Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1057

Shu Yin's face is slightly red. Don't look at Jing Zhi, who only wears a pair of underpants, but she is so angry that she has to stamp her feet!

Fortunately, she didn't agree to take a bath with Jingxi. If she was not allowed to take a bath with Jingxi, she would not be seen by Jingzhi!

She looked down at herself. Fortunately, although her sweater was stained with water, there was no place to be exposed. She just rolled up her sleeves in order to give Jingxi a bath.

This man is so nervous that he doesn't even know to knock on the door when he enters the bathroom?

And why take yourself off like that and come in!

She didn't expect Jing Zhi to break in. She had already locked the bathroom!

Jingxi is covered with white bubbles. She looks at Jingzhi and runs away in confusion. She laughs and shouts: "second brother, you are gone!"

Jingzhi has not gone far. Hearing the little witch's words, she immediately looks down at her own bottom.

He's wearing boxer underwear. Where's all he's wearing?!

Jingzhi immediately yelled: "you just left! Your second brother, I'm wearing underpants! You're not wearing anything! "

Jingxi sits in the bathtub, slapping the water while giggling.

She's a child. It doesn't matter if she's not dressed. She's not a big breasted girl!

Second brother is really two!

Jing Zhi goes to the smaller bathroom on the second floor. He wants to open the door to get in, but he finds that the door is locked from inside!

He "Dong Dong Dong" knock on the door: "brother, I want to take a bath, you open the door!"

Jing Rui, who took a bath inside, said angrily, "go to another bathroom to wash it!"

There are several bathrooms in the villa. Why do you have to squeeze a bathroom with him?

"I'm not going to another bathroom, I'm going to wash it with you! Didn't we wash together when we were children? It's all men. What's the matter? Stop fiddling! Open the door, I'm cold

Jing Rui was angry with him and turned upside down!

Two big men take a bath together, such an embarrassing thing, Jingzhi actually said he was pinching and pinching!

When I was a child, I was forced to take a bath together!

And how can it be the same when I was a child!

"Go away! Wash it yourself

"You wash it for me!"

Jingzhi refused: "I am a brother, you are a brother, shouldn't you wash it for me?"

Jing Rui quickly took a shower, wiped himself, dressed, and then opened the bathroom door.

"Ha ha, brother, I said you would like to come with me Are you done with it? "

With a black face, Jingrui sees that he has only a pair of underpants on his head. He slaps him fiercely: "nonsense! The more you live, the more you go back

He finally knew why he heard the three of them scream.

Jingzhi must be dressed like this to hang out in their bathroom!

I don't know if Shuyin has been taken advantage of by Jingzhi. Jingrui goes downstairs and goes to Jingxi's bathroom. Then he sees Shu Yin dressed neatly and walks out with Jingxi in his arms.

Jingxi was wrapped in a big bath towel. When he saw him, he immediately complained: "brother, second brother is a rascal! He runs to our bathroom without clothes. Go and hit him

Jingzhi has strong hearing. When he enters the bathroom and hears Jingxi's complaint, he immediately comes out again and shouts on the second floor: "you're talking nonsense. I'm wearing underpants! It's not naked. It's all over the beach! "

These two headache brother and sister, began to quarrel again!

Jing Rui ignores them directly. He just needs to make sure Shu Yin is OK.

He took a bath from the light, Shu said

Shu Yin has not said anything, Jingzhi immediately quit!

"What do you mean, brother! Close the door? Is this against me? Cut, let me see, I don't look! What's good about a bamboo pole? I've seen more beautiful women with big breasts and thin waist, just like Zheng yuluo... "

When it comes to Zheng yuluo, Jingzhi's voice stops abruptly.

Hum, he won't tell them how good Zheng yuluo is!

The girl ran back to a city without saying a word. Sooner or later, the account should be calculated with her!

Jing Zhi turns around and goes into the bathroom to take a bath. Jingxi lies down in his brother's arms and laughs: "ha ha ha, the second elder brother has always been thinking about the lost sister! When I go back to tell her, she will be my second sister-in-law! "

She said, reaching out her small hand and patting Jing Rui's shoulder, she said with deep heart: "brother, you have to work hard! You see, the second elder brother is two years younger than you. He has found his daughter-in-law. You are so old. I'm worried that there is no woman around to take care of you. "

Shouldn't this be what my mother shangguanning said? Mom's lines were snatched by the little girl!

Jingrui reached out and rubbed her head: "jingblind is worried about so many things all day long! It's late. Go to bed

Shu Yin listened to the conversation between the two brothers and sisters, and found it hard to say it was funny.

Jing Xigu is very strange. She said this. Shu Yin actually guessed a little. The little girl said this in front of her.Does she want her to be her sister-in-law?

I'm afraid Jing Rui may not be willing to?

Shu Yin smiles and shakes her head and turns into the bathroom.

When Shu Yin left, Jing Xi hated iron and steel and pinched his brother: "brother, how stupid you are! You should have followed my words and asked me whether sister Shuyin should be my sister-in-law! I'm stupid. No wonder I haven't been in love since I was 20 years old. You are so cold and light, and you still cherish words like gold. Which girl would like to be with you? "

Jing Rui is still indifferent. He carries his sister to her small bedroom upstairs and takes a towel to wipe her hair.

"I know it in my mind. Don't make trouble."

Jingrui himself is not an easy emotional person, he is like Shu Yin, yes, but not to the kind of can die for her, for her desperate point.

In the end, their time together is too short, hazy like, there is a good distance from the deep love and attachment.

He will really be emotional to Shuyin's body, she can easily provoke him, and he is hard to control himself.

However, the physical reaction is only an instinct, and they are far from living and dying together.

He has plenty of time. He wants to take his time.

Feelings need to be cultivated. He hopes that his future family will be stable and full of warmth, just like his parents, and love each other for a lifetime.

"Brother, don't wipe my hair. Go to sister Shuyin's bathroom and wait outside. She will look for you soon."

Jing Rui doubts: "why?"

"Because, sister, in order to give you a chance, I took out the two bath towels and towels inside."

Jingxi said, showing his body's two towel to Jing Rui, and then took out two towels from his arms: "sister must have no towel, you go to send her a towel!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!