he continued to eat for a few days are very normal, no longer a little witch was pit, but very not used to, he subconsciously seek his brother's comfort. , the fastest update of the webnovel!