Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1059

Jing Rui himself did not expect that his sister's change was so great.

Let her follow Shu Yin, originally just for his convenience to get close to Shu Yin. Unexpectedly, the little girl had forgotten him. She hugged Shu Yin's arm every day and was eager to learn new knowledge.

Thanks to Shu Yin is also a girl with high intelligence quotient, and she has been studying virus and gene genetics for a long time. Otherwise, she would not be able to resist her crazy thirst for knowledge.

Jingrui chuckled indifferently and said, "don't worry, she won't be quiet for a few days, and you will be able to live a good life for a few days. When her freshness passes, you will be guilty again."

Of course, he didn't believe that his sister would change her mind. No one could be as good at mischievous tricks as a little girl. However, she was attracted by the new knowledge these days, so she was temporarily fascinated and had no time to toss around Jingzhi.

Don't talk about Jingzhi. Jingrui is also trapped by her sister!

He also ate cockroaches in his own bowl, but he knew that it was not true. He ate it without changing his face, and provoked Jingxi to say "boring".

She doesn't care what cousins or cousins, anyway, they can pat her ass twice at most to show punishment, she has no fear very much!

Jingzhi hung his head powerless: "I have a talented brother, even if you are older than me, I don't have any psychological pressure to crush me. Now I have another talented sister. I still want to live!"

He has seen Shu Yin's books, and he knows every word on them, but even together, he doesn't know what it says!

At that time, he thought that Shuyin could understand this thing. Unexpectedly, he saw Jingxi holding Shu Yin's book and reading it with great interest!

This is simply in the scorn of red fruit, his low IQ!

Jing Zhi is badly hit. He thinks that he can't find Shu Yin in the future. He's too smart to look for him!

He thought carefully, as if Zheng yuluo was a Xueba before?

No, no, no, no way!

He still likes to learn from Cinderella!

Jingrui doesn't know his brother's pain. He sees that his sister is so diligent and studious and obedient. He can see a trace of imperceptible tenderness in his eyes.

The whole family can't cure Jing Xi. I didn't expect Shu Yin to take her sister on the right track so easily.

Sure enough, he had a good eye and immediately picked a smart and capable woman.

It's only 18 this year. It's a little early to get married!

Jingrui is eating breakfast gracefully and Pondering over it. When she has a child, Shuyin will definitely be able to teach her very well.

Can Jing Xi such a small demon girl to be a bully, not worry about the future education of children!

Shu Yin feels all morning that Jing Rui's look at her is very strange. What's the matter with that kind of natural look?

Today is the weekend, Shu Yin took a course in molecular genetics, only in the morning, no class in the afternoon.

Before leaving, Shu Yin habitually told Jing Rui: "remember to pick up Xi Xi Xi and me at 12 o'clock at noon. You can bring her some cake and a bottle of water. At noon, she is easy to be hungry. Oh, just buy the blueberry mousse she loved last time, and I'll have one too

After that, she took out a paper towel and wiped the corners of her lips for Jingxi. She carried a small schoolbag for her, put on her little baseball cap, and led her small hand out.

Jing Rui puts down the spoon and looks at the two men going out. However, what mood is surging in his heart.

At this moment, he felt that he had been like Shu Yin for many years.

She has a natural look and free speech. She loves Jingxi a lot. She takes care of her like a mother and grows up with her like a sister.

Jingzhi looks at her brother and goes out with Shuyin. She can't help muttering: "how can you look like a family of three? Am I a bit redundant? Oh, I'm so poor. My brother doesn't love my sister. I'm very handsome. How can I become a loner? "

Now he forgot that he was hiding faster than the tiger!

However, people have left, a table of food is all Jingzhi, and there is no Jingxi pit him, he can finally open his stomach to enjoy a good meal!

Jingzhi sweeps the food happily. Jingrui drives the car and takes Shuyin and her sister to school.

At the weekend, the number of students in the school decreased significantly. Everyone either went out to go shopping, or men and women went on a date or went to the cinema. The campus was quiet.

Jingrui stops the car on the side of the road and personally sends Shuyin and Jingxi to the classroom.

Just as soon as they got out of the car, a red sports car roared past, very fast, very arrogant.

Shuyin couldn't dodge, and was almost hit by that car!

Jing Rui quickly pulled her into his arms, but her thigh was still rubbed by the sports car.

Her face turned white with a cry of pain.

Jingrui originally wanted to stop the sports car, but he didn't know whether Shuyin's injury was serious or not. After all, he didn't go after him.He held Shuyin in his arms, his face was cold and almost killing, but his tone was soft: "Shuyin, where did you hurt? Don't go to class, go to the hospital now

Shuyin thigh hot pain, she released her hand, white casual pants are a dazzling red!

Although Jingxi had seen death and other people injured, it was the first time that someone close to him was injured.

When she saw Shu Yin hurt, she was extremely distressed. With tears in her big eyes, she said with a cry: "brother, that man hurt my sister! Don't let him go! Let's go to the hospital to see my sister's injury! "

Shu Yin's tolerance for pain is much stronger than ordinary people. Although her face turns white, she still smiles at Jingxi and says, "Xixi, I'm ok. Don't worry. It's just a small injury. That person just hit me and other students. She will certainly be punished."

It's not the first time that Shu Yin saw the sports car just now. The man often ran rampant in the school, but there was no major event, so he was always unscrupulous.

Such a driving method will kill you one day.

Shu Yin is also very angry of course, and would like to catch the driver and kick him two ribs!

But everyone ran away. She didn't want to add trouble to Jing Rui, and she didn't want to teach Jingxi to be too violent and bloody.

"He will be punished! Let's go to the hospital first, and I'll get someone to clean him up. "

Jing Rui said coldly, then picked up Shu Yin, walked two steps, put her back in the car.

Jingxi hurried to keep up with him. He sat in the car and raised his small face to ask whether Shuyin was tight.

Jing Rui drives to the hospital, and his anger almost ignites him!

It was a wonderful day, but it was all destroyed by a speeding driver on campus!

Shu Yin is injured. Jing Rui can't bear it!

With his strength, he doesn't need tolerance at all!

Somebody, bad luck! , the fastest update of the webnovel!