Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1056

The three of them had a good time. Jing Ruichang had never played like this since he was so old. He had a strong fighting power. At last, Shuyin and Jingxi were together, and the mineral water in their hands was directly sprayed on Jing Rui.

Not far away, the cold wind, which was responsible for the safety of three people, also had a kind of subordinates. They were all stunned.

They have followed Jing Rui for a long time, and have never seen him so childish.

Is Does love really lead to lower IQ?

In the sunset, the three figures stepped on the sunset, hand in hand to go home.

The afterglow of the setting sun stretched the shadow of the three people very long and beautiful.

"Today is my happiest day! Brother, sister, I love you! Do you love me? "

"Love you!"

"Love you."

Jingxi laughs and laughs, ha ha, does this calculate to let them confess to each other?

She was hopping and jumping all the way, and she was very happy.

The cold wind is driving Jingrui's car slowly following. All three people don't take the car, but they all want to stroll back. The school is at least 20 kilometers away from the villa. Isn't it a joke!

Is it because IQ is lower, or is it because Want to spoil women?

The wind in early spring was still cold, and the three people were all wet. As expected, they did not walk too long, so they got into the car.

When the cold wind is the driver, Jing Rui sits in the front passenger seat, and Jing Xi and Shu Yin sit in the back row.

Jingrui's overcoat is on the seat of the back row. Shu Yin is afraid of Jingxi's cold, and no matter how expensive his dress is, he takes it and wraps it on Jingxi's body.

However, Jingxi insisted that Shu Yin put it on. Shu Yin disagreed, so she made an idea: "sister, put on your coat and hold me, so that we are not cold!"

Jingxi thinks, in fact, the best way is to wear her coat and let her brother hold Shuyin!

So three people are warm!

It's a pity that sister Shuyin is too thin skinned. She won't let her brother hold her. However, it's the same with her brother's coat!

Finally, Shu Yin didn't twist the little girl. She put on Jing Rui's coat and held Jingxi in her arms. She took out the scarf in her backpack and used it as a towel to wipe Jingxi's hair.

With a faint smile, Jingrui turns the air conditioner in the car a little bigger.

I've played too much today. I hope both the big girl and the little girl don't have a cold.

The three returned to the villa after it was completely dark.

Shu Yin slightly sighed. When she left yesterday, she thought she would never come back again. Unexpectedly, after only one night, she came back.

But she really had a good time today. Jingxi is a happy fruit.

I don't know if there will be such pure happiness in the future.

She was suddenly reluctant to leave Jingxi. When Jingxi left and returned to city a, they didn't know when they could meet again.

Feelings are mutual.

Shu Yin can't give up Jing Xi, but Jing Xi is more dependent on her.

When she was at home, no one took her to play like this. Otherwise, she would be too busy to do damage.

Jingxi hugs Shuyin's arm and doesn't give up. Shuyin takes her to the bathroom with a smile and gives her a bath.

Since Jingxi came to North America, she has bathed herself.

Although she was only eight years old, she knew that men and women were different, and she would not let her brothers take a bath for her. Moreover, neither of her brothers could serve others at all, so she might as well wash it by herself.

In fact, her bath is just a shower gel and a shower.

Now finally someone can help her take a bath, Jingxi is very happy!

Jingrui looks at Shuyin holding Jingxi into the bathroom, suddenly feel that there is a woman at home seems to be really important.

He is really not good at taking care of children, especially Jingxi's self-care ability is very strong, he will not care about her too much.

He never paid attention to girls' bathing, changing clothes, combing their hair and applying moisturizing lotion. As a result, Jingxi came here, and when she was with her mother, she was a little bit worse!

Sure enough, it was a wise decision to let Shu Yin live here.

Jing Rui goes to another bathroom to have a bath in a happy mood. After Jingxi is stripped of all the Shu Yin, she has to wash with her.

Shu Yin is embarrassed to take a bath in front of another person, even if she is a little girl.

"I'll wash it for you first. I'll wash it after you've finished. It's inconvenient for two people to wash together, xixixigui."

Jingxi Du Du mouth: "sister, you see me all, I want to see you too!"

Shu Yin can't help laughing, she intimately scraped the girl's nose: "how old are you, we are not the same, come on, take a bath!"

Jingxi stretched out his finger and pointed to Shu Yin's towering chest: "is it different here?"

There were only two red beans on her chest.

Without Jing Rui, Shu Yin is more comfortable when she is asked by the little girl. She laughs and says, "it's different here. When you grow up, you'll be like this with your sister! So, you should eat well and grow up! ""Men like big chested girls?"

Shuyin, who was rubbing the bath for Jingxi, burst out laughing. She patted Jingxi's buttocks with joy: "who told you all this? You are so young that you shouldn't pay attention to these things. When you grow up, you will understand! "

"That's what my second brother said

The innocent Jing Zhi lies in the gun inexplicably. He has never told Jingxi this!

But Shu Yin didn't know. She thought that Jing Zhili had done such a thing. She despised him for "maiming" the underage children. She said, "well, you can play with me in the future. Don't play with your second brother!"

Jingxi is a little girl. If she is misled by Jingzhi, she will be in trouble!

When the time comes, how can a "big chest girl" do!

Jing Zhi, stabbed by his sister, has been busy outside for a whole day. In the evening, he comes to his brother directly. The little witch used to pester him every day, and he felt broken. But today, the little witch went to Shu Yin, and no one bothered him and tormented him. He was really not used to it. He always felt that there was something missing in his life.

Jingzhi deeply felt that he must have a tendency to be abused!

As soon as he entered the villa, there was no one at home.

He listened carefully, heard the sound of the water in the bathroom, and finally laughed with satisfaction.

Good family!

He didn't like to live alone in a villa.

He took himself off two or three times and was about to enter the bathroom in a pair of underpants.

Brother Xijing wants to take a bath with him in another bathroom!

Jingzhi thinks he is smart enough to judge. He thinks that the bigger bathroom on the first floor should be used by his brother. Then, he pushes the door of the bathroom.

< BR, there was a piercing sound in the villa! Jingzhi, why don't you wear clothes

"Second brother, you play rogue!"

"Why don't you close the door when you take a bath?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!